Outreach & Social Impact

Outreach & Social Impact


Ron Darvin

Won the AAAL Dissertation Award 2020 for the dissertation entitled "Digital identities, educational inequities: Investigating social class and new literacies of migrant Filipino youth in the knowledge economy.”

YouTube Live Talk: "Is TikTok tinkering with my brain?". (2020-05-28)

Jette Hansen Edwards

Series Editor for Routledge Advances in Teaching English as an International Language Series (RATEILS)

Editorial board for the Cambridge Elements in Phonetics Series published by Cambridge University Press

Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities

Judge for the English language category of the South China Morning Post Student of the Year Awards

Careers talk video for the English Schools Foundation

Engaged in a inter-institutional collaboration on a speech intelligibility project with colleagues from Le Moyne College in the USA with Prof. Mary Zampini and Prof. Caitlin Cunningham, the colleagues of the college.

Jung Jookyoung

M.A. Workshop on Academic Writing (2020-01-11)

YouTube Live Talk: "Can we predict our English learning ability from our IQ, MBTI, blood type, or zodiac?". (2020-05-29)

Julian Lamb

School Visit: Maryknoll Convent School
Topic: The Training of the Shrew
Date: 14 January 2020

School Visit: St Paul’s Convent School
Topic: "Othello and Scepticism" & "Hamlet and Selfhood"
Date: 22 January 2020

Public Online Lecture: Arts and Humanities in the Face of Global Challenges
Title: The Mysteries of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18
Date: 3 May 2020
(Moderator: Prof. Li Ou, Dept. of English)

YouTube Live Talk: "Surviving and Thriving in an Interview". (2020-05-19)

YouTube Live Talk: "Is Romeo Stupid?". (2020-05-22)

YouTube Live Talk: "Introduction to an English Major (Session 1 & 2)". (2020-05-26)

YouTube Live Talk: "About CU English: Courses, Careers, and More". (2020-07-11)

Li Ou

As the Moderator on Public Online Lecture: Arts and Humanities in the Face of Global Challenges
Title: The Mysteries of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18
Date: 3 May 2020
(Speaker: Prof. Julian Lamb, Dept. of English)

Michael O'Sullivan

YouTube Live Talk: "Superheroes in Graphic Novel, Comics and Film". (2020-05-29)

Eli Park Sorensen

Awarded the Luce East Asia Fellowship and will be in residence at the National Humanities Center from Sept-Dec 2020 (March 2020)

YouTube Live Talk: "Introduction to ENGE2110/UGED2195: Crime Fiction". (2020-06-19)

YouTube Live Talk: "Introduction to ENGE2120/UGED2185: Literature and Human Rights". (2020-06-26)



Evelyn Chan

Interview article issued in CUHK Newsletter on the ethics and desirability of technological advancements and genetic engineering.

Met with form 4 students from the ELCHK Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School to discuss Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" and to answer any questions they may have about studying (English) at university, as part of their school's "Walk with Scholars" scheme. (April 5)

Jette Hansen Edwards

Judge, CUHK’s English Speaking Competition

Talk on “Identity and language attitudes in Hong Kong pre and post the Umbrella Movement” at Multilingualism and Identity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives at the University of Cambridge. (Sept 12)

Talk on “The impact of listeners’ shared background, international experience, and proficiency on the intelligibility, accentedness, and comprehensibility of Asian Englishes” at the 9th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech on 1st September at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. (Sept 1)

Jane Jackson

Editorial board member, Language and Intercultural Communication (Taylor and Francis) (2010-present) International Advisory Board (2014-present)

Editorial board member, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) (2015-present)

Editorial board member, Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education (John Benjamins) (2015-present)

Editorial review board member, International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IGI-Global), (2015-present)

Member of the Hong Kong Appeals Board on Exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement (English) (2015-present)

Advisor, MILSA (Mentoring Intercultural Learning through Study Abroad), University of Bern, Switzerland and the University of Technology Sydney, Australia (2016-present) (http://www.milsa.unibe.ch/about_us/index_eng.html)

Editorial board member, Intercultural Communication Studies (International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies), (2018-present)

‘‘Cantonese is my own eyes and English is just my glasses’: The evolving language and intercultural attitudes of a Chinese study abroad student ’, in M. Howard (Ed.), Study Abroad, Second Language Acquisition and Interculturality: Contemporary Perspectives, Bristol: Multilingual Matters. (Invited chapter)

Intercultural competence and L2 pragmatics. In N. Taguchi (Ed.) the Routledge Handbook of SLA and Pragmatics, London and New York: Routledge. (Invited chapter)

Fostering a diverse and inclusive campus, Workshop (with Sun T.) at the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Fostering global-mindedness and inclusivity through intercultural mentoring, Plenary with Oguro, S. presented at the ‘Internationalization: Optimizing Student Experience, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.

Invited talk with Cushner, K.: Practice in Education, Theme: Intercultural Competence, Fellow’s Day, International Academy of Intercultural Research (IAIR) conference, Shanghai, China, July 7.

Julian Lamb

Lecture on Shakespeare’s Sonnets at Open University Hong Kong (Feb 15)

Talk: 250 Secondary 4 and 5 students at Carmel Pak U School in Tai Po on Drama and the Voice (Feb 27)

School Visit: Students from St Paul’s Lam Tin came to CUHK
Topic: Drama workshop on A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Date: 5 March 2019

School Visit: St Stephen’s College
Topic: Ibsen’s A Doll’s House
Date: 15 March 2019

Short lecture with Dr. Suzanne Wong to 30 secondary school students as part of the University’s Taster Fair that took place on March 23 on campus. The title was “Old Words and New Words: English at CUHK.” (May 16)

School Visit: HKUGA
Topic: Masterclass on Twelfth Night
Date: 26 September 2019

School Visit: Students from St Paul’s Lam Tin came to CUHK
Topic: Bertolt Brecht: Politics and Alienation (I)
Date: 27 September 2019

School Visit: St Stephen’s Girls’ College (including students from Ying Wa Girls’ School)
Topic: Taming of the Shrew and Education
Date: 6 November 2019

School Visit: St Paul’s Convent School
Topic: The Training of the Shrew
Date: 27 November 2019

Carmen Lee

Invited speakers at the HKU Colloquium on Sociolinguistics and the Humanities on March 26, organized by the Society of Fellows in the Humanities at the University of Hong Kong.
Title: “Art as Curated Texts: Authenticating the #instartist Identity in Social Media." (Mar 26)

Li Ou

Two talks on "Keats's Last Great Poems and Hume's Mitigated Scepticism" and "The Reception of Romanticism in Twentieth-Century China: the case of Byron" (May 14)

Paper Presentation in Sixth Bicentennial John Keats Conference. Topic: "On Sitting Down to Read 'To Autumn' Once Again" (May 18)

Talk in School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London / London Confucius Institute. Topic: "Romantic, Rebel, and Reactionary: the reception of Byron in Twentieth-Century China" (May 20)

Symposium on the Gothic on the Feast of Samhain (Halloween) (30 Oct)

Michael O'Sullivan

Workshop Facilitator. “The Character in the Short Story”. Conducted workshop to visiting students from Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary). ENGE@CUHK Masterclass Series. Supported by Project Impact Enhancement Fund (2018/2019). Faculty of Arts, CUHK. 06/2019. (June 26)

Symposium on the Gothic on the Feast of Samhain (Halloween) (30 Oct)

Eli Park Sorensen

New Asia College, ‘English Evenings’, CUHK. Talk on ‘Crime Fiction’ (April 9)

The International Writers Workshop, ‘The Many Worlds of Science Fiction’, Hong Kong Baptist University. Talk on ‘Sci Fi as Social Critique’. (April 14)

Eddie Tay

Workshop Facilitator. “Hong Kong through Images and Imagery”. Professional Development Programme for secondary school English language and literature teachers. HK Education Bureau. 01/2019. (Jan 8)

Published two poems, “How I Impressed Others with My Cantonese” and “Choices,” in World Literature Today.

Organized a symposium on the theme of Neighbourhood for journal, Hong Kong Studies. There is a strong level of community engagement was many speakers (in the afternoon) are artists/NGO reps from the community. (May 11)

Two talks to 60 S6 students for the CUHK Programme Exploration Day (May 16)

Keynote talk. "The Department Poet: On Institutional Demands, On Writing from the Heart", at Poly U, for Writing Roundtable 2019: Storytelling in Academic and Creative Writing. (May 17)

Workshop Facilitator. “Writing Poetry with Images and Imagery”. Conducted workshop to visiting students from Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary). ENGE@CUHK Masterclass Series. Supported by Project Impact Enhancement Fund (2018/2019). Faculty of Arts, CUHK. 06/2019. (June 26)

Suzanne Wong

Short lecture with Prof. Julian Lamb to 30 secondary school students as part of the University’s Taster Fair that took place on March 23 on campus. The title was “Old Words and New Words: English at CUHK.” (May 16)

Honourary Consultant for a book series. "Time Travel in Literature" published by Campus Education Publishing Limited.



Jane Jackson

Editorial review board, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell (Y. Y. Kim, Editor) (2014-2018)

Editorial board member, Language and Intercultural Communication (Taylor and Francis) (2010-present) International Advisory Board (2014-present)

Advisor on English language and intercultural teaching, Shantou University, Shantou, China (2014-2017)

Editorial board member, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) (2015-present)

Editorial board member, Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education (John Benjamins) (2015-present)

Editorial review board member, International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IGI-Global), (2015-present)

Member of the Hong Kong Appeals Board on Exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement (English) (2015-present)

Advisor, MILSA (Mentoring Intercultural Learning through Study Abroad), University of Bern, Switzerland and the University of Technology Sydney, Australia (2016-present) (http://www.milsa.unibe.ch/about_us/index_eng.html)

Editorial board member, Intercultural Communication Studies (International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies), (2018-present)

Training for study abroad. In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter) (Model chapter)

Sojourner communication. In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter) (Model chapter)

Intercultural friendship. In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter)

Sociolinguistic approach to intercultural communication. In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter)

Identity, bilingual & multicultural, In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter)

Fostering intercultural learning and engagement, invited talk, CUHK’s Symposium on Internationalization of Student Affairs in Higher Education, Hong Kong. (By invitation), 25-26 January 2018

‘Breathing the smells of native style English’: A narrativized account of a L2 sojourner. In C. Borghetti and A. Beaven (Eds). Study Abroad and Interculturality: Perspectives and Discourses, London and New York: Routledge.

Intercultural learning and engagement during study abroad: An online intervention, Invited webinar, organized by the Institute for Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning (IFCCTL), USA, 4 October 2018 (Audience: International educators throughout the USA)

Intervening in the learning of L2 study abroad students: From research to practice, Language Teaching, 51(3): 365-382. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444816000392 (Invited article)

Julian Lamb

23 March, City University Community College. “All the World’s a Sonnet: A Reading of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18.” (Invited lecture)

13 April, Shenzhen University. “Drama and Determinants (I): Eugene O’Neill and Arthur Miller.” (Invited lecture.)

20 April, Shenzhen University. “Drama and Determinants (II): Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter.” (Invited lecture.)

26 April, UCCC Logos Academy. “Macbeth in Performance.” (Drama workshop.)

15 June, Narrabundah College (Canberra, Australia). “Othello and Scepticism.” (Invited talk.)

16 July to 1 August, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Visiting Fellow. “Introduction to Renaissance Poetry” (16 2hr lectures taught as part of the BFSU Summer Session).

5 October, Open University Hong Kong. “An Introduction to Paradise Lost.” (Invited talk.)

15 November, St Paul’s Convent School. “The Training of the Shrew: Taming of the Shrew.” (Invited talk.)

29 November, St Paul’s Convent School. “Hamlet’s Inwardness.” (Invited talk.)

Carmen Lee

16 April, Seminar at Carmel Pak U Secondary School for F5 students. “Learn jor Chinglish, sin can unlearn Chinglish”: Exploring code-mixing in Hong Kong (Invited talk.)

Li Ou

30 March, Kobe, Japan. ‘Romanticism in China: Received, Revised, and Resurrected’, ACAH 2018 (The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities), ‘Recentering: Asian Spaces, Cultures, and Ideas in the 21st Century’ (keynote presentation). The majority of ACAH/LibrAsia conference attendees are university faculty, with 58.7% holding an academic post. At 24.3% of the total registered delegates, postgraduate and doctoral students make up the next largest group of attendees. The remaining attendees come from the business sector (2.3%) and the public sector (2.4%), with 2.3% registered as "independent" and 9.1% registered as "other".
(retrieved from: https://acah.iafor.org/who-attends-acah/)

19 May, Keats House, London. ‘Keats's Historical Scepticism and Voltaire’ Keats Foundation’s Bicentennial Conference. Invited talk. The Keats Foundation’s bicentennial conference ‘is unusual in that it is welcoming to, and pleased to attract, not just academic delegates, but many independent scholars, Keats lovers and members of the public’ (Newsletter of the Keats Foundation - June 2017). ‘As always, the conference draws strength from a vitalising mixture of Keats scholars, students, dedicated enthusiasts and members of the public’ (Newsletter of the Keats Foundation – June 2018).

Eli Park Sorensen

24 February. Question Master, Grand Finals of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Standard Chartered Hong Kong English Public Speaking Contest.

Eddie Tay

15 December, Workshop Co-Facilitator, HKBU Writing Lodge. One-Day Literary Writing Lodge in Hong Kong Voices. The Department of English Language and Literature at the Hong Kong Baptist University is joining forces with the award-winning Cha: An Asian Literary Journal and PEN Hong Kong to organise a very special One-Day Literary Writing Lodge in Hong Kong Voices (Saturday 15 December 2018). Some of the best-known writers in Hong Kong will team up with linguistics and literature professors to create an exciting daylong writing experience for higher secondary school students. The idea of the Writing Lodge is to encourage youngsters to write authentically in their own Hong Kong voices in a way that is also intelligible and expressive to a global readership. This is likely to be the next frontier of English literary writing in Hong Kong, and we are enthusiastic to help nurture the best writing talents from among our city’s young people.

26 November, Featured Writer, Pop Up by Social Club, Delere Press at Cha: Joint Book Launch & Reading.

24 October, Workshop Facilitator, St. Rose of Lima’s College. invited to conduct "Reading and Writing Poetry with Visual Images" workshop to 139 secondary students and 5 English teachers. (Cha Writing Workshop Series) https://chajournal.blog/2018/11/04/st-rose-of-limas-college/

10 October, Centre for Community Cultural Development, Speaker at an arts event Cha Reading Series.

22 September, Workshop facilitator. Conducted i) workshop on Singapore and HK poetry, ii) guided photo walk at Sham Shui Po, iii) creative writing activity using photos for visiting secondary school students from Raffles Institution, Singapore's premier school; from 9am to 3pm.

27 August. Speaker at a cultural event, Bleak House Books, Hong Kong (2018-08-27)
(Cha Reading Series) Announcement on event in Zolima City Mag:

16 July – 9 September, Exhibition of my prize-winning poetry book, The Mental Life of Cities National Library (Singapore) and Singapore Book Council, Singapore. Remark: Celebrating Our Writers: The Journey of the Singapore Literature Prize. Lee Kong Chian Reference Library, Reading Room National Library Building Level 9
Write-up of the exhibition: "Discover the history of the Singapore Literature Prize. From its inaugural edition in 1992, the Singapore Literature Prize has been awarded to over 60 writers across three genres – poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction – in four languages: English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. The prize has also launched the careers of many writers in its 26-year history. Come and celebrate Singapore’s literary legacy through the writers and their works in this exhibition on the history of Singapore’s most prestigious literary prize."
Please see the following link: https://bookcouncil.sg/programmes/calendar/celebrating-our-writers-the-journey-of-the-singaporeliterature-prize

3 May, Speaker at a cultural event, Swing a Cat Gallery, Hong Kong (Cha Reading Series) (2018-05-03) Presented my poetry and street photography together with 2 other speakers at a gallery reading "Sayang Singapura" at Swing a Cat art gallery at To Kwa Wan. Supported by NUS alumni association.

21 April, Workshop Co-facilitator, Education Bureau, Hong Kong (2018-04-21)
Co-facilitator at "Poetry Teahouse" workshop on 2018 World Book Day Fest co-organised by Education Bureau and SCOLAR, an event graced by Carrie Lam. Introduced English poems by poets from Hong Kong and arouse teachers' interest in poetry reading; shared writing experience; explored how fun learning activities can be designed to engage their students in poetry writing and appreciation, thereby developing their creativity and thinking skills. Attended by 20-30 English language and literature teachers.

2 March, Featured Speaker, Mexican Consulate General in Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2018-03-02). (Cha Reading Series)

22 January, Discussant, Education Bureau, Hong Kong (2018-01-22). Tea Gathering with Poets. Poets in attendance include Tammy Ho, Nicholas Wong, Collier Nogues, Kate Rogers, Akin Jeje, James Shea and myself. Discussed the idea of promoting English poetry by local/Hong Kong-based expatriate poets to draw students' attention to the local literary scene; to extend students' perspectives beyond the canonical works on the current HKDSE Exam syllabus to more contemporary and "glocalised" texts, which are actually more connected to students' experience and daily life; discussed what we can do (e.g. organising workshops for teachers/students, producing ETV programmes, incorporating poems by local poets in the HKDSE examination). Organized by Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau. Outcome (Under preparation): a handbook on HK literature in English for secondary school students

January 15 to 27, Panel Judge, Kids4Kids (nonprofit organization), Hong Kong. "My Story Creation Competition". Judged individual storybook with illustrations; approx. 30-40 entries from various HK schools.

Jan 2018 – present, Co-organizer, Cha Writing Workshop Series (co-organizer with Tammy Ho); matching writers with schools, domestic helper groups and refugees to conduct writing workshops. Details here: https://chajournal.blog/writing/



Jette Hansen Edwards

31 July. Published “The rise of English in China: A threat to China’s national unity?” Invited article for Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. GJIA is a journal published by the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. The readership includes think tanks, embassies, and international affair professionals. Article is available at: http://journal.georgetown.edu/the-rise-of-english-in-china-a-threat-to-chinas-national-unity/

17 May. Published “’I want to speak American’: Jette Hansen Edwards investigates the rising popularity of American English in Hong Kong.” in Babel: The Language Magazine. Babel is a magazine about language and linguistics, written in a highly accessible manner for a wider readership.

4 April. Published “Language, identity, and politics in Hong Kong.” Invited article for Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (GJIA). GJIA is a journal published by the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. The readership includes think tanks, embassies, and international affair professionals. Article is available at: http://journal.georgetown.edu/language-identity-and-politics-in-hong-kong/

Jane Jackson

Editorial review board, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell (Y. Y. Kim, Editor) (2014-2018)

Editorial board member, Language and Intercultural Communication (Taylor and Francis) (2010-present) International Advisory Board (2014-present)

Advisor on English language and intercultural teaching, Shantou University, Shantou, China (2014-2017)

Editorial board member, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) (2015-present)

Editorial board member, Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education (John Benjamins) (2015-present)

Editorial review board member, International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IGI-Global), (2015-present)

Member of the Hong Kong Appeals Board on Exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement (English) (2015-present)

Advisor, MILSA (Mentoring Intercultural Learning through Study Abroad), University of Bern, Switzerland and the University of Technology Sydney, Australia (2016-present) (http://www.milsa.unibe.ch/about_us/index_eng.html)

Researching language, culture, and identities in study abroad contexts, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 19 January 2017. (Invited talk)

Ethnography in study abroad, Invited talk at the Applied Linguistics Research Workshop, Migration, study abroad and language learning beyond the classroom: Research agendas and approaches, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 24-25 January 2017.

Issues and agendas for study abroad research, Invited talk at the Applied Linguistics Research Workshop, Migration, study abroad and language learning beyond the classroom: Research agendas and approaches, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 24-25 January 2017.

‘Internationalisation at home: Current and future directions’, Teaching and Learning Experience Sharing (TALES) Workshop, Invited talk at Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 21 February 2017.

Tracing the developmental trajectories of Chinese exchange students in Australasia, invited UMAP-supported panel presentation with G., Benson and Sun, T. at the Asia-Pacific Association of International Education (APAIE) conference, 20-23 March 2017.

Interculturality, diversity and internationalization: Challenges and opportunities, Plenary at the 6th International Conference on English, Discourse & Intercultural Communication, Part I, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau University, Macau, June 2017.

The construction, negotiation and representation of Chinese student identities abroad, Keynote address at the 6th International Conference on English, Discourse & Intercultural Communication, Part II, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, June 2017

Invited discussant for colloquium ‘Intercultural competence in international higher education: Part I: Case studies’ organized by Professor Lily Arasaratnam-Smith, the 10th Biennial conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research CUNY College of Staten Island, Staten Island, New York, 26 June 2017.

Intercultural relations and situated learning theory: Critical applications in study abroad contexts, Invited presentation in colloquium ‘From theory to reality: Generating practical insights for improving intercultural contact and communication’ organized by Y. Y. Kim; Fellow presenters: D. Bhawuk, Y.Y. Kim and L. Arasaratnam-Smith (Discussant)), the10th Biennial conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, Staten Island, New York, 26 June 2017

‘Case studies in study abroad: Making sense of developmental trajectories’, Invited commentary in Study Abroad in Contemporary Times: Methodological Innovations’, Special issue editor Peter De Costa, System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 71: 122-124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2017.09.016 (Invited commentary)

Advances in intercultural pedagogy and assessment, IAIR Fellows Day Workshop: Facilitating Positive Intercultural Relationships in Practice: Principles of Program Development, Invited presentation, Theme: Applying research to improve intercultural relations, the10th Biennial conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR), Staten Island, New York, 25 June 2017

Second language teacher identity. In G. Barkzhuizen (Ed.), Reflections on language teacher identity research. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (Invited chapter)

Bridging the research-practice nexus to enhance study abroad learning, Presentation at the ReN Study Abroad Institute: Colloquium: SA (Social networks, language learning & SA): ReN theme: Contemporary Directions in Study Abroad Research, the 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2017), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2017. (25 July)

Criticality in study abroad research and practice, Plenary with Dervin F., Criticality in Education (Research): Definitions, Discourses and Controversies. University of Helsinki, Finland, 31 August-1st September 2017"

Interculturality, criticality, and intercultural praxis in study abroad, Plenary (Keynote speaker), Study Abroad Research in European Perspective (SAREP), COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology, University of Turku, Finland.

Julian Lamb

9 May to 9 June, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Visiting Fellow, “Reading Paradise Lost” (8 2hr lectures taught to postgraduate students and staff).

25 May, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Drama Workshop on A Midsummer Night’s Dream, given to undergraduate students.

2 June, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Drama Workshop on Twelfth Night, given to undergraduate students.

31 October, Shenzhen University, “Hamlet, Othello, and Scepticism.” (Invited lecture.)

15 November, St Paul’s (Lam Tin), Drama Workshop on Under Milk Wood.

22 November, Shenzhen University, “Shakespeare and Persuasion.” (Invited lecture.)

Carmen Lee

March – present. Coordinator of the Reading Corner project at New Asia College, CUHK
With an aim of promoting a stronger reading culture at CUHK and beyond, the READxNA reading corner was launched in March 2017. Located in the NA student canteen, the Reading corner is open to the public during weekdays and weekends (during business hours of the canteen). The Reading corner is designed not only for reading and book exchange, but also as a hub to organize public seminars, book talk, etc. The collection of over 300 English and Chinese books is viewable at GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/65760984-readxna

Li Ou

21 May 2017, ‘Keats, Montaigne, and Hamlet’, 2017 Keats Foundation’s Bicentennial Conference, Keats House, London

Eli Park Sorensen

31 March. Design Exhibition Brochure. Typojanchi 2017: The 5th International Typography Biennale.

28 February. Art Exhibition Brochure, ‘Kang Young Kil’s Limbo’, Tenri Culture Institute, New York City.

Eddie Tay

4 November. Reader at book launch, Hong Kong International Literary Festival, Hong Kong. Read a co-authored poem "City Banyan (Broken)" at the afternoon event "Twin Cities / Twin Cinema", an event hosted by the Hong Kong International Literary Festival, at the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences. Approx 450 audience members.

4 November. Featured poet, Cha, a literary collective, Hong Kong. 1 of 4 featured poets invited to read their works at an evening event at CCCD Artspace - 碧波押 Green Wave Art

1 September – 31 August. Committee member, Education Bureau. Remark: CDC-HKEAA Committee on Literature in English; discuss and plan the HKDSE curriculum

20 October – 01 November. Panel judge, Kids4Kids, Hong Kong (2017-10-20 to 2017-11-01)
Panel judge of “My Story Creation" competition 2017; picture books (writing and illustrations) created by secondary school students

21 September. Workshop facilitator, Raffles Institution, Singapore (2017-09-21)
Conducted 2-hr workshop on street photography and creative writing to about 28 upper secondary students who are visiting Hong Kong; by invitation

25 July. Workshop facilitator, Raffles Institution, Singapore (2017-07-25)
Facilitated street photography and creative writing workshop for upper secondary students at Raffles Institution in Singapore; 2 hours, approx 30 students

25 January. Judge, Kids4Kids (NGO), Hong Kong (2017-01-25). Judge for creative writing competition "Writing for a Cause" (part 2)

Suzanne Wong

October 2017 - April 2018. Mentorship Programme. ELCHK Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School “Walk with Scholars” (Eight senior secondary school students came to CUHK twice to discuss the study of English and to attend tutorials).



Jane Jackson

Editorial review board, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell (Y. Y. Kim, Editor) (2014-2018)

Editorial board member, Language and Intercultural Communication (Taylor and Francis) (2010-present) International Advisory Board (2014-present)

Advisor on English language and intercultural teaching, Shantou University, Shantou, China (2014-2017)

Editorial board member, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) (2015-present)

Editorial board member, Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education (John Benjamins) (2015-present)

Editorial review board member, International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IGI-Global), (2015-present)

Consultant for the English Language Center, Shantou University, Shantou, China (2015-2016) (Observations of English language lessons, advice on English language teaching, workshops on pedagogy)

Member of the Hong Kong Appeals Board on Exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement (English) (2015-present)

Advisor, MILSA (Mentoring Intercultural Learning through Study Abroad), University of Bern, Switzerland and the University of Technology Sydney, Australia (2016-present) (http://www.milsa.unibe.ch/about_us/index_eng.html)

How to develop a research project. In Zhu Hua (Ed.), Research methods in intercultural communication: A practical guide (pp. 147-164). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley & Sons. (Invited chapter) (http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118837460.html)

Language and intercultural communication. Key Concepts in Intercultural Dialogue, No. 78. https://centerforinterculturaldialogue.org/publications/ (Invited article)

From research to praxis: An intercultural approach to study abroad, Invited talk, Distinguished lecture series, Department of English, the University of Macao, 27 January 2016.

Language and intercultural journeys: Meaning-making through reflective writing, Keynote address, HKU Space conference on Language and Communication, Hong Kong SAR. 11 March 2016

Optimizing intercultural learning and engagement abroad through online mentoring, Keynote address, Intercultural learning through study abroad colloquium in Bern, Switzerland co-hosted by the University of Bern and the University of Technology Sydney, 14 April 2016.

The language use, attitudes, and motivation of Chinese students prior to a semester-long sojourn in an English-speaking environment. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 1(1), 4-33. (Invited article, inaugural issue) http://dx. doi: 10.1075/sar.1.1.01jac

Inspiring language and intercultural learning in student sojourners, Shantou University, Shantou, China (Invited workshop/ talk), 16 May 2016.

‘Breathing the smells of native-style English’: A narrativised account of a L2 sojourn. Language and Intercultural Communication, 16 (3), 332-348. (Invited article for special issue: Erasmus student mobility and intercultural learning; C. Borghetti & A. Beaven, Eds.) (Invited article) http://dx. doi: 10.1080/14708477.2016.1168047

From research to practice: Intervening in the learning of L2 study abroad students, Keynote address, Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics (HAAL) conference, Hong Kong SAR, 11 June 2016

Intercultural communication and immersion abroad: An online intervention, Invited talk, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 8 September 2016.

Micro modules and intercultural mentoring online: Enriching international educational experience, CUHK’s Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2016. 16 December 2016. (Invited presentation)

Li Ou

2 July. Invited talk, ‘English Poetry’, for 'One Day at CU with Arts', a day of talks/activities organised by the Faculty of Arts, CUHK, for secondary school students, 2 July 2016

Eddie Tay

1 November – 11 November. Judge of Creative Writing Competition "Writing for a Cause" (Part 1), Kids4Kids, Hong Kong. About Kids4Kids (Information extracted from its website): "Kids4Kids is a Hong Kong based non-profit organization developed to inspire young people in Hong Kong to take action and make a positive social impact. Kids4Kids aims to develop social awareness and responsibility by providing platforms that empower kids to enact positive change in their community. To date, Kids4Kids has partnered with over 65 schools, 40 charity organizations, and has involved over 15,500 students."

17 September. Invited speaker/lecturer/workshop facilitator, Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, Hong Kong. “Shifting Homelands: Singapore and Hong Kong in Literature and Art”
Responded to group presentations, conducted lecture on culture and creativity, conducted creative writing workshop, facilitated discussions on selected films; this is for about 30-35 HK students as well as another 25 visiting students from Raffles Institution (Singapore).

1 June 2016 – 31 May 2017. Mentor, The Arts House (NGO), Singapore. Mentored (mostly via email correspondence) a NUS business undergraduate for a year in the art of writing book reviews under its Young Critics Mentorship Programme; many of the reviews have been subsequently published; The Arts House is an NGO in Singapore while I am based in HK.

31 July. Invited speaker, National Poetry Festival, Singapore (2016-07-31)
Gave a talk and reading as part of a launch of my poetry and street photography book, Dreaming Cities.

8 April. Invited Speaker, University of Hong Kong, English Society (2016-04-08)
Academic dialogue with Dr. Otto Heim on language, poetry and identity; attended by approx. 30 HKU students

25 March – 28 March. Finalist Judge, Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. Assessed, ranked, and commented on poem entries for Hong Kong Budding Poets Award

18 March. Invited Workshop Facilitator, Education Bureau (2016-03-18)
3-hr Professional Development Programme for teachers; on teaching poetry in the classroom

23 January. Workshop Facilitator, Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. Conducted poetry writing class for 100 primary school students with 5-6 other fellow poets



Jason Gleckman

Advisor for Word Perfect (publication of the Official Languages Division, HK Civil Service Bureau) (four times per year; 2015-present)

Speech contest judge, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

Jette Hansen Edwards

Adjudicator, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Standard Chartered Hong Kong English Public Speaking Contest

2015-2018, English Language Panel Member, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA)

Jane Jackson

Editorial review board, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell (Y. Y. Kim, Editor) (2014-2018)

Editorial board member, Language and Intercultural Communication (Taylor and Francis) (2010-present) International Advisory Board (2014-present)

Advisor on English language and intercultural teaching, Shantou University, Shantou, China (2014-2017)

Editorial board member, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) (2015-present)

Editorial board member, Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education (John Benjamins) (2015-present)

Editorial review board member, International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IGI-Global), (2015-present)

Consultant for the English Language Center, Shantou University, Shantou, China (2015-2016) (Observations of English language lessons, advice on English language teaching, workshops on pedagogy)

Member of the Hong Kong Appeals Board on Exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement (English) (2015-present)

Interview. Study abroad perspectives: An interview with Jane Jackson. JALT Study Abroad SIG Journal 8 (1), 9-12. http://jalt-sa.org/PDF/8-1Jackson.pdf

Interview related to Ethnographic Encounters Project: Cultural knowledge for Language Learners at the University of Southampton, U.K. http://generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk/ethnographicencounters/interviews/.

Case studies in Applied English Linguistics and study abroad research, Invited talk, School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University, 27 April 2015.

TESOL research: Current and future directions, Invited talk, Shantou University, Shantou, China, 17-23 May 2015.

Intercultural L2 teaching: Enhancing intercultural interactions at home and abroad. English Teaching in China (ETiC), 6, 1-5. (Lead article, by invitation) [Link of the article]

Becoming intercultural: The discourse of a L2 sojourner, Invited plenary, The 5th International Conference on English, Discourse & Intercultural Communication, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, 2-5 June 2015.

Intercultural interpersonal conflict in international education. In Bo Shan & Jun Xiao (Eds.), Cultural conflicts and intercultural communication (pp. 286-303). Social Science Academic Press: Beijing, China. (Invited chapter)

Intercultural Competence in Teaching and Learning: Toward Promoting and Assessing Intercultural Competence (Ken Cushner and Jennifer Mahon, organizers). IDI Guided Development & online support for student sojourners, Invited symposium at the 9th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research IAIR 2015, Bergen, Norway, 28 June-2 July 2015.

Intercultural communication and language. In J. Bennett (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of intercultural competence, volume 2 (pp. 453-458). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. (Invited chapter) (Link of the chapter)

Research-inspired interventions in study abroad programming. Keynote address. International conference on ‘The Culture of Study Abroad’ (linked to the AILA research network ‘Study Abroad and Language Learning,’ Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, N.S., Canada, 16 July 2015.

National identity and intercultural engagement: Mainland Chinese students abroad, Keynote address, The 8th International Conference on Intercultural Communication (ICIC 2015), Ethnic communication, National Image and Intercultural Communication, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 20-22 November 2015.

Carmen Lee

3 October. TEDxHKUST talk. Should we worry about our language in the digital age?. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Carmen was one of the 8 invited speakers of the 2015 TEDxHKUST event, the theme of which was United by Diversity. 400+ people physically attended the talk, and the talk is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF0R3eGTTgs ; View count as of Nov 2018: 658 views

Li Ou

2 May. ‘Keats, Sextus Empiricus, and Medicine’, 2015 Keats Foundation’s Bicentennial Conference, Guy’s Hospital, London

Eli Park Sorensen

28 November. Invited Speaker. ‘Your Conscience’. Typojanchi 2015: The 4th International Typography Biennale, Seoul Station.

11 November. Design Exhibition Brochure. Typojanchi 2015: The 4th International Typography Biennale, Seoul Station.

Eddie Tay

5 December. Invited Speaker, Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. Jointly organised with City U of HK; read and talked about poetry to primary school students

6 November. Invited Speaker, Hong Kong Baptist University. Invited to speak on poetry at Literary Salon organized by the International Writers' Workshop, HKBU

19 November. Guest Speaker, Sundaram Tagore Gallery. Read at Book Launch of Eight Hong Kong Poets

7 September – 7 December. Mentor, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia. Mentored an academic during his stay in HK under an education leadership development programme

1 September 2015 – 31 August 2017. Committee Member, Education Bureau. CDC-HKEAA Committee on Literature in English; discuss and plan the HKDSE curriculum

16 July to 13 August. Contributor, National Library Board, Singapore. 'Reading Wordsworth' to Poetry on Platforms exhibition, poem displayed at City Hall MRT platforms

07 April. Judge, World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championship (2015-04-07)
On a Judging Panel for the Interpretive Component of the Championship

20 March – 30 March. Judge, Hong Kong Budding Poets Award. Judged and commented on poetry entries

23 February – 28 February. Finalist Judge, The Arts House, Singapore. Judged 470 entries for ‘Text in the City Poetry Competition’ organised by The Arts House, Singapore



Chan, Evelyn

November, 2014. “Reading Novels.” Article at the request of the educational platform eTVonline at RTHK: http://utalks.etvonline.hk/article92.php (this was part of a series of articles on that website introducing the public to a variety of university disciplines).

Jane Jackson

Editorial review board, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell (Y. Y. Kim, Editor) (2014-2018)

Editorial board member, Language and Intercultural Communication (Taylor and Francis) (2010-present) International Advisory Board (2014-present)

Advisor on English language and intercultural teaching, Shantou University, Shantou, China (2014-2017)

Intercultural communicative competence: ELT and study abroad. Invited workshop. English Teaching and Intercultural Competence Cultivation’ conference. Shanghai, China: Sino Foreign Language Teacher Training Institute, 25 April 2014.

Intercultural issues in education abroad, Invited presentation, 2nd Chinese Intercultural Disciplinary Development Forum ‘Developing intercultural research in China’ Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), 11-13 April 2014

Representing Chinese identity and core values globally. Cross-cultural dialogue/panel of intercultural communication experts moderated by Yang Rui at the 2nd Chinese Intercultural Disciplinary Development Forum ‘Developing intercultural research in China’ Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), 13 April 2014

Deepening language and intercultural understanding through critical reflection, Invited keynote address, ‘Teaching Language toward Intercultural Competence’, Shantou University International Conference, Shantou, China, 25-27 April 2014.

Enhancing the international educational experience of undergraduates. Invited talk linked to the CUHK Teaching Ambassadors Scheme, Retreat of the Japanese Department, CUHK, 9 May 2014.

Carmen Lee

13 January. Reviewer. Participate in the mid-term review of the new senior secondary school curriculum, English Language, Education Bureau (EDB), HKSAR.

18 September. Media interview. What happens to literacy when the internet turns into a giant TV station? https://www.theverge.com/2014/9/18/6096239/what-happens-to-literacy-when-the-internet-turns-into-a-giant-tv

2014 – 2016, President (2014-16)/Executive Committee Member (2016 to present) of the Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics. Carmen is a former President and currently and exco member of HAAL. HAAL regularly organizes public seminars, conferences and other events for language-related teaching professionals and practitioners, researchers, publishers and editors, government officers, and members of the public who share an interest in applied linguistics.

Eddie Tay

17 October Invited Speaker, City University of Hong Kong. Read my poems at TEN POETS' NIGHT, a poetry event attended by about 400 people.

2 April, Guest Speaker, Poetry OutLoud. Presented poem at the Fringe Club at the launch of OutLoud Too, a poetry anthology; audience size approximately 200



Chan, Evelyn

2013-present, Member of the HKDSE Literature in English Subject Committee (under the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority).

Jane Jackson

Invited keynote address: Facilitating Intercultural Learning on Campus: Strengthening the Research-Teaching Nexus, Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 5 December 2013

Enhancing study abroad learning through guided reflection. Paper presented in the EXPO 2013 Teaching and Learning conference organized by CLEAR, CUHK, December 2013.

International transitions: Facilitating intercultural learning & global citizenship. Invited presentation: Senior Scholars’ Forum, 10th CAFIC (China Association for Intercultural Communication) International Conference (co-sponsored with IAFICS -International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, and ACCS-the Association for Chinese Communication Studies): Intercultural Communication for a Harmonious World: Challenges and Opportunities. Hainan University Tourism College, Haikou, China, 21-24 November 2013

Nurturing Intercultural/L2 Learning through Critical Reflection, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China (Invited talk),15 November 2013

Study abroad. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter) (http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405194731.html)

Teaching for internationalization and critical citizenship. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of applied linguistics: Language learning and teaching. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter) (http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405194731.html)

The transformation of ‘a frog in the well’: A path to a more intercultural, global mindset. In C. Kinginger (Ed.), Social and cultural aspects of language learning in study abroad (pp. 179-204). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Invited chapter) (https://benjamins.com/#catalog/books/lllt.37/main)

Adjusting to differing cultures of learning: The experience of semester-long exchange students from Hong Kong. In L. Jin & M. Cortazzi (Eds.), Researching intercultural learning (pp. 235-52). Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave MacMillan. (Invited chapter) (http://www.palgrave.com/la/book/9780230321335)

Intercultural interpersonal conflict in international education. Keynote address. 7th International conference of Intercultural Communication (2013 ICIC), Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 15-17 November 2013

Interview. Insight: Intercultural exchanges at colleges fall short of expectations, South China Morning Post, http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/family-education/article/1390996/insight-intercultural-exchanges-colleges-fall-short

Eli Park Sorensen

24 September, Korea Herald, ‘Acedia and the Fear of an Overpopulated Planet’, newspaper column

9 September, Korea Herald, ‘Hesitating and Acting: Obama’s Syrian Dilemma’, newspaper column

23 August, Korea Herald, ‘Alienation and Emancipation of the Self’, newspaper column

12 August, Korea Herald, ‘How the Modern World Undermines Secrecy Efforts’, newspaper column

1 July, Korea Herald, ‘Reading Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four Today’, newspaper column

17 June, Korea Herald, ‘Fraudulent Memoirs and the Autobiographical Pact’, newspaper column

3 June, Korea Herald, ‘The Belatedness of The Great Gatsby’, newspaper column

21 May, Korea Herald, ‘Preemptive Logic and Science Fiction’, newspaper column

6 May, Korea Herald, ‘On Staying Awake and Waking Up Properly’, newspaper column

26 April, Korea Herald, ‘Complex Art of Interpreting Literature’, newspaper column

Eddie Tay

27 September – 31 August, Member, CDC-HKEAA Committee on Literature in English, Education Bureau. Assist with shaping curriculum and assessment of HKDSE Literature in English

25 October – 31 October, External Assessor, The Arts House, Singapore
Assess quality of a poetry manuscript by a graduate of Mentor Access Project

2007- present, Cha Reviews Editor

2007 – present, Co-organizer, Cha Writing Workshop Series (co-organizer with Tammy Ho); matching writers with schools, domestic helper groups and refugees to conduct writing workshops.
Details here: https://chajournal.blog/writing/