Best Theses for Postgraduates
Updated on Apr 26, 2019
2017-2018 |
Chak Hong Leo Lam, "Marketization, Balanced-budget Rules and Economic Stability". Xuebo Wang, "Three Empirical Essays on Development Economics". |
2016-2017 |
Rufei Guo, "Three Essays on Family Economics with Applications to China". |
2015-2016 | Ning Zhang, "Selections and Consequences of Mao’s Send-down Movement: The Twins Experiment". |
2014-2015 | Tak Lun Chan, "Natural Selection of Technologies in Market Competition". |
2013-2014 |
Mark Hup, "The Efficiency of Private Credit Markets in the Low Countries, 1500-1780". Ka Yi Li, "Choose Your Teammates Wisely: A Study of How Teammates Affect an Individual’s Degree of Procrastination within a Project Group at Local Universities". |
2012-2013 |
Meichen Chen, "Commitment and Compromise in Repeated Games". Ting Yuen Terry Cheung, "Agricultural Productivity, Human Capital, and Economic Growth". |
2011-2012 | Yin Chi Tam, "The Evolution of Walrasian Behaviour in Two-sided Market". |
2010-2011 |
Wing Tung Lam, "A Simple Model of Price Competition between Chain Stores". Wai Kit Si-Tou, "The Galor-Weil Model Revisited: Population Control and the Long-run Development of China". |
2009-2010 |
Kin Cheong Chan, "An Evolutionary Intra-Marriage Bargaining Model". Boqun Wang, "The Decline of Output Volatility in China: From Central Planning to Economic Transition". |
2008-2009 | Yi Fan, "Son Preference, Gender Composition, and Parental Time Allocation: Empirical Evidence from Rural China". |
2007-2008 | Jianpo Xue, "Essays in Indeterminacy in Dynamic General Equilibrium Models". |
2006-2007 |
Tze Nga Wong, "Economic Development and Foreign Technology Adoption". Junjian Yi, "The One-Child Policy, Sex Ratios Imbalance, and Criminal Behavior in China". |
2005-2006 |
Jun Han, "A Cohort Analysis of Wage Structure and Participation during Transition in Urban China". Chong Huang, "Why Does Spousal Education Matter for Earnings? Assortative Mating or Cross-Productivity". |
2004-2005 |
Ning Ma, "The Economic Returns to Schooling: Evidence from Chinese Twins". Hon-man Moy, "Two-Sector Optimal Growth with Illegal Migrants". |
2003-2004 | Lingsheng Meng, "Political Participation of Private Entrepreneurs in China". |
2002-2003 |
Tak-wai Chau, "Intra-household Allocation, Sharing Rule and Spousal Leisure: Evidence from China". Ka-fai Li, "Interest Rate Rules in a Cash-in-advance Economy". |
2001-2002 |
Man-ho Lee, "Reveal Preference, Consumer Demand, and Aggregate Demand". Chi-leung Wong, "Barriers to International Capital Mobility with Asymmetric Information". |
2000-2001 | Ming-hon Suen, "Money and Endogenous Growth: Alternative Approaches". |
1999-2000 | Yuk-hoi Lau, "Asset Price Determination in the Presence of Noice Traders - A Reaction Approach". |
1998-1999 | Frances Cheung, "Essays on Finance and Macroeconomics". |
1997-1998 | Chi-kau Lee, "Nonparametric Analysis of Hedge Ratio: The Case of Nikkei Stock Average". |