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Research Grants and Awards (totally 56 million)

  1. Principal Investigator, “Cloud System and Reliability Long-term Framework,” Huawei R&D Project, 1 June 2020 – 30 May 2023, HK$9,000,000.
  2. Co-Principal Investigator, “Key Technologies and Applications in Secure and Reliable Cloud Operating System” Guangdong Key Area R&D Scheme, 1 May 2020 – 30 April 2023, RMB$20,000,000. Allocated to CUHK: RMB$3,000,000.
  3. Principal Investigator, “Mining User Reviews Intelligently for Assisting Developers in App Development,” 2018 MSRA Collaborative Research Award, 01/05/2018 – 30/04/2019, HK$234,000.
  4. Principal Investigator, “An End-to-End Framework to Detect Performance and Reliability Issues of Mobile-Cloud Computing,” CUHK14210717, RGC General Research Fund, 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2020, HK$500,000.
  5. Principal Investigator, “Log Monitoring and Analysis for Data-Driven Reliability Engineering,” CUHK14234416, RGC General Research Fund, 01/01/2017/1/1 – 31/12/2018, HK$450,432.
  6. Principal Investigator, “Performance Monitoring & Reliability Enhancement with Log Data Analysis for Large Scale Distributed Systems,” 2016 MSRA Collaborative Research Grant, 01/05/2016 – 30/04/2017, HK$155,000.
  7. Principal Investigator, “Data-Oriented Reliability Prediction and Fault Tolerance in Services Computing,” CUHK14205214, RGC General Research Fund, 01/07/2014-30/06/2017, HK$ 875,000.
  8. Principal Investigator, “Service Quality Engineering via Modeling and Exploiting Platform-Generated Big Data,” CUHK415113, RGC General Research Fund, 01/01/2014-31/12/2017, HK$ 645,500.
  9. Principal Investigator, “Quality-Oriented Personalized Recommendation Theory and Algorithms in Services Computing,” CUHK415212, RGC General Research Fund, 01/01/2013-31/12/2015, HK$656,400.
  10. Principal Investigator, “Interocular Distance Measurement and Axis Tracking Engine (IDMATE) for 3D Superimposition Perception,” ITS/048/12, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 17/09/2012-16/09/2013, HK$999,350.
  11. Principal Investigator, “Towards Trustworthy Cloud Computing with Component-based Design, Online Evaluation, and Runtime Optimization Techniques,” N_CUHK405/11, NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme, 01/01/2012-31/12/2014, HK$879,500.
  12. Principal Investigator, “On the Development of Reliable Cloud Computing: A Framework, Techniques, and Experimentation,” CUHK415311, RGC General Research Fund, 01/09/2011-31/08/2014, HK$922,500.
  13. Principal Investigator, “Service Reliability Engineering: Building Predictably Reliable Service-Oriented Systems,” CUHK415410, RGC General Research Fund, 01/07/2010-30/06/2013, HK$600,000.
  14. Principal Investigator, “Core Technology for Multimedia Signal Processing and Productization for Converged 3G Network, Index & Retrieval,” GHP/017/09SZ, Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Scheme, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 01/07/2010-30/09/2012, HK$5,458,636.
  15. Principal Investigator, “Core Technology for Multimedia Signal Processing and Productization for Converged 3G Network, Index & Retrieval,” GHP/017/09SZ, ZTE Netview Technology Company Limited, 01/07/2010-30/09/2012, HK$200,000.
  16. Principal Investigator, “Core Technology for Multimedia Signal Processing and Productization for Converged 3G Network, Index & Retrieval,” GHP/017/09SZ, Computime Limited, 01/07/2010-30/09/2012, HK$390,000.
  17. Principal Investigator, “Core Technology for Multimedia Signal Processing and Productization for Converged 3G Network, Index & Retrieval,” GHP/017/09SZ, Shenzhen jiuling Software Technology Co Ltd, 01/07/2010-30/09/2012, HK$110,000.
  18. Principal Investigator, “Spatial and Appearance Correlation of Multi-view Surveillance Videos for In-Store Customer Trace Discovery and Pro-Active Selling,” ITS/365/09, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 01/03/2010-28/02/2011, HK$996,176.
  19. Principal Investigator, “A Distributed Evaluation and Selection Paradigm for Fault Tolerant Web Services,” CUHK415409, RGC General Research Fund, 01/09/2009-31/08/2012, HK$660,000.
  20. Principal Investigator, “Visible and Infrared Video Integrated Marking for Augmented Gesture Extraction (VIVid IMAGE) in Digital Entertainment,” ITS/069/09, Innovation & Technology Commission-Innovation and Technology Support Programme, 01/09/2009-31/07/2010, HK$999,660.
  21. Principal Investigator, “Visible and Infrared Video Integrated Marking for Augmented Gesture Extraction (VIVid IMAGE) in Digital Entertainment,” ITS/069/09, BG Global Gaming Limited, 01/09/2009-31/07/2010, HK$10,000.
  22. Principal Investigator, “Visible and Infrared Video Integrated Marking for Augmented Gesture Extraction (VIVid IMAGE) in Digital Entertainment,” ITS/069/09, DH Technologies Limited, 01/09/2009-31/07/2010, HK$10,000.
  23. Principal Investigator, “Software Reliability Engineering with Machine Learning Techniques,” CUHK415808, RGC Earmarked Grant, 01/09/2008-31/08/2010, HK$338,293.
  24. Principal Investigator, “Video Capture and View Construction for Volume Computing in Digital Entertainment (VC3) in Digital Entertainment” ITS/053/08, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 01/09/2008-30/06/2009, HK$995,900.
  25. Principal Investigator, “Video Capture and View Construction for Volume Computing in Digital Entertainment (VC3) in Digital Entertainment” ITS/053/08, If Asia Media Technology Limited, 01/09/2008-30/06/2009, HK$18,000.
  26. Principal Investigator, “Software Reliability Modeling Incorporating Testing Time and Coverage Measurements,” CUHK415007, RGC Earmarked Grant, 01/09/2007-28/02/2010, HK$532,800.
  27. Principal Investigator, “Video Processing Toolkit for Visual Perception Technology (VPT2) in Computer Games,” ITS/084/07, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 01/09/2007-31/07/2008, HK$998,315.
  28. Principal Investigator, “Enabling Face-to-Face Entertainment Computing Technology (EFFECT),” ITS/026/06, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 01/09/2006-31/07/2007, HK$999,925.
  29. Principal Investigator, “Enabling Face-to-Face Entertainment Computing Technology (EFFECT),” ITS/026/06, Take 1 Technology Group Ltd, 01/09/2006-31/07/2007, HK$10,000.
  30. Principal Investigator, “A Design Paradigm for Fault-Tolerant Wireless Distributed Software Systems,” CUHK4205/04E, RGC Earmarked Grant, 01/01/2005-31/12/2006, HK$360,734.
  31. Principal Investigator, “Augmented Reality Computing Arena for Digital Entertainment (ARCADE),” ITS/105/03, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 01/04/2004-30/06/2006, HK$3,896,000.
  32. Principal Investigator, “Augmented Reality Computing Arena for Digital Entertainment (ARCADE),” ITS/105/03, Funding from Industrial Sponsors, 01/04/2004-30/06/2006, HK$586,128.
  33. Principal Investigator, “Reliable Automatic Multi-Layer Video Content Classification Based on Syntactic and Semantic Features,” CUHK4182/03E, RGC Earmarked Grant, 01/09/2003-28/02/2006, HK$377,149.
  34. Principal Investigator, “Design Diversity by Component-Based Software Development,” CUHK4360/02E, RGC Earmarked Grant, 01/09/2002-31/12/2004, HK$413,404.
  35. Principal Investigator, “Engineering Distributed Objects for Reliability and Interoperability,” CUHK4222/01E, RGC Earmarked Grant, 01/09/2001-31/08/2003, HK$387,248.
  36. Principal Investigator, “Dependability and Security Paradigms for Mobile Agent Systems,” CUHK4193/00E, RGC Earmarked Grant, 01/10/ 2000-30/09/2003, HK$437,817.
  37. Principal Investigator, “A Multilingual Digital Video Content Hub,” ITS/029/00, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), 01/09/2000-28/02/2003, HK$5,980,000. (The largest single-project funding in the CSE department history when funded.)
  38. Principal Investigator, “A Multilingual Digital Video Content Hub,” ITS/029/00, Funding From Industrial Sponsors, 01/09/2000-28/02/2003, HK$1,800,000.
  39. Principal Investigator, “Architecture-Based Software Reliability Engineering Techniques,” CUHK4432/99E, RGC Earmarked Grant, 01/10/1999-30/09/2001, HK$405,000.
  40. Principal Investigator, “Assessing the Linguistic Knowledge Learned by Neural Machine Translation Models,” Tencent AI Lab Rhino-Bird Gift Fund, 01/06/2020 – 31/05/2021, HK$330,000.
  41. Principal Investigator, “Intelligent Log Mining and Multi-source Alarm Correlation Analysis,” Huawei R&D Project, 1 January 2019 – 31 January 2019, HK$1,250,000.
  42. Principal Investigator, “An NLP Project in Goal-oriented Dialogue System, Machine Question Generation, and Other Related Areas,” Baidu R&D Project, 2 October 2018 – 1 October, 2019, HK$ 500,000.
  43. Principal Investigator, “Smartphone Software Reliability Evaluation,” Huawei R&D Project, 1 October 2018 – 30 September 2019, HK$1,080,000.
  44. Principal Investigator, “Intelligent Failure Diagnosis Technology & Software Design for Testability: Backend Smartphone Log Analysis,” Huawei R&D Project, 1 December 2016 – 30 November 2017, HK$685,500.
  45. Principal Investigator, “WDM Network Evaluation and Analysis (Phase 2),” Huawei R&D Project, 1 December 2016 – 30 November 2017, HK$705,000.
  46. Principal Investigator, “WDM Network Evaluation and Analysis,” Huawei R&D Project, 9 July 2015 – 30 November 2016, HK$702,500.
  47. Principal Investigator, “Intelligent Multimedia and Distributed Systems Research Center”, SZRIX120905, CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute – SZRI Startup Support Scheme, 01/07/2012 - 30/06/2014, HK$973,200.
  48. Principal Investigator, “Aggregating Spatial-Temporal-Relational Information for Personalized Location-Based Service Recommendation”, EE11685, Google Mobile 2014 Focused Grant Project, 01/10/2011-30/09/2012, HK$400,000.
  49. Principal Investigator, “Mining User Travel Paths for Personalized Point-of-Interest Recommendation,” EE10903, Google Mobile 2014 Focused Grant Project, 01/10/2010-30/09/2011, HK$560,000.
  50. Principal Investigator, “The 41st IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN2011)”, EE10661, Croucher Conference, 01/08/2010-31/07/2011, HK$100,000
  51. Principal Investigator, “A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Multimedia Information Retrieval,” EE08720, Microsoft Research Asia Research Grant, 01/03/2009-31/12/2009, HK$98,000.
  52. Principal Investigator, “A Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Service Architecture and Integration Research Center,” CUHK3/06C-SF, Internal Research Grant, 01/06/2007-30/05/2009, HK$290,000.
  53. Principal Investigator, “The Effect of Diversity in Large-Scale Distributed Systems,” JRS 00/07, UK/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, the British Council, 01/03/2000-01/12/2001, HK$29,650.
  54. Principal Investigator, “Architecture-Based Techniques and Tools for Software Reliability Engineering,” FHK 00/04, France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, 31/01/2000-31/01/2001, HK$31,100.
  55. Principal Investigator, “Architecture-Based Techniques and Tools for Software Reliability Engineering,” FHK 99/02, France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, 31/03/1999-31/03/2000, HK$30,000.
  56. Principal Investigator, “Structured-Based Software Reliability Modeling Techniques,” EE98003, CUHK/UGC (Direct Grants), 01/10/1998-30/06/2001, HK$80,000.
  57. Principal Investigator, “A Phase-Based Approach for Software Reliability Engineering,” CS97015, CUHK/UGC (Direct Grants), 01/02/1998 -31/01/2000, HK$150,000.
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