{{page>pb:TOC&nofooter}} ====== Journal Articles ====== /* * ACM TOIS, SCI(2004)=4.097 * Decision Support Systems, SCI(2007)=1.119 * IEEE BME, SCI(2004)=1.815 * IEEE SMC Part B, SCI(2007)=1.353 * IEEE TNN, SCI(2004)=2.178 * IJPRAI, SCI(2004)=0.588 * JAMC, SCI(2004)=0.567 * JASIST, SCI(2004)=2.086 * JMLR, SCI(2004)=5.952 * Neural Networks, SCI(2007)=1.951 * Neurocomputing, SCI(2007)=0.865 * Pattern Recognition, SCI(2003)=1.611 * Spatial Vision, SCI(1998)=0.887 */ * ML = Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence, etc. * SC = Social Computing, Recommender Systems, etc. * IR = Information Retrieval, Text Processing, etc. * WI = Web Intelligence, Web Mining, Link Analysis, etc. * MM = Multimedia, Computer Vision, Image Processing, etc. /* [ ML | SC | IR | WI | MM ] */ - @article{DBLP:journals/tsmc/DengKL12, author = {Hongbo Deng and Irwin King and Michael R. Lyu}, title = {Enhanced Models for Expertise Retrieval Using Community-Aware Strategies}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B}, volume = {42}, number = {1}, year = {2012}, pages = {93-106}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSMCB.2011.2161980}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} }

**(ISI(2011)=3.01)** [ ML | SC | IR | WI ]

- @article{DBLP:journals/ijon/RugerRKH12, author = {Stefan M. R{\"u}ger and Vijay V. Raghavan and Irwin King and Jimmy Xiangji Huang}, title = {Special issue on advances in web intelligence}, journal = {Neurocomputing}, volume = {76}, number = {1}, year = {2012}, pages = {48-49}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2011.07.006}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} }

**(ISI(2011)=1.429)** [ ML | SC | IR | WI ]

- @article{DBLP:journals/procedia/MoKL11, author = {Mingzhen Mo and Irwin King and Kwong-Sak Leung}, title = {Empirical Comparisons of Attack and Protection Algorithms for Online Social Networks}, journal = {Procedia CS}, volume = {5}, year = {2011}, pages = {705-712}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2011.07.092}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MiamiImageURL&_cid=280203&_user=10&_pii=S1877050911004170&_check=y&_origin=browse&_zone=rslt_list_item&_coverDate=2011-12-31&wchp=dGLbVlk-zSkWb&md5=a26d5891bd6159115988ef40337f110b/1-s2.0-S1877050911004170-main.pdf}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} }

**(ISI(2011)=XXX)** [ ML | SC | IR | WI ]

- @article{TKDE2010-Ma, Author = {Ma, Hao and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael R.}, Date-Added = {2010-08-06 22:43:14 -0700}, Date-Modified = {2010-08-06 22:44:35 -0700}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}, Title = {Mining Web Graphs for Recommendations}, Year = {Accepted}}

**(ISI(2009)=2.285)** [ ML | SC | IR | WI ]

- @article{TSC2011-Zheng, Author = {Zheng, Zibin and Ma, Hao and Lyu, Michael R. and King, Irwin}, Date-Added = {2011-06-20 17:50:07 -0700}, Date-Modified = {2011-06-20 17:52:26 -0700}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Service Computing}, Number = {2}, Pages = {140-152}, Title = {QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation by Collaborative Filtering}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TSC2011-Zheng.pdf}, Volume = {4}, Year = {2011}}

**(ISI(XXX)=XXX)** [ SC | WI ]

- @article{TIST2011-Ma, Author = {Ma, Hao and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael R.}, Date-Added = {2010-09-01 09:10:19 -0700}, Date-Modified = {2011-06-20 18:17:54 -0700}, Journal = {ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)}, Keywords = {Recommender systems, matrix factorization, social network, social trust ensemble}, Month = {May}, Number = {3}, Pages = {29:1--29:19}, Title = {Learning to Recommend with Explicit and Implicit Social Relations}, Url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1961189.1961201}, Volume = {2}, Year = {2011}}

**(ISI(XXX)=XXX)** [ ML | SC | IR | WI ]

- @article{TOIS2011-Ma, Author = {Ma, Hao and Zhou, Tom Chao and Lyu, Michael R. and King, Irwin}, Date-Added = {2010-08-30 16:30:56 -0700}, Date-Modified = {2011-06-20 18:16:11 -0700}, Journal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)}, Keywords = {Recommender systems, collaborative filtering, matrix factorization, social network, tags}, Month = {April}, Number = {2}, Pages = {9:1--9:23}, Title = {Improving Recommender Systems by Incorporating Social Contextual Information}, Url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1961209.1961212}, Volume = {29}, Year = {2011}}

**(ISI(2009)=1.667)** [ ML | SC | IR | WI ]

- @article{ajiips2010-Wang, Author = {Wang, Wei and King, Irwin}, Date-Added = {2010-09-12 23:06:42 -0700}, Date-Modified = {2011-06-20 17:49:17 -0700}, Journal = {Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems}, Note = {\#, Regular paper, XXX/XXX=XXX\%}, Number = {1}, Pages = {35--40}, Title = {Label Ranking with Semi Supervised Learning}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/AJIIPS_vol12n1-Wang.pdf}, Volume = {2}, Year = {2010}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/ICONIP2009-Yang.pdf}}

**(AR: XXX/XXX (XXX%))** [ ML | SC ]

- @article{TMM2010-Ma, Author = {Ma, Hao and Zhu, Jacky and Lyu, Michael R. and King, Irwin}, Date-Added = {2010-09-01 19:54:50 -0700}, Date-Modified = {2010-09-01 19:56:08 -0700}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)}, Month = {August}, Number = {5}, Pages = {462--473}, Title = {Bridging the Semantic Gap between Image Contents and Tags}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TMM2010-Ma.pdf}, Volume = {12}, Year = {2010}}

**(ISI(2009)=1.822)** [ SC | IR | MM ]

- @article{xu2010a, Author = {Xu, Zenglin and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael and Jin, Rong}, Date-Added = {2010-03-22 17:10:41 +0800}, Date-Modified = {2011-01-03 13:19:19 -0800}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks}, Month = {July }, Note = {ISI(2009)=3.726, SCI(2007)=2.769}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1033--1047}, Title = {Discriminative Semi-supervised Feature Selection via Manifold Regularization}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TNN2010_Xu.pdf}, Volume = {21}, Year = {2010}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TNN2010_Xu.pdf}}

**(ISI(2009)=3.726)** [ ML ]

- @article{dss09-du, Author = {Du, Timon C. and Li, Feng and King, Irwin}, Date-Added = {2009-02-17 01:32:55 +0800}, Date-Modified = {2009-10-12 10:15:21 +0800}, Journal = {Decision Support Systems}, Month = {October }, Note = {ISI(2009)=1.873, SCI(2007)=1.119}, Pages = {319--331}, Title = {Managing Knowledge on the Web--Extracting an Ontology from HTML Documents}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/DSS-Oct-2009.pdf}, Volume = {47}, Year = {October 2009}}

**(ISI(2009)=1.873, SCI(2007)=1.119)** [ IR | WI ]

- @article{nn09-xu, Author = {Xu, Zenglin and Huang, Kaizhu and Zhu, Jianke and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael R.}, Date-Added = {2009-02-17 01:32:55 +0800}, Date-Modified = {2009-09-07 12:54:49 +0800}, Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2008.11.005}, Journal = {Neural Networks}, Note = {ISI(2009)=2.656, SCI(2007)=1.951}, Number = {7}, Pages = {977--987}, Title = {A Novel Kernel-based Maximum A Posteriori Classification Method}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/NN2009-Xu.pdf}, Volume = {22}, Year = {September 2009}}

**(ISI(2009)=2.656, SCI(2007)=1.951)** [ ML | IR ]

- @article{neurocomputing08-yang, Author = {Yang, Haiqin and Huang, Kaizhu and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael R.}, Date-Added = {2009-02-17 01:32:55 +0800}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-06 23:17:25 +0800}, Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2008.09.014}, Journal = {Neurocomputing}, Month = {June}, Note = {ISI(2009)=1.234, SCI(2007)=0.865}, Number = {10-12}, Optannote = {NEUCOM-D-07-00608R1}, Pages = {2659--2669}, Title = {Localized Support Vector Regression for Time Series Prediction}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/Neurocomputing2009-Yang.pdf}, Volume = {72}, Year = {June 2009}}

**(ISI(2009)=1.234, SCI(2007)=0.865)** [ ML ]

- @article{smc09-yang, Author = {Yang, Haixuan and Lyu, Michael R. and King, Irwin}, Date-Added = {2009-02-17 01:32:55 +0800}, Date-Modified = {2009-02-28 23:22:07 +0800}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics}, Month = {April}, Note = {ISI(2009)=2.361, SCI(2007)=1.353}, Number = {2}, Pages = {417--430}, Title = {A Volume-based Heat Diffusion Classifier}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TSMCB2009-Yang.pdf}, Volume = {39}, Year = {April 2009}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TSMCB2009-Yang.pdf}}

**(ISI(2009)=2.361, SCI(2007)=1.353)** [ ML ]

- @article{neurocomputing09-peng, Author = {Peng, Xiang and King, Irwin}, Date-Added = {2009-02-17 01:32:55 +0800}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-06 23:26:30 +0800}, Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2008.11.020}, Journal = {Neurocomputing}, Month = {March}, Note = {ISI(2009)=1.234, SCI(2007)=0.865}, Number = {7-9}, Optannote = {NEUCOM-D-07-00259R1}, Pages = {2046--2051}, Title = {A Biased Minimax Probability Machine-based Scheme for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/Neurocomputing2009-Peng.pdf}, Volume = {72}, Year = {March 2009}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2008.11.020}}

**(ISI(2009)=1.234, SCI(2007)=0.865)** [ ML | IR | MM ]

- @article{Huang09a, Author = {Huang, Kaizhu and Zheng, Danian and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael R.}, Date-Added = {2009-02-27 17:03:36 +0800}, Date-Modified = {2009-02-27 17:08:33 +0800}, Journal = {Neural Computation}, Note = {ISI(2009)=2.378, SCI(2007)=2.335}, Number = {2}, Pages = {560--582}, Title = {Arbitrary Norm Support Vector Machines}, Url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/NeuralComp2009.pdf}, Volume = {21}, Year = {February 2009}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/NeuralComp2009.pdf}}

**(ISI(2009)=2.378, SCI(2007)=2.335)** [ ML ]

- @Article{huang08, author = {Huang, Kaizhu and Yang, Haiqin and Lyu, Michael R. and King, Irwin}, title = {Maxi-Min Margin Machine: Learning Large Margin Classifiers Locally and Globally}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks}, year = {February 2008}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {260--272}, month = {February}, note = {SCI(2007)=2.769}, OPTurl = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TNN.2007.905855}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TNN2008_Huang.pdf}, OPTannote = {} }

**(SCI(2007)=2.769)** [ ML ]

- @Article{peng07a, author = {Peng, Xiang and King, Irwin}, title = {Robust {BMPM} Training Based on Second Order Cone Programming and Its Application in Medical Diagnosis Tasks}, journal = {Neural Networks}, year = {March 2008}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {21}, number = {2-3}, pages = {450--457}, month = {March}, note = {SCI(2006)=2.0}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/nn2008.pdf}, OPTannote = {} }

**(SCI(2006)=2.0)** [ ML ]

- @Article{ijprai07-xu, author = {Xu, Zenglin and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael R.}, title = {Feature Selection Based on Minimum Error Minimax Probability Machine}, journal = {International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence}, year = {December 2007}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {21}, number = {8}, pages = {1279--1292}, month = {December}, note = {SCI(2004)=0.588}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0218001407005958}, url = {}, OPTannote = {} }

**(SCI(2004)=0.588)** [ ML ]

- @Article{yang07, author = {Yang, Haixuan and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael R.}, title = {The Generalized Dependency Degree Between Attributes}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology}, year = {September 2007}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {58}, number = {14}, pages = {2280--2294}, OPTmonth = {}, note = {SCI(2004)=2.086}, OPTannote = {}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/JASIST2007_Yang.pdf} }

**(SCI(2004)=2.086)** [ ML ]

- @Article{huang05b, author = {Huang, Kaizhu and Yang, Haiqin and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael R.}, title = {Imbalanced Learning With Biased Minimax Probability Machine}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics Part B}, year = {August 2006}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {36}, number = {4}, pages = {913--923}, month = {August}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/SMCB2006_Huang.pdf}, opturl = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=3477}, note = {SCI(2004)=1.052}, OPTannote = {} }

**(SCI(2004)=1.052)** [ ML ]

- @Article{huang05a, author = {Huang, Kaizhu and Yang, Haiqin and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael R.}, title = {Maximizing Sensitivity in Medical Diagnosis Using Biased Minimax Probability Machine}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering}, year = {May 2006}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {53}, number = {5}, pages = {821--831}, month = {May}, opturl = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=10}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TBE2006_Huang.pdf}, note = {SCI(2004)=1.815}, OPTannote = {} }

**(SCI(2004)=1.815)** [ ML ]

- @Article{leung06, author = {Leung, K.S. and King, Irwin and Wong, Y.B.}, title = {A Probabilistic Cooperative-Competitive Hierarchical Model for Global Optimization}, journal = {Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation}, year = {April 2006}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {175}, number = {2}, pages = {1092--1124}, month = {15 April}, note = {SCI(2004)=0.567}, OPTannote = {} }

**(SCI(2004)=0.567)** [ ML ]

- @Article{Huang_JMLR04A, author = "Huang, Kaizhu and Yang, Haiqin and King, Irwin and Lyu, Michael~R. and Chan, Laiwan", title = "Minimum Error Minimax Probability Machine", journal = "Journal of Machine Learning Research", volume = 5, month = "October", pages = "1253--1286", year = {October 2004}, url = {http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume5/huang04a/huang04a.pdf}, note = {SCI(2004)=5.952} }

**(SCI(2004)=5.952)** [ ML ]

- @article{king04a, author = {King, Irwin and Ng, Cheuk Hang and Sia, Ka Cheung}, title = {Distributed Content-Based Visual Information Retrieval System on Peer-to-Peer Networks}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems}, year = {July 2004}, volume = 22, number = 3, issn = {1046-8188}, pages = {477--501}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1010614.1010619}, publisher = {ACM Press}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TOIS2004_King.pdf}, note = {SCI(2004)=4.097} }

**(SCI(2004)=4.097)** [ IR | WI | MM ]

- @article{xiong04, author = {Xiong, Huilin and Swamy, M.N.S. and Ahmad, M.O. and King, Irwin}, title = {Branching Competitive learning Network: A Novel Self-Creating Model}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks}, year = {July 2004}, volume = 15, number = 2, month = {July}, pages = {417--429}, opturl = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/72/28719/01288245.pdf?tp=&arnumber=1288245&isnumber=28719}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/TNN2004_Xiong.pdf}, note = {SCI(2004)=2.178} }

**(SCI(2004)=2.178)** [ ML ]

- @article{king03, author = {King, Irwin and Zhong, Jin}, title = {Integrated Probability Function and Its Application to Content-Based Image Retrieval By Relevance Feedback}, journal = {Pattern Recognition}, year = {September 2003}, volume = 36, number = 9, month = {September}, pages = {2177--2186}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/%7Eking/PUB/PR36-9.pdf}, note = {SCI(2003)=1.611} }

**(SCI(2003)=1.611)** [ ML | IR | MM ]

- @Article{king03c, author = {King, Irwin and Rojas, R. and Dubitzky, W.}, title = {Book Reviews: Advances in Large Margin Classifiers}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks}, year = {July 2003}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, pages = {968--970}, month = {July}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/%7Eking/PUB/IEEETNNBookreview03.pdf}, note = {SCI(2003)=1.666}, OPTannote = {} }

**(SCI(2003)=1.666)** [ ML ]

- @article{chowdhury01, author = {Chowdhury, Rezaul Alam and Kaykobad, M. and King, Irwin}, title = {An Efficient Decoding Technique for {Huffman} Codes}, journal = {Information Processing Letter}, year = {March 2002}, volume = 81, number = 6, pages = {305--308}, month = {March}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/%7Eking/PUB/ipl02.pdf}, note = {SCI(2002)=0.331} }

**(SCI(2002)=0.331)** [ IR ]

- @article{xu01, author = {Xu, Lei and King, Irwin}, title = {A {PCA} Approach for Fast Retrieval of Structural Patterns in Attributed Graphs}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics}, year = {October 2001}, volume = 31, number = 5, month = {October}, pages = {812--817}, note = {SCI(2001)=0.789}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/xu01.pdf}, OPTnote = {sent to SMC on 97/11/4, SMC-097-11-1157, CUHK-33-6-1} }

**(SCI(2001)=0.789)** [ ML | IR ]

- @article{tung00, author = {Tung, L.~H. and King, I.}, title = {A Two-Stage Framework for Polygon Retrieval}, journal = {Multimedia Tools and Applications}, volume = 11, number = 2, pages = {235--255}, year = 2000, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/MTA2000_Tung.pdf}, note = {SCI(2000)=0.154}, note = {CUHK-35, CUHK-33-6-3} }

**(SCI(2000)=0.154)** [ IR | MM ]

- @article{adjeroh99, author = {Adjeroh, D.A. and Lee, M.C. and King, I.}, title = {A Distance Measure for Video Sequences}, journal = {Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding}, volume = {75}, number = {1}, pages = {25--45}, year = {1999}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {CA, USA}, note = {SCI(1999)=0.938}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/cviu99.pdf}, OPTnote = {CUHK-34, Submitted: July 1998, CUHK-33-6-4} }

**(SCI(1999)=0.938)** [ IR | MM ]

- @article{or98, author = {Or, Siu-hang and Luk, W.~S. and Wong, Kin-hong and King, Irwin}, title = {An efficient iterative pose estimation algorithm}, journal = {Image and Vision Computing}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {355--364}, url = {http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/IVC1998_Or.pdf}, year = {1998}, note = {SCI(1998)=0.431}, OPTnote = {CUHK-36,second revision sent out on 97/11/1, CUHK-33-6-5} }

**(SCI(1998)=0.431)** [ MM ]

- @article{fiser97, author = {Fiser, J. and King, I.}, title = {Gabor-wavelet decomposition based filtering of gray-level images for object recognition experiments}, journal = {Spatial Vision}, volume = 11, number = 1, year = {1997}, pages = {117--119}, note = {SCI(1998)=0.887}, OPTnote = {CUHK-23} }

**(SCI(1998)=0.887)** [ MM ]

- @article{king95d, author = {King, I.}, title = {Report on the Computer Strategy Game Programming Workshop}, journal = {International Computer Chess Association Journal}, month = {June}, year = {June 1995}, pages = {113--115}, OPTnote = {CUHK-6} } \\ - @article{king94a, author = {King, I. and Fiser, J.}, title = {Generating Complementary Gray Level Images with the Use of {Gabor} Wavelets for Object Recognition Experiments}, journal = {J. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers}, volume = {27}, number = {4}, pages = {433--441}, year = {1995}, OPTnote = {CUHK-4} }

[ MM ]