
Postgraduate Research Students


ZHOU Ying Zoe


Tel 3943 5712
Office Fung King Hey 306

Research Interests
Modern poetry, especially Irish Poetry of the 20th and 21st centuries; language and poetic forms; literary modernism; cultural studies
Selected Publications
ZHOU Ying Zoe (2020). Poetic Integrity and Impotent Witness: The Problem of Silence in the Poetry of Derek Mahon. Presented at the International Conference on Poetry Studies: "Poetry Between Creation and Interpretation". London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, London, UK. 20 September 2020.
ZHOU Ying Zoe (2020). "Part prison/ Part panic closet": Visualizing Black Male Hysteria in the Poetry of Terrance Hayes. Presented at 2020 Emotion and Literature Academic Seminar. Organized by Foreign Literature journal and Yanbian University, Yanji, China. 29-30 August 2020.