Information for Poster Presentations
All poster presentations will be held on 7 December 2018 during lunch break.
A Poster is a display illustrating a project or a theory. There is a scheduled opportunity for the presenters to discuss the material with interested participants.
Each accepted presenter will be given a notice board for them to present their teaching and learning ideas in a poster format. Presenters are expected to be ready in front of their display during the lunch break.
The recommended size of the physical poster is 140 cm in height and 90 cm in width.
Poster Exhibition
The posters will be exhibited at the venue from 7 to 17 December 2018.
Submit Presentation Video (optional)
It is optional for successful applicants to submit a short presentation video. All submitted videos will be made available to the public BEFORE the event day.
Paper Submission (optional)
It is optional for successful applicants to submit a short paper (4-6 pages). All submitted papers will be published on Expo website.
Designing your posters
The useable area of the poster board is 140 cm in height and 90 cm in width. The recommended size of the physical poster is 140 cm in height and 90 cm in width and it cannot exceed the poster board.
Make sure you have information about the presentation topic, name of the author(s) and affiliation on the poster.
Using columns is a good idea. Then the presentation format can be presented in a number of columns, beginning at the left-hand side of the board.
A brief introduction, clear explanation of the project/ teaching and learning strategy, and evaluation results (if available) should be clearly displayed on the poster.
Focus on a few main points using clear and sufficient graphics.
Consider using outlines or dot points for the poster presentation.
Use a clear and readable font size.
Please confirm the images that you provided are high enough in resolution and do not contain any copyright infringement materials.
If your project is funded by a university/ external grant (e.g. UGC, TDLEG, MMCDG, CDG), we suggest acknowledgement of the source of funding (if applicable) should be indicated on the poster.
Free poster printing, set-up poster and important dates
Free poster printing services
We offer free-of-charge poster printing service for poster presenters. Accepted presenters can send the poster softcopy in PDF/JPEG format to expo@cuhk.edu.hk for free printing (standard PVC poster) by 22 November 2018.
Each poster is not larger than the poster board display area and we do not offer editing service for your poster. If the file size is larger than 15MB, it is strongly advised that you send it via your cloud storage platform (e.g. Office 365 OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive…).
Set-up poster
Poster boards will be set up for every presenter 1 day before Expo.
If you joined free poster printing service, our staff will help you to set up the poster
If you print the poster by yourself, please send us your poster to the address below by 3 December 2018: CLEAR, Rm 502, Hui Yeung Shing Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Alternatively, you can bring your poster to 1/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, from 2:00pm-3:30pm on 6 December 2018.)
The notice board arrangements
The order and location of your poster will be updated on the Expo’s website one week prior to the event or you could check the board arrangement with the conference helpers at the location.
Presenters are reminded not to remove the posters after the event. The posters are to stay for extended poster exhibition. The organising committee will be responsible for collecting posters after the whole exhibition period and contact you to negotiate a way for return.
Live demonstration
If your planning to request an area for live demonstration (e.g. VR / AR, installation/device large enough and could not be placed on desk) during poster presentation, contact the organising team before 9 Nov 2018 for further arrangement.
Supplementary materials to be considered
You can bring handouts, pamphlets or supplementary materials in order to assist participants to understand your innovative materials/ studies.
Wireless network covers most areas of the venue, presenters are recommended to bring along fully charged mobile devices or spare extension power sockets.
You are earnestly requested to attend to your poster and/ or demonstration stations during the poster presentation session on the date of Expo. The main purpose is to explain and demonstrate your teaching and learning project, development or project to any interested parties and answer queries. This is a good way to find new collaborators.
If you are not available to attend the poster presentation/ demonstration on the day, you can assign your delegate(s)/ colleague(s) to facilitate the session for you. In this case, you are encouraged to inform the Expo team about the arrangements as soon as possible. Make sure that the representative(s) knows about the arrangements of poster presentation.
You and/ or your delegate are welcome to bring along additional helpers to support the facilitation. However, the maximum number of all the facilitators for each station should be limited to 5. [Visitor Registration]
Best poster and/or demonstration award
An award will be given to the best poster whose poster presentation and/ or demonstration that best addresses the innovative projects/ strategies for teaching and learning. The results will be announced at the closing ceremony.
Judgment of the posters and/ or demonstration is made by all participants, presenters and a panel of fellow professors of the University. Each participant will be given one vote on the day of the event.
Posters will be reviewed and scored based on the following criteria:-
Topic/ abstract/ videos - Addresses eLearning for teaching and learning purposes (promotion of innovation strategies that are transferable to multiple contexts).
Poster content - Explains the project clearly. If the project is still ongoing and evaluation results are not yet generated, more emphasis can be put on the explanation of objectives and approaches.
Presentation - Clear, concise and coherently sequenced explanations of the innovations.
Question handling - Responds clearly, and demonstrates understanding of the project in terms of the objectives, method, results, and the relevant knowledge of subject area when answering enquiries.
Length and content
The length of the video should be within 3 minutes.
Purpose of the video is to give viewer a quick introduction of the work done.
No video editing services will be provided to presenters.
All submitted videos will be made available to the public BEFORE the event day.
Submitting your video
Upload the video file on your cloud storage platform (e.g. Office 365 OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive…) and send us the shareable link to download it.
All late submissions after 22 November 2018 might not able to be released on or before the event day.
The digital copy of your paper should be submitted by 22 November 2018.