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ECLT 5820 Distributed and Mobile Systems

About VeriGuide: All final reports will be evaluated by VeriGuide, in which the scores will contribute to your marks of the final report. You can log in VeriGuide with your student ID and CWEM password to conduct self-checking first.

Time:Wednesday 7 – 9:45pm 
Classroom: ERB 803
Course Email:


         Dr. Lyu, Rung-Tsong Michael
         Engineering Building 927            
         TEL:   3943 8429

Office Hour:

         2-4pm Wednesday or by appointment


         Mr. CHEN, Zhuangbin
         Engineering Building 101A


 Homework (2 assignments, 20%):
        Assignment 1: assigned on 30/9, due on 14/10 (covers Topics 1-4)
        Assignment 2: assigned on 14/10, due on 4/11 (covers Topics 5-8)
        Discussions allowed but no plagiarism.
        Policy on Late Submission: 1) Late within 2 days - 30% deduction; 2) Late after 2 days - not allowed.
 Midterm (40%):
        November 11, 2020, Wednesday (3 hours, 7-10pm)
 Group Presentation and Report (40%): 
        23:59:59pm December 9, 2020, Wednesday


Please join the Piazza of ECLT5820 Fall 2020 through this link. Questions regarding this course can be posted there.


The textbook is available online, please find it here.


Project specification
Project grouping deadline: Oct. 21, 2020, Wednesday
Proposal deadline: Nov. 4, 2020, Wednesday (electronic version)
Project final deliverables (project final report, presentation file, and a 5-10 mins presentation video): 23:59:59pm, Dec. 9, 2020, Wednesday

GroupSID1SID2Presentation Time Slot
1 1155152375 1155152374
2 1155145529 1155147256
3 1155155128 1155149933
4 1155145472 1155145720
5 1155150477 1155155096
6 1155145805 1155147512
7 1155151103 1155152543
8 1155150581 1155154823
9 1155150299


9/9Topic 1: Characterization of Distributed Systems lyuDS0 lyuDS1 Ch.1, 2
16/9Topic 2: Communication and Remote Procedure Call lyuDS2 exer2 exer2_ans Ch.3, 4, 5, 6
23/9Topic 3: Security lyuDS3 exer3 exer3_ans Ch.11
30/9Topic 4: Naming, Trading and P2P Systems lyuDS4 exer4-1 exer4-1_ans HW1 HW1_SOL Ch.10, 13
7/10Topic 5: Time, Coordination and Agreement lyuDS5 exer5 exer5_ans Ch.14, 15
14/10Topic 6: Concurrency Control lyuDS6 exer6 exer6_ans HW2 HW2_SOL Ch.16a
21/10Topic 7: Transactions lyuDS7 exer7 exer7_ans Ch.16b, 17a
28/10Topic 8: Fault Tolerance and Replication lyuDS8 exer8 exer8_ans Ch.17b, 18
4/11Topic 9: Mobile, Ubiquitous Computing and RFID lyuDS9 Ch.19
11/11Midterm ECLT5820 Midterm Guidelines
18/11Topic 10: Blockchain, Bitcoin, and Ethereum lyuDS10 Notes
25/11Topic 11: Cloud Computing lyuDS11 exer11 exer11_ans Ch.21
9/12Presentation package and Final Report dueProject Presentation


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eclt5820.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/26 09:19 by lyu     Back to top