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Keynotes, Tutorials, Invited Talks, Seminars, and Presentations
- ML = Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence, etc.
- SC = Social Computing, Recommender Systems, etc.
- IR = Information Retrieval, Text Processing, etc.
- WI = Web Intelligence, Web Mining, Link Analysis, etc.
- MM = Multimedia, Computer Vision, Image Processing, etc.
- [May 10, 2010, misc | www]
- {From Neural Networks to Social Networks with a Detour to Human Computation Systems, Symposium Talk, Marriott Unveristy Park, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA}, May 10, 2010.
[ SC ]
- [May 7, 2010, misc | www]
- Irwin King, {Maximum Margin Semi- supervised Learning with Irrelevant Data, Seminar, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA}, May 7, 2010.
[ ML ]
- [April 26, 2010, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Michael R. Lyu, and Hao Ma, {Introduction to Social Recommendations, WWW2010 Tutorial, Raleigh, USA}, April 26, 2010.
[ ML | SC | WI ]
- [April 5, 2010, misc]
- Irwin King, {Social Computing and Its Application in Query Suggestion, Seminar, University of Tokyo, Japan}, April 5, 2010.
[ SC ]
- [April 2, 2010, misc]
- Irwin King, {The Emergence of Social Computing and Its Application in Query Suggestion, Seminar, University of Tsukuba, Japan}, April 2, 2010.
[ ML | SC | IR | WI ]
- [April 1, 2010, misc | www]
- Irwin King, {Introduction to Social Computing, DASFAA2010 Tutorial, Tsukuba, Japan}, April 1, 2010.
[ SC ]
- [March 6-7, 2010, misc | www]
- Irwin King, {Computer Ethics: A Case Study of Plagiarism in Higher Education, Keynote at the 2nd International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (ETCS2010), Wuhan, China}, March 6-7, 2010.
My ETCS2010 Page>> [ SC ]
- [February 15, 2010, misc]
- Irwin King, {The Emergence of Social Computing, AT&T Interactive, San Francisco, USA}, February 15, 2010.
[ SC ]
– 2009 –
- [December 11, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, {The Era of Social Computing, Invited Keynote at the Future Generation Information Technology (FGIT2009), Jeju Island, Korea}, December 11, 2009.
My FGIT2009 Page>> [ SC ]
- [December 3, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, {Computational Approaches in Social Computing, ICOINP2009 Tutorial, Bangkok, Thailand}, December 3, 2009.
[ SC ]
- [November 27, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, {Social Computing--The New Paradigm for Computing, Invited Talk at The Tsinghua-CUHK Joint Reseach Center, Shenzhen, China}, November 27, 2009.
Press Release>> [ SC ]
- [November 9, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, {Human Computation in Social Computing, Invited Talk at The First ACM Forum on Cyberspace and Social Computing (CyberSocialCom'09), Hangzhou, China}, November 9, 2009.
My CyberSocialCom2009 Page>> [ SC ]
- [November 6-8, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, {Maximum Margin Semi-supervised Learning With Irrelevant Data, Invited Talk at The 7th Chinese Workshop on Machine Learning and Applications (MLA'09), Nanjing University, Nanjing, China}, November 6-8, 2009.
My MLA2009 Page>>[ ML ]
- [October 8, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Social Computing and Its Influence in Education, Invited Talk at the 2009 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference,Taipei, Taiwan: , October 8, 2009.
My PNC2009 Page>>[ SC ]
- [June 26, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Education in the Age of Social Computing, Invited Keynote at the International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for Education (IWMTE2009),Taipei, Taiwan: , June 26, 2009.
My IWMTE2009 Page>> [ SC ]
- [June 25, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Semi-supervised Methods, Seminar at the Academia Sinica,Taipei, Taiwan: , June 25, 2009.
[ ML ]
- [June 18-20, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Social Computing, Keynote at the 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP'09),Chalkida, Greece: , June 18-20, 2009.
My IWSSIP2009 Page>> [ SC ]
- [April 30, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Why m-Learning is Important!, Invited Talk at the Hong Kong Mobility in Education Workshop, Hong Kong, April 30, 2009.
[ SC | WI | MM ]
- [April 20, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Introduction to Social Computing, WWW2009 Tutorial, Madrid, Spain, April 20, 2009.
My WWW2009 Tutorial Page>> [ ML | SC | IR | WI | MM ]
- [April 18, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Social Computing in Education, Seminar at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal, April 18, 2009.
[ SC ]
- [March 31, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Social Computing and Its Application in Query Suggestion, Seminar at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, March 31, 2009.
[ SC ]
- [March 29, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Introduction to Social Networks Mining and Search, Panel Session at ICDE2009, Shanghai, China, March 29, 2009.
My ICDE2009 Panel Page>> [ ML | SC | IR | WI | MM ]
- [March 7, 2009, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Social Computing in Education, Keynote at the 2009 International Symposium on Education and Computer Science (ECS2009), Wuhan, China, March 7, 2009.
My ECS2009 Page>> [ SC ]
– 2008 –
- [November 27, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Social Computing (Panel Session at ICONIP2008 on Neural network applications: The present and the future)Panel Session, ICONIP2008, Auckland, New Zealand: , November 27, 2008.
- [November 13, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Social Computing and Its Application in Query Sugestion (Seminar at the Helsinki University of Technoogy)Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland: , November 13, 2008.
- [November 9, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Machine Learning Techniques in Social Computing (Invited Talk at the 6th Workshop on Machine Learning and Applications (MLA2008))Nanjing University, Nanjing, China: , November 9, 2008.
- [October 28, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Learning Latent Semantic Relaions from Query Logs for Query Suggestion (Oral presentation at the ACM 17th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2008))Napa Valley, USA: , October 28, 2008.
- [October 17, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Wikis for Building a Collaborative Education Environment (Invited Talk)Invited Speaker, EXPO Excellence Online 2008: , October 17, 2008.
- [August 11, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Invited Talk: The Dos and Don'ts of Writing Grant Applications,CUHK Research Committee: , August 11, 2008.
- [June 5, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Panel Session: Funding Opportunities in Computational Intelligence,Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre: , June 5, 2008.
- [March 11, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Invited Talk: Social Networks in Web 2.0,Research and Development for Digital Archive Technologies and System Integration, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan: , March 11, 2008.
- [February 28, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Seminar Talk: The What and Why of Wikis,Seminar to local school teachers at the Engineering Faculty, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: , February 28, 2008.
- [February 21, 2008, misc | www]
- Irwin King, Invited Talk: Chinese Readability Assessment and Applications,The Web Scale Natural Language Processing Workshop which is sponsored by Microsoft Research Asia and hosted by Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST): , February 21, 2008.
– 2007 –
- [January 18, 2007, misc]
- Irwin King, Seminar Talk: Search Engine Technology and Social Network on the Internet at the Summer Engineering Academy,Engineering Faculty, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: , January 18, 2007.
- [January 31, 2007, misc]
- Irwin King, Seminar Talk: Wikis--Tools for Collaborative Content Management,Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), Hong Kong: , January 31, 2007.
- [March 7, 2007, misc]
- Irwin King, TV Interview: Web 2.0 and Data Mining,Hong Kong Cable TV: , March 7, 2007.
TV Interview in Quicktime Movie, 18M ]
- [September 4, 2006, misc]
- Irwin King, TV Interview: On Wiki,Hong Kong Cable TV: , September 4, 2006.
TV Interview in Quicktime Movie, 150M ]