CSCI2720 Building Web Applications


Course code CSCI2720
Course title Building Web Applications
Course description This course is concerned with the development of web applications. The major topics include 1) Building blocks of web applications, 2) Client-side/front-end technologies, 3) Server-side/back-end technologies, and 4) Web application design and security issues. 本科旨在討論和實作開發網頁應用程式,其中主要範圍包括:一) 網頁應用程式的組件;二) 客戶端的前台技術;三) 侍服端的後台技術;及四) 網上應用程式的設計及保安。 
Unit(s) 3
Course level Undergraduate
Pre-requisite  CSCI1110 or 1120 or 1130 or 1510 or 1520 or 1530 or 1540 or ENGG1110 or ESTR1002 or 1100 or 1102 or (MATH2210 and 2220) or PHYS2351
Semester 1 or 2
Grading basis Graded
Grade Descriptors A/A-:  EXCELLENT – exceptionally good performance and far exceeding expectation in all or most of the course learning outcomes; demonstration of superior understanding of the subject matter, the ability to analyze problems and apply extensive knowledge, and skillful use of concepts and materials to derive proper solutions.
B+/B/B-:  GOOD – good performance in all course learning outcomes and exceeding expectation in some of them; demonstration of good understanding of the subject matter and the ability to use proper concepts and materials to solve most of the problems encountered.
C+/C/C-: FAIR – adequate performance and meeting expectation in all course learning outcomes; demonstration of adequate understanding of the subject matter and the ability to solve simple problems.
D+/D: MARGINAL – performance barely meets the expectation in the essential course learning outcomes; demonstration of partial understanding of the subject matter and the ability to solve simple problems.
F: FAILURE – performance does not meet the expectation in the essential course learning outcomes; demonstration of serious deficiencies and the need to retake the course.
Learning Objectives   At the end of the course of studies, students will have acquired
1. knowledge in building blocks of web applications;
2. knowledge in client-side/front-end technologies;
3. knowledge in server-side/back-end technologies;
4. knowledge in web application design and security issues.
Learning outcomes At the end of the course of studies, students will have acquired the ability to
1. Understand the principles and technologies involved in building a web application;
2. Gain a better insight into emerging web technologies for building web applications
3. Create interactive dynamic websites and web applications
(for reference only)
Exam: 40%
Assignments: 30%
Project: 30%
Recommended Reading List 1. Tutorials at
2. Northwood, Chris. The Full Stack Developer: Your Essential Guide to the Everyday Skills Expected of a Modern Full Stack Web Developer (2018).
3. Ferguson, Russ. Beginning JavaScript: The Ultimate Guide to Modern JavaScript Development (2019).


CSCIN programme learning outcomes Course mapping
Upon completion of their studies, students will be able to:  
1. identify, formulate, and solve computer science problems (K/S); TP
2. design, implement, test, and evaluate a computer system, component, or algorithm to meet desired needs (K/S);
3. receive the broad education necessary to understand the impact of computer science solutions in a global and societal context (K/V);
4. communicate effectively (S/V);
5. succeed in research or industry related to computer science (K/S/V);
6. have solid knowledge in computer science and engineering, including programming and languages, algorithms, theory, databases, etc. (K/S);
7. integrate well into and contribute to the local society and the global community related to computer science (K/S/V);
8. practise high standard of professional ethics (V);
9. draw on and integrate knowledge from many related areas (K/S/V);
Remarks: K = Knowledge outcomes; S = Skills outcomes; V = Values and attitude outcomes; T = Teach; P = Practice; M = Measured