睡眠健康狀況評估 |
「艾和夫瞌睡評估表」(The Epworth Sleepiness Scale)可助您初步了解自己的睡眠健康狀況, 簡單評估日間瞌睡(眼瞓)的程度。[按此開始評估]
睡眠健康小貼士 |
1. 作息要定時﹐切忌長期不眠不休 |
1. Cappuccio FP, Taggart FM, Kandala NB, et al. Meta-analysis of short sleep duration and obesity in children and adults. Sleep 2008;31:619-26.
2. Hall MH, Muldoon MF, Jennings JR, et al. Self-reported sleep duration is associated with the metabolic syndrome in midlife adults. Sleep 2008;31:635-43.
3. Cappuccio FP, D'Elia L, Strazzullo P, et al. Quantity and quality of sleep and incidence of type 2 diabetes: a sys-tematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Care2010;33:414-20.
4. Cappuccio FP, Cooper D, D'Elia L, et al. Sleep duration predicts cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Eur Heart J2011;32:1484-92.
5. Sofi F, Cesari F, Casini A, et al. Insomnia and risk of car-diovascular disease: a meta-analysis. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2012.
6. Wang Q, Xi B, Liu M, et al. Short sleep duration is associ-ated with hypertension risk among adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hypertens Res 2012;35:1012-8.
7. Kakizaki M, Inoue K, Kuriyama S, et al. Sleep duration and the risk of prostate cancer: the Ohsaki Cohort Study. Br J Cancer 2008;99:176-8.
8. Kakizaki M, Kuriyama S, Sone T, et al. Sleep duration and the risk of breast cancer: the Ohsaki Cohort Study. Br J Cancer 2008;99:1502-5.
9. Thompson CL, Larkin EK, Patel S, et al. Short duration of sleep increases risk of colorectal adenoma. Cancer 2011;117:841-7.
10. von Ruesten A, Weikert C, Fietze I, et al. Association of sleep duration with chronic diseases in the European Pro-spective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Potsdam study. PLoS One 2012;7:e30972.
11. Taylor DJ, Lichstein KL, Durrence HH, et al. Epidemiolo-gy of insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Sleep2005;28:1457-64.
12. Pigeon WR, Pinquart M, Conner K. Meta-analysis of sleep disturbance and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. J Clin Psychiatry 2012;73:e1160-7.
13. Arora T, Jiang CQ, Thomas GN, et al. Self-reported long total sleep duration is associated with metabolic syn-drome: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. Diabetes Care 2011;34:2317-9.