Health Sharing

Health Innovations

23 Mar 2021

CU Medicine and International Surgeons Suggest Patients with Positive COVID-19 Results Should Delay Surgery for Seven Weeks to Reduce Death Risk

04 Mar 2021

CUHK-HKU-UL Conducts World’s First Insomnia Prevention Programme and Proves Insomnia is Preventable in At-risk Adolescents

08 Feb 2021

CUHK and HKBU Launch Spermine Risk Score for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

02 Feb 2021

CUHK Identifies Outcome Indicators for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients Receiving Prostatic Artery Embolisation

22 Jan 2021

CUHK-HKU Study Proves Bright Light Therapy as an Adjunctive Treatment Improves Outcomes in Depressed “Night Owl” Patients

19 Jan 2021

CU Medicine Finds New Evidence for Link between Gut Microbiome and COVID-19 Severity Microbiome Imbalance Might Influence “Long COVID” Risk