Student/Faculty Expectations on Teaching and Learning
Instructor: John C.S. Lui
This is an introductory course on "Network Science", in particular, how it relates to large scale online social networks. In this course, we cover fundamental principles and theories for large scale networks, e.g., online social networks, technology networks such as power grids or the Internet, biological networks,...etc. Furthermore, how one can use these basic analytical tools and algorithms to understand the structures and dynamic of such networks.
Note that this course is "conceptual" and "mathematical" in nature. Students need to spend the time to attend the lectures and do the assignments so to understand and keep pace with the expectation of this course.
Beside the mathematical theories and algorithms, there will be programming projects in the course. The programming projects include, but not lmited to,
Teaching Assistants (HSH Eng. Bldg, Room 120 or Room 121):
Course Grades:
Policy: Late homework, programming or simulation will NOT be considered.
Course Schedule (target term: ):
To be decided.
Tentative Outline for the Course: