Health Sharing

Health Innovations

27 May 2020

CUHK Study Discovers Brain Circuitry That Generates Behavioural Responses to Stress Provide a Basis for Probing Abnormal Repetitive Behaviour Exhibited in Brain Disorders

19 May 2020

CU Medicine Team Discovers a Novel Prognostic Biomarker for a Doubled Survival in Head and Neck Cancer

Professor Tony Mok Portrait_1589420026
14 May 2020

CUHK in collaboration with West China School of Medicine co-Led World’s First-in-human Clinical Trial using CRISPR technology for lung cancer Confirmed gene-edited T-Cell Therapy is Safe and...

NEJM Timing of upper GI Bleed
13 Apr 2020

CUHK Study Finds Earlier Endoscopy Did Not Reduce Mortality and Risk of Further Bleeding in Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Patients

Stool Test Covid-19_1585565224
30 Mar 2020

CU Medicine Offers Free Stool Screening Test for COVID-19 in Children arriving at Airport

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17 Mar 2020

CUHK Finds that the Coronavirus Can Persist in Stool after Its Clearance in Respiratory Tract Will Conduct Stool Test for People in Quarantine Camps for Early Identification