
Postgraduate Research Students

KWOK Hon Yuen Virginia


Tel 3943 5711
Office Fung King Hey 304

Title of Dissertation:
Language Teaching and Intercultural Learning via Technology at University in Hong Kong (tentative)

Professor Carmen Lee

Professor Ron Darvin

My research aims at exploring language teachers' and students' perceptions of the importance of intercultural communication in language courses, the use of technology to develop language and intercultural communicative competence at university in Hong Kong, and how this links to the pedagogical beliefs and choice of tools.

Research Interests
Language Education, Intercultural Communication, Teacher Development, Technology, Literary Translation
Selected Publications
Kwok, V. (2017). Voyages of Childhood: A Global Perspective. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Kwok, V. (2016). Faithfulness in translation of children’s literature: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in Chinese. Babel, 62(2), 278-299.
Kwok, V. (2015). Robot vs. Human Teacher: Instruction in the Digital Age for ESL Learners, English Language Teaching, 8(7), 157-163.
Kwok, V. (2011). Be Still and Know: Trip to the Holy Land (Olympia pbk. ed.). London: Olympia.