CSCI1140 Programming Laboratory


Course code CSCI1140
Course title Programming Laboratory
Course description Students will practise the programming principles they learn using C programming language.
Unit(s) 1
Course level Undergraduate
Pre-requisite  CSCI1120 or CSCI1130 or ENGG1110 or ESTR1002 or ESTR1100 or ESTR1102
Semester 1 or 2
Grading basis Graded
Grade Descriptors A/A-:  EXCELLENT – exceptionally good performance and far exceeding expectation in all or most of the course learning outcomes; demonstration of superior understanding of the subject matter, the ability to analyze problems and apply extensive knowledge, and skillful use of concepts and materials to derive proper solutions.
B+/B/B-:  GOOD – good performance in all course learning outcomes and exceeding expectation in some of them; demonstration of good understanding of the subject matter and the ability to use proper concepts and materials to solve most of the problems encountered.
C+/C/C-: FAIR – adequate performance and meeting expectation in all course learning outcomes; demonstration of adequate understanding of the subject matter and the ability to solve simple problems.
D+/D: MARGINAL – performance barely meets the expectation in the essential course learning outcomes; demonstration of partial understanding of the subject matter and the ability to solve simple problems.
F: FAILURE – performance does not meet the expectation in the essential course learning outcomes; demonstration of serious deficiencies and the need to retake the course.
Learning outcomes 1. able to write complete C programs
2. able to use pointers to perform function parameters passing
3. able to do memory management by using malloc/free
4. able to use preprocessing directives in C
(for reference only)
Programming Exam: 50%
Programming assignment: 50%
Recommended Reading List 1. The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie, Prentice Hall


CSCIN programme learning outcomes Course mapping
Upon completion of their studies, students will be able to:  
1. identify, formulate, and solve computer science problems (K/S); TP
2. design, implement, test, and evaluate a computer system, component, or algorithm to meet desired needs (K/S);
3. receive the broad education necessary to understand the impact of computer science solutions in a global and societal context (K/V);
4. communicate effectively (S/V);
5. succeed in research or industry related to computer science (K/S/V);
6. have solid knowledge in computer science and engineering, including programming and languages, algorithms, theory, databases, etc. (K/S); TP
7. integrate well into and contribute to the local society and the global community related to computer science (K/S/V);
8. practise high standard of professional ethics (V);
9. draw on and integrate knowledge from many related areas (K/S/V);
Remarks: K = Knowledge outcomes; S = Skills outcomes; V = Values and attitude outcomes; T = Teach; P = Practice; M = Measured