Bei Luo, Terence Tai-Leung Chong. 2019. "Regional Differences In Self-Employment In China." Small Business Economics 53. |
Chong-En Bai, Chang-Tai Hsieh, Zheng Song. 2019. "Special Deals With Chinese Characteristics." Nber Macroeconomics Annual 34. |
Chunchao Wang, Chenglei Zhang, Jinlan Ni, Haifeng Zhang, Junsen Zhang. 2019. "Family Migration In China: Do Migrant Children Affect Parental Settlement Intention?." Journal Of Comparative Economics 47. |
Haifeng Zhang, Junsen Zhang, Yanfeng Zhang. 2019. "Do Tournament Incentives Matter In Academics? Evidence From Personnel Data In A Top-Tier University In China." Journal Of Economic Behavior And Organization 166. |
Huang W, Lin S, Yang J. 2019. "Institutional Quality And Sovereign Credit Default Swap Spreads." Journal Of Futures Markets 39. |
Jimmy Chan, Seher Gupta, Fei Li, Yun Wang. 2019. "Pivotal Persuasion." Journal Of Economic Theory 180. |
Jin Yan, Hong Yoo. 2019. "Semiparametric Estimation Of The Random Utility Model With Rank-Ordered Choice Data." Journal Of Econometrics 211. |
Jun Han, Wing Suen, Junsen Zhang. 2019. "Picking Up The Losses: The Impact Of The Cultural Revolution On Human Capital Reinvestment In Urban China." Journal Of Human Capital 13. |
Kin Ming Wong, Terence Tai Leung Chong. 2019. "Monetary Policy Regimes And Growth Revisited: Evidence From A De Facto Classification." Oxford Economic Papers 71. |
Liugang Sheng, Hongyan Zhao, Jing Zhao. 2019. "Why Will Trump Lose The Trade War?." China Economic Journal 12. |
Man Lung Chan. 2019. "Gradualism In The Gatt: Strategic Tariff Bargaining And Forward Manipulation." Review Of International Economics 27. |
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Qing He, Dongxu Li, Liping Lu, Terence Tai Leung Chong. 2019. "Institutional Ownership And Private Equity Placements: Evidence From Chinese Listed Firms." International Review Of Finance 19. |
Qing HE, Zongxin QIAN, Zhe FEI, Terence Tai-Leung CHONG. 2019. "Do Speculative Bubbles Migrate In The Chinese Stock Market?." Empirical Economics 56. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Alex Wing-Ho Yiu. 2019. "Nexus Between Visitor Arrivals And Residential Property Rents In Hong Kong." Pacific Economic Review 24. |
TERENCE TAI LEUNG CHONG, M. S. RAFIQ, TINGTING JUNI ZHU, ZHANG WU. 2019. "Are Prices Sticky In Large Developing Economies? An Empirical Comparison Of China And India." Singapore Economic Review 64. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Xiaoyang Li. 2019. "Understanding The China–Us Trade War: Causes, Economic Impact, And The Worst-Case Scenario." Economic And Political Studies 7. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Zhang Wu. 2019. "Price Rigidity In China: Empirical Results At Home And Abroad." China Economic Review 55. |
Wai Chiu WOO. 2019. "Structural Change With Non-Essential And Elastic Goods." Structural Change And Economic Dynamics 49. |
Wei Chen, Xilu Chen, Chang-Tai Hsieh, Zheng Song. 2019. "A Forensic Examination Of China'S National Accounts." Brookings Papers On Economic Activities . |
Wei He, Yeneng Sun. 2019. "Pure-Strategy Equilibria In Bayesian Games." Journal Of Economic Theory 180. |
Yan Gao, Xinyu Zhang, Shouyang Wang, Terence Tai-leung Chong, Guohua Zou. 2019. "Frequentist Model Averaging For Threshold Models." Annals Of The Institute Of Statistical Mathematics 71. |
Yi‐Chun Chen, Wei He, Jiangtao Li, Yeneng Sun. 2019. "Equivalence Of Stochastic And Deterministic Mechanisms." Econometrica 87. |
Ying Bai, Titi Zhou. 2019. "“Mao’S Last Revolution”: A Dictator’S Loyalty–Competence Tradeoff." Public Choice 180. |
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Chih-Sheng Hsieh, Hans van Kippersluis. 2018. "Smoking Initiation: Peers And Personality." Quantitative Economics 9. |
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Haoyuan Ding, Cong Qin, Kang Shi. 2018. "Who Benefit From Government-Led Microfinance Projects? Evidence From Rural China." Journal Of Comparative Economics 46. |
Huang Ji. 2018. "Banking And Shadow Banking." Journal Of Economic Theory 178. |
Jianpo Xue, Chong K. Yip. 2018. "Home Production, Balanced-Budget Taxation And Economic (In)Stability." Journal Of Macroeconomics 56. |
Julan Du, Yifei Zhang. 2018. "Does One Belt One Road Initiative Promote Chinese Overseas Direct Investment?." China Economic Review 47. |
Liang JIANG, Xiaohu WANG, Jun YU. 2018. "New Distribution Theory For The Estimation Of Structural Break Point In Mean." Journal Of Econometrics 205. |
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Man Lung Chan. 2018. "Financial Frictions And Trade Intermediation: Theory And Evidence." European Economic Review . |
Meixin Guo, Lin Lu, Liugang Sheng, Miaojie Yu. 2018. "The Day After Tomorrow: Evaluating The Burden Of Trump'S Trade War." Asian Economic Papers 17. |
Meng-Horng Lee, Chee-Wooi Hooy, Terence Tai-Leung Chong. 2018. "The Sources Of Country And Industry Variations In Asean." Macroeconomics And Finance In Emerging Market Economies 11. |
Naijia Guo. 2018. "The Effect Of An Early Career Recession On Schooling And Lifetime Welfare." International Economic Review 59. |
Ping Wang, Tsz-Nga Wong, Chong K. Yip. 2018. "Institutional Barriers And World Income Disparities." Review- Federal Reserve Bank Of Saint Louis 100. |
Qiyu Wang, Terence Tai-Leung Chong. 2018. "Co-Integrated Or Not? After The Shanghai-Hong Kong And Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connection Schemes." Economics Letters 163. |
R. Guo, H. Li, J. Yi, J. Zhang. 2018. "Fertility, Household Structure, And Parental Labor Supply: Evidence From China." Journal Of Comparative Economics 46. |
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S. Ge, D. Yang, J. Zhang. 2018. "Population Policies, Demographic Structural Changes, And The Chinese Household Saving Puzzle." European Economic Review 101. |
Shu Lin, Kang Shi, Haichun Ye. 2018. "Exchange Rate Volatility And Trade: The Role Of Credit Constraints." Review Of Economic Dynamics 30. |
Terence T.L. Chong, Isabel K.Yan. 2018. "Forecasting Currency Crises With Threshold Models." International Economics 156. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Cong Qin. 2018. "Can Poverty Be Alleviated In China." Review Of Income And Wealth 64. |
Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Haiqiang Chen, Tsz-Nga Wong, Isabel Kit-Ming Yan. 2018. "Estimation And Inference Of Threshold Regression Models With Measurement Errors." Studies In Nonlinear Dynamics And Econometrics 22. |
Tianxiao Pang, Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Danna Zhang, Yanling Liang. 2018. "Structural Change In Nonstationary Ar(1) Models." Econometrc Theory 34. |
Wai Chiu WOO. 2018. "Kaplow-Shavell Welfarism Without Continuity." Mathematical Social Sciences 96. |
Wei He, Yeneng Sun. 2018. "Conditional Expectation Of Correspondences And Economic Applications." Economic Theory 66. |
Wei He, Yeneng Sun. 2018. "The Necessity Of Nowhere Equivalence." Advances In Mathematics 325. |
X. Wang, J. Zhang. 2018. "Beyond The Quantity–Quality Tradeoff: Population Control Policy And Human Capital Investment." Journal Of Development Economics 135. |
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Zhentao Shi, Huanhuan Zheng. 2018. "Structural Estimation Of Behavioral Heterogeneity." Journal Of Applied Econometrics 33. |
Chih-Sheng Hsieh, Xu Lin. 2017. "Gender And Racial Peer Effects With Endogenous Network Formation." Regional Science And Urban Economics 67. |
Chongmin Kim, Kam-Chau Wong. 2017. "Evolutionarily Stable Correlation." The Korean Economic Review 33. |
Danli Wang, Terence Tai Leung Chong. 2017. "Political Turnover And The Stock Performance Of Soes In China." The Chinese Economy 50. |
Hong Chao, Chun-Yu Ho, Tin Cheuk Leung, Travis Ng. 2017. "To Root Or Not To Root? The Economics Of Jailbreak." Journal Of Comparative Economics 45. |
Hongbin Li, Yueyuan Ma, Lingsheng Meng, Xue Qiao, Xinzheng Shi. 2017. "Skill Complementarities And Returns To Higher Education: Evidence From The College Enrollment Expansion In China." China Economic Review 46. |
J. Zhang. 2017. "The Evolution Of China’S One-Child Policy And Its Effects On Family Outcomes." Journal Of Economic Perspectives 31. |
JH Kim, MCM Leung, BH Yip, X Su, SM Griffiths. 2017. "Exploring Cross-Generational Adult Drinking Patterns And Physical Child Maltreatment: A Study Of Hong Kong Adults." Public Health 144. |
Jianpo Xue, Chong K. Yip. 2017. "Balanced-Budget Rules And Aggregate Instability: The Role Of Consumption Taxes In A Monetary Economy." Pacific Economic Review . |
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Liugang Sheng, Rabah Arezki, Valerie A. Ramey. 2017. "News Shocks In Open Economies: Evidence From Giant Oil Discoveries." Quarterly Journal Of Economics 132. |
Loren Brandt, Johannes Van Biesebroeck, Luhang Wang, Yifan Zhang. 2017. "Wto Accession And Performance Of Chinese Manufacturing Firms." American Economic Review 107. |
Qing He, Fangge Liu, Zongxin Qian, Terence Tai Leung Chong. 2017. "Housing Prices And Business Cycle In China: A Dsge Analysis." International Review Of Economics & Finance 52. |
Rufei Guo, Junjian Yi, Junsen Zhang. 2017. "Family Size, Birth Order, And Tests Of The Quantity–Quality Model." Journal Of Comparative Economics 45. |
S. Fan, X. Wei, J. Zhang. 2017. "Soft Skills, Hard Skills, And The Black/White Wage Gap." Economic Inquiry 55. |
Shiyuan Pan, Kang Shi, Lisheng Wang, Juanyi Xu. 2017. "Excess Liquidity And Credit Misallocation: Evidence From China." China Economic Journal 10. |
Siu Kai Choy, Tat-Kei Lai, Travis Ng. 2017. "Do Tax Havens Create Firm Value?." Journal Of Corporate Finance 42. |
Tat-kei Lai, Travis Ng. 2017. "Does Dividend Tax Impede Competition For Corporate Charters?." Journal Of Comparative Economics 45. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Alan Tsz Ching Tang, Kwun Ho Chan. 2017. "An Empirical Comparison Of Fast And Slow Stochastics." Ifta Journal 2017. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Bei Luo. 2017. "Entrepreneurial Activities And Institutional Environment In China." Economic And Political Studies 5. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Qing He, Hugo Tak Sang Ip, Jonathan T. Siu. 2017. "Profitability Of Capm Momentum Strategies In The Us Stock Market." International Journal Of Business And Society 18. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Shiyu Lin. 2017. "Predictive Models For Disaggregate Stock Market Volatility." Financial Markets And Portfolio Management 31. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Wenqi Liu. 2017. "The Roadmap Of Interest Rate Liberalisation In China." Economic And Political Studies 5. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Wing Hong Chan, Chenqi Lu. 2017. "Long Range Dependence And Structural Breaks In The Gold Markets." Singapore Economic Review 63. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Yue Ding, Tianxiao Pang. 2017. "Extreme Risk Value And Dependence Structure Of The China Securities Index 300." Economics Bulletin 37. |
Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Bingqing Cao, Wing Keung Wong. 2017. "A Principal Component Approach To Measuring Investor Sentiment In Hong Kong." Journal Of Management Sciences 4. |
Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Ka-Ho Poon. 2017. "A New Recognition Algorithm For “Head-And-Shoulders” Price Patterns." Studies In Nonlinear Dynamics And Econometrics 21. |
Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Nasha Li, Lin Zou. 2017. "A New Approach To Modeling Sector Stock Returns In China." Chinese Economy 50. |
Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Sunny Chun Tsui, Wing Hong Chan. 2017. "Factor Pricing In Commodity Futures And The Role Of Liquidity." Quantitative Finance 17. |
Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Xiaojin Liu, Chenqi Zhu. 2017. "What Explains Herd Behavior In The Chinese Stock Market?." Journal Of Behavioral Finance 18. |
Wei He, Nicholas C. Yannelis. 2017. "Equilibria With Discontinuous Preferences: New Fixed Point Theorems." Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications 450. |
Wei He, Xiang Sun, Yeneng Sun. 2017. "Modeling Infinitely Many Agents." Theoretical Economics 12. |
Wei He, Yeneng Sun. 2017. "Stationary Markov Perfect Equilibria In Discounted Stochastic Games." Journal Of Economic Theory 169. |
WOO Wai Chiu. 2017. "The Way We Teach Public Economics: A Rationalization Using The Theory Of Third Best." Pacific Economic Review 22. |
Xiaoyi Han, Chih-Sheng Hsieh, Lung-fei Lee. 2017. "Estimation And Model Selection Of Higher-Order Spatial Autoregressive Model: An Efficient Bayesian Approach." Regional Science And Urban Economics 63. |
Yousha Liang, Kang Shi, Lisheng Wang, Juanyi Xu. 2017. "Local Government Debt And Firm Leverage: Evidence From China." Asian Economic Policy Review 12. |
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CHONG Tai Leung, LAW Tak Yan, YAO Feng. 2016. "The Debt-Equity Choice Of Japanese Firms." International Journal Of Business And Society 17. |
CHONG Tai Leung, WONG, KIN MING. 2016. "Does Monetary Policy Matter For Trade?." International Economics . |
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Mengling Li, Huanhuan Zheng, Terence Tai Leung Chong, Yang Zhang. 2016. "The Stock–Bond Comovements And Cross-Market Trading." Journal Of Economic Dynamics And Control 73. |
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Shaojie Zhou, Junsen Zhang. 2016. "Chinese Saving Rates From 1953 To 2012: Trends, Compositions And Prospects." Pacific Economic Review 21. |
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Terence Tai Leung Chong, Dingyan Wang, Wing Hong Chan. 2016. "Do Price Limits Increase Stock Market Volatility In China?." Advances In Quantitative Analysis Of Finance And Accounting 14. |
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Qing He, Wing Hong Chan. 2016. "From Fixed To Float: A Competing Risks Analysis." International Economic Journal 30. |
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Wei He, Jiangtao Li. 2016. "Efficient Dynamic Mechanisms With Interdependent Valuations." Games And Economic Behavior 97. |
Wei He, Nicholas Yannelis. 2016. "Existence Of Equilibria In Discontinuous Bayesian Games." Journal Of Economic Theory 162. |
Wei He, Nicholas Yannelis. 2016. "Existence Of Walrasian Equilibria With Discontinuous, Non-Ordered, Interdependent And Price-Dependent Preferences." Economic Theory 61. |
Wenjing Xie, Haoyuan Ding, Terence Tai Leung Chong. 2016. "The Nexus Between Social Capital And Bank Risk Taking." Journal Of Risk And Financial Management 9. |
WOO Wai Chiu. 2016. "Quantity Versus Variety: Which Aspect Does Status-Seeking Promote?." International Review Of Economics 2. |
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ZHENG Huanhuan, CHIA Wai-mun , LI Mengling. 2016. "Behavioral Heterogeneity In The Australian Housing Market." Applied Economics 49. |
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CHONG Tai Leung, CEBULA Richard J., PENG Fangping, FOLEY Maggie. 2015. "Explaining The Financial Instability Hypothesis With Endogenous Investment: A Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Approach." Journal Of Mathematical Finance 2. |
CHONG Tai Leung, LIU Xiaojin. 2015. "Long-Range Dependence In Carbon Emission Market." Labuan Bulletin Of International Business And Finance . |
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