====== Group Photo ======
{{:people:img_2464.jpg?400 |}} Almost everybody and more! Taken on 2009/12/30
====== Current Students, Associates, and Staff ======
/* They are [[:home#People|here]] on the [[:home|Home]] page.
The complete list is available <[[people:home|here]]>. */
===== Postdoctoral Fellows =====
* {{people:hqyang_s.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Haiqin YANG]], Ph.D., 2010.\\ Machine learning, optimization techniques, classification
===== Postdoctoral Associates =====
* {{people:hbdeng1.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Hongbo DENG]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2006.\\ Information retrieval, Web search, data mining, academic social network mining
===== Visiting Scholars =====
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Maoyuan Zhang]], 華中師範大學, 2012.
===== Ph.D. Candidates =====
* {{::people:yfgao_shb.jpeg?70 |}} [[http://Yifan-Gao.github.io|Yifan Gao]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Wenxiang_Jiao]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Jingjing_Li]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017.
* {{:people:bai_haoli2.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Haoli Bai]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2017.
* {{::people:chen_wang.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Wang_Chen]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2016.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Yaoman_Li]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2016.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Pengpeng_Liu]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2016.
* {{::people:wy.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Yue_Wang]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2016.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Jiani_Zhang]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2015.
* {{:people:jczeng.jpg?70 |}} [[https://zengjichuan.github.io|Jichuan_Zeng]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2015.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Xiaotian YU]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2014.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Yuxin_Su]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2014.
*{{:people:tong.png?90 |}}[[People:Tong_Zhao]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2013.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Xixian_Chen]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2013.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Hongyi_Zhang]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2012.
* {{:people:shenglin3.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Shenglin_Zhao]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2012.
===== M.Phil. Candidates =====
===== Other Research/Technical Staff =====
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Tak Pang LAU]] (Patrick), Computer Officer II, 2006.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Chi Fai YEUNG]] (Raymond), Research Assistant, 2010.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Kai Wai YAU]] (Ivan), Research Assistant, 2008.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Man Yi FOK]] (Sara), Research Assistant, 2009.
====== Former Students, Associates, and Staff ======
* {{:people:Ken.jpg?70 |}} [[https://kenchan0226.github.io|Hou-Pong_Chan]] (Ken), Ph.D. 2020.
* {{::people:hanshao.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Han_Shao]], M.Phil., 2016- 2019.
* {{:people:priyanka.jpg?70 |}}[[People:Priyanka GARG]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2010.\\ Social Networks, Graph Algorithms
* {{people:Connie_YUEN.jpg?70 |}}[[People:Connie YUEN]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2009.\\ Crowdsourcing, Human Computation, Recommendation System
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Chen_Cheng]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2011.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Guang_Ling]], Ph.D., 2015.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Shouyuan_Chen]], Ph.D., 2014.
* {{:people:bcli.jpg?70 |}}[[People:Baichuan LI]], Ph.D., 2014.\\ Data Mining, Machine Learning
* {{people:chaozhou.jpg?70 |}}[[People:Tom Chao Zhou]], Ph.D., 2013.\\ Information retrieval, Machine learning, Social tagging, Recommender System, Question and Answering
* {{people:xiaofeng_yu.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Xiaofeng_YU]], Ph.D., 2010.\\ Text mining, information extraction, and natural language processing\\ Information retrieval, Web search and Web data mining\\ Machine learning and artificial intelligence
* {{people:wdy2.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Dingyan WANG]] (Flame), M.Phil., 2009-2011.\\
* {{people:wangwei.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Wei WANG]], M.Phil., 2009-2011. \\
Machine learning,semi-supervised learning.
* {{people:mingzhen-bighead.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Mingzhen MO]], M.Phil., 2009-2011.\\
Semi-Supervised Learning, Data Mining.
* {{:people:zhuyi2.jpg?70 |}}[[People:Yi ZHU]], M.Phil., 2009-2011.\\ Machine Learning, Web Mining, Social Computing
* {{people:p1013160.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Xin XIN]], Ph.D., 2008-2011.\\ Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)
* {{people:allen.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Zhengjiang LIN]], Ph.D., 2005-2011.\\ Similarity ranking
* {{people:lamchofung.jpg?70 |}} [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~funglam|Cho Fung LAM]] (Fung), Research Assistant, 2008.
* {{people:haoma.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Hao MA]], Ph.D., 2010.\\ Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Recommender Systems, Social Network Analysis
* {{:people:xubo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Bo Xu]], Visiting Scholar, November 2010 to January 2011. Machine Learning, Data Mining, Dimensionality reduction
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Guosheng Wang]], Honorary Research Associate, 2010.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Kei Hon MOK]] (Simon), Analyst Programmer, 2008.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Shogo Matsuki]], Junior Research Assistant, Summer 2009.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Chi Hong CHEONG]] (Hong), Research Assistant, 2009.
* {{people:ktchan.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Kam Tong CHAN]] (Thomas), M.Phil. 2009.\\ Currently with Oracle Limited, Hong Kong.
* {{people:ben.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Zenglin XU]], Ph.D., 2008, The Chinese University of Hong Kong\\ Machine learning, semi-supervised learning, optimization techniques, classification\\ November 2008. Postdoc Associate.
* {{people:rozyang.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Zhirong Yang]], Ph.D., 2008, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland\\ Machine learning, dimensionality reduction, visualization, matrix factorization\\ April 2009. Postdoc Associate.
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Jessie LI]], Research Assistant, December 2008 to May 2009.
* {{people:huangkaizhu.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Kaizhu Huang]], Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007.
**Research Interests**: statistical machine learning, pattern recognition, character recognition, information retrieval, image process.
* {{people:haixuan.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Haixuan YANG]], Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007.
**Research Interests**: machine learning, web mining, information systems, information retrieval
* {{people:weiwei.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Wei WEI]], Ph.D. Candidate, 2007.\\ Social gaming
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Adrian TAM]], Research Assistant with Prof. Jimmy Lee, 2006--2007.\\ Ph.D. Candidate, City University of New York
* {{people:xiang.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Xiang PENG]], M.Phil., 2005--2007.\\ Financial Company, Hong Kong\\ @MastersThesis{xpeng07thesis,
author = {Peng, Xiang},
title = {Biased Classification for Relevance Feedback in
Content-based Image Retrieval},
school = {Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong},
year = {2007},
OPTkey = {},
OPTtype = {},
address = {Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
CUHK, Shatin, NT},
month = {August},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {},
url =
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Tak Pang Lau]], M.Phil., 2004--2006.\\ CUPIDE Team, CUHK\\ @MastersThesis{tplau06thesis,
author = {Lau, Tak Pang},
title = {Chinese Readability Analysis and Its Applications on
the Internet},
school = {Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong},
year = {2006},
OPTkey = {},
OPTtype = {},
address = {Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
CUHK, Shatin, NT},
month = {August},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {},
url =
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Hackker Wong|Wan Yeung WONG (Hackker)]],\\ __Information retrieval and query routing in peer-to-peer networks__. Master's thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, August 2005.\\ **Chou San San Securities**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/thesis_wywong.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Shi LU (Louis),\\ __Content analysis and summarization for video documents__. Master's thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, December 2004.\\ **Microsoft, Shanghai**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/thesis_slu.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Chi-Hang CHAN (Panda).\\ __Using biased support vector machine in image retrieval with self-organizing map__. Master's thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, August 2004.\\ **System Analyst, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/thesis_chchan.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} [[People:Kaizhu HUANG]],\\ __Learning From Data Locally and Globally__. PhD thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUHK, September 2004.\\ **Fujitsu China Limited**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/thesis_kzhuang.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Haiqin YANG.\\ __Margin Variations in Support Vector Regression for the Stock Market Prediction__, M. Phil. 2003. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ Applying for Ph.D. program. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/hqyang_thesis.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Wan ZHANG (Precious).\\ __Fast Training of SVM with $\beta$-neighbor Editing__, M. Phil. 2003. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ **Ph.D. Candidate, City University of Hong Kong**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/wzhang_thesis.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Ka-Cheung SIA (Richard).\\ __Content-Based image Retrieval:Reading One's Mind and Helping People Share__, M. Phil. 2003. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ **Ph.D. Candidate, University of California at Los Angeles**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/kcsia_thesis.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Cheuk-Hang NG (Gary).\\ __Peer Clustering and Firework Query Model in Peer-to-Peer Networks__, M. Phil. 2003. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ **Teacher, Valtorta College**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/chng_thesis.pdf|pdf]] | [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/chng_thesis.ppt|ppt]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Chi-Wai LEE (Anson).\\ __A Web-Based Agent Service Platform for E-Commerce Applications__, M. Phil. 2001. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ **Manual Life**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/cwlee_thesis.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Ho-Yin YUE (Willy).\\ __Fuzzy Clustering for Content-based Indexing in Multimedia Database__, M. Phil. 2001.\\ **Ph.D. Candidate, The Chinese University of Hong Kong**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/willy_thesis.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Yuk Ming CHAN (David).\\ __Shape-Based Image Retrieval in Iconic Image Databases__, M. Phil. 1999. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ **Hong Kong Bank**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/david_thesis.ps.gz|gzip]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Yin Bun WONG (Terence).\\ __A Probabilistic Cooperative-Competitive Hierarchical Search Model__, M. Phil. 1998. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ **Computer Officer, Department of Computer Science, CUHK**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/wongyb_mphil_thesis.pdf|pdf]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Tak Kan LAU (Dick).\\ __Rival Penalized Competitive Learning for Content-Based Indexing__, M. Phil. 1998. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/dick_thesis.ps.gz|gzip]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Lun Hsing TUNG (Alan).\\ __A Two-Stage Framework for Polygon Retrieval__, M. Phil. 1997. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/alan_thesis.ps.gz|gzip]] ]
* {{:no_photo.jpg?70 |}} Wai Kit CHAN (Horace).\\ __Application of Temporal Difference Learning and Supervised Learning in the Game of Go__, M. Phil. 1996. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.\\ **Andersen Consulting**. [ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/horace_thesis.ps.gz|gzip]] ]