Best Theses for Postgraduates

Updated on Apr 26, 2019



Chak Hong Leo Lam, "Marketization, Balanced-budget Rules and Economic Stability".

Xuebo Wang, "Three Empirical Essays on Development Economics".


Rufei Guo, "Three Essays on Family Economics with Applications to China".

2015-2016 Ning Zhang, "Selections and Consequences of Mao’s Send-down Movement: The Twins Experiment".
2014-2015 Tak Lun Chan, "Natural Selection of Technologies in Market Competition".

Mark Hup, "The Efficiency of Private Credit Markets in the Low Countries, 1500-1780".

Ka Yi Li, "Choose Your Teammates Wisely: A Study of How Teammates Affect an Individual’s Degree of Procrastination within a Project Group at Local Universities".


Meichen Chen, "Commitment and Compromise in Repeated Games".

Ting Yuen Terry Cheung, "Agricultural Productivity, Human Capital, and Economic Growth".

2011-2012 Yin Chi Tam, "The Evolution of Walrasian Behaviour in Two-sided Market".

Wing Tung Lam, "A Simple Model of Price Competition between Chain Stores".

Wai Kit Si-Tou, "The Galor-Weil Model Revisited: Population Control and the Long-run Development of China".


Kin Cheong Chan, "An Evolutionary Intra-Marriage Bargaining Model".

Boqun Wang, "The Decline of Output Volatility in China: From Central Planning to Economic Transition".

2008-2009 Yi Fan, "Son Preference, Gender Composition, and Parental Time Allocation: Empirical Evidence from Rural China".
2007-2008 Jianpo Xue, "Essays in Indeterminacy in Dynamic General Equilibrium Models".

Tze Nga Wong, "Economic Development and Foreign Technology Adoption".

Junjian Yi, "The One-Child Policy, Sex Ratios Imbalance, and Criminal Behavior in China".


Jun Han, "A Cohort Analysis of Wage Structure and Participation during Transition in Urban China".

Chong Huang, "Why Does Spousal Education Matter for Earnings? Assortative Mating or Cross-Productivity".


Ning Ma, "The Economic Returns to Schooling: Evidence from Chinese Twins".

Hon-man Moy, "Two-Sector Optimal Growth with Illegal Migrants".

2003-2004 Lingsheng Meng, "Political Participation of Private Entrepreneurs in China".

Tak-wai Chau, "Intra-household Allocation, Sharing Rule and Spousal Leisure: Evidence from China".

Ka-fai Li, "Interest Rate Rules in a Cash-in-advance Economy".


Man-ho Lee, "Reveal Preference, Consumer Demand, and Aggregate Demand".

Chi-leung Wong, "Barriers to International Capital Mobility with Asymmetric Information".

2000-2001 Ming-hon Suen, "Money and Endogenous Growth: Alternative Approaches".
1999-2000 Yuk-hoi Lau, "Asset Price Determination in the Presence of Noice Traders - A Reaction Approach".
1998-1999 Frances Cheung, "Essays on Finance and Macroeconomics".
1997-1998 Chi-kau Lee, "Nonparametric Analysis of Hedge Ratio: The Case of Nikkei Stock Average".