
EEEN Programme Featured in CUEngineering Newsletter in June 2020 (Issue 13)
The EEEN Programme is featured in CUEngineering Newsletter in June 2020 (Issue 13):
"Sustainability implies living well within the ecological limits of a finite planet. Today’s engineers need to find holistic and effective solutions to protect our fragile planet while meeting the needs of a growing population."

Revealing the Role of Water Vapour in Methanol Atmospheric Reaction
The research team led by Prof. REN Wei has adopted high-level quantum chemistry calculations to provide a definitive answer to the role of water vapour in some important atmospheric reactions. The new findings will enable a more accurate and reliable prediction of air pollution and atmospheric chemistry. The research work has been reported in the renowned scientific journal, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition and was highlighted as the Very Important Paper (VIP) (https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202001065).

A Live Session for BEng in Energy and Environmental Engineering (JS4462)
The CUHK Programme Exploration Days for JUPAS Applicants will be held between 25 May 2020 and 3 June 2020: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/jupas/PED/
In particular, there will be a live Q&A session for BEng in Energy and Environmental Engineering (JS4462) with the details as follows:
Activity: EEEN Programme Q&A Session
Activity Date: 27 May 2020 (Wed)
Start Time: 2:00pm
End Time: 3:00pm
Language: English
Speaker: Prof. CHEN Chun & others
The activity will be conducted via ZOOM. Please register by 24 May 2020 (Sun) for this activity via:
[After registration, you will receive a confirmation email with details on joining the meeting.]

Breakthrough in Battery Research: Electrolyte Made with Skin Cream Ingredients Enables Stable and Non-flammable Aqueous Li-ion Batteries
The research team led by Prof. LU Yi-Chun has taken a critical step forward in improving high-energy batteries by introducing a novel electrolyte to the aqueous lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery. This electrolyte is commonly used in skin cream. It is inexpensive, non-flammable, less toxic and is eco-friendly, yet can create stable voltage for common usage. The breakthrough was recently published in Nature Materials, a world-leading scientific journal.

EEEN Career Talk Series: Career Development in Energy & Environmental Engineering
The EEEN Programme invites all ENER/EEEN students to join a career sharing talk organized by Energy Institute (Hong Kong Branch) which will be held with the details as follows:
Date: 16 October 2019 (Wed)
Time: 6:30–7:30p.m.
Venue: Rm 804, William M. W. Mong Engineering Building (ERB 804)
Language: English
1. Continuing Professional Development Has Helped to Differentiate Me as a Professional Engineer
(Speaker: Ir. Danny Leung, Technical Manager – Special Projects, Facilities Management Industry)
2. Market Trends in Financial Industry
(Speaker: Mr. Polex Lam, Manager, Risk Assurance, PricewaterhouseCooper)
3. Early Development of an Engineer in Consultancy Firm
(Speaker: Ms. Melody Wong, Building Sustainability Consultant, Arup)
To register for the talk, please scan the QR code on the event poster to fill in the online registration form by 15 October 2019 (Tue).

EEEN Career Talk Series #2: Resources at Arup – Water, Waste and Energy
The EEEN Programme invites all ENER/EEEN year 3 and final year students to join a career sharing and recruitment talk organized by Arup which will be held with the details as follows:
Title: Resources at Arup – Water, Waste and Energy
Speakers: Ms. Fiona Sykes, Senior Engineer, Arup
Mr. Howard Pang, Engineer, Arup
Date: 14 November 2018 (Wed)
Time: 6:30–8:00p.m.
Venue: Rm 804, William M. W. Mong Engineering Building (ERB 804)
Language: English
To register for the talk, please scan the QR code on the event poster to fill in the online registration form by 10a.m., 13 November 2018 (Tue).

EEEN Career Talk Series #1: Sharing with You – Green Building Industry and Its Career Potential
The EEEN Programme invites all ENER/EEEN year 3 and final year students to join a green building talk and career sharing co-organized by Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) which will be held with the details as follows:
Title: Sharing with You – Green Building Industry and Its Career Potential
Speaker: Mr. Ryan Lee, Technical and Sustainability Manager of Hongkong Land Limited (HKL)
Date: November 6, 2018 (Tue)
Time: 3:30–5:00p.m.
Venue: Rm 713, William M. W. Mong Engineering Building (ERB 713)
Language: English
*Light refreshment will be provided.
To register for the talk, please scan the QR code on the event poster to fill in the online registration form by 10a.m., November 2, 2018 (Fri).

Energy and Environmental Engineering (EEEN) Scholarship 2018/19
The Energy and Environmental Engineering (EEEN) Programme invites applications from second-year undergraduate students majoring in EEEN in 2018-19 for the EEEN Scholarship 2018/19 - Programme Enrollment Scholarship (PES).
Application deadline: 5:30 p.m., 26 October 2018 (Friday)

Professor Dongyan Xu appointed as the Programme Director of EEEN Programme
Professor Dongyan Xu is appointed as the Programme Director of Energy and Environmental Engineering Programme.

Professor Yunlong Zi joins MAE Department (affiliated with EEEN Programme)
Professor Yunlong Zi has joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering as Assistant Professor in November 2017. He is affiliated with Energy and Environmental Engineering Programme.

Energy and Environmental Engineering (EEEN) Scholarship 2017/18
The Energy and Environmental Engineering (EEEN) Programme invites applications from second-year undergraduate students majoring in EEEN in 2017-18 for the EEEN Scholarship 2017/18 - Programme Enrollment Scholarship (PES).
Application deadline: 5:30 p.m., 29 September 2017 (Friday)

Professor Yunjian Xu joins MAE Department (affiliated with EEEN Programme)
Professor Yunjian Xu has joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering as Assistant Professor in August 2017. He is affiliated with Energy and Environmental Engineering Programme.

Breakthrough in Energy Storage Technology - CUHK Develops Aqueous Redox Flow Battery with Record Energy Density
A high-energy-density zinc/iodine-bromide redox flow battery (ZIBB) has recently been developed by Prof. Yi-Chun Lu and her research team. ZIBB achieved the highest reported energy density for aqueous redox flow batteries to-date. The breakthrough was published in the renowned journal Energy & Environmental Science in early 2017, and was recently featured by the magazine Chemistry World, published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom.
More details could be found from the following links:
- http://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/en/press_detail.php?1=1&id=2489
- http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2017/ee/c6ee03554j#!divAbstract
- https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/bromide-makes-the-potential-difference-to-flow-battery-chemistry/2500533.article
- http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20170412/bkn-20170412164503796-0412_00822_001.html
- http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2017-04-12/doc-ifyeimzx6029577.shtml

Spring Festival Dinner Gathering (Jan 17, 2017)
The EEEN Programme invites all ENER/EEEN students to join the Spring Festival Dinner Gathering which will be held with the details as follows:
Date: Jan 17, 2017 (Tue)
Time: 6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m.
Venue: Chung Chi Staff Club
To reserve a seat for the dinner, please send your SID number, name and contact number to Ms. Connie Mok at spmok@mae.cuhk.edu.hk by 10a.m., Jan 13, 2017 (Fri).

Good News on HKIE Accreditation
We are pleased to bring you the good news that all BEng (Hons) Degrees (Full Time) in the CUHK Faculty of Engineering, including Energy Engineering (and the corresponding Double Degree programme in Engineering and Business Administration), have been granted provisional accreditation by HKIE for all students admitted since 2012-13.

Professor Yi-Chun Lu selected for the University Education Award 2016
The University instituted the University Education Award in 2011-12 to honour academics for outstanding commitment to the promotion of teaching excellence. Prof. Lu Yi-Chun is one of the awardees of the University Education Award 2016.

Energy Engineering Gathering Dinner (Oct 26, 2016)
The Energy Engineering Programme invites all ENER students to join the ENER Gathering Dinner which will be held with the details as follows:
Date: Oct 26, 2016 (Wed)
Time: 6:15p.m. – 8:00p.m.
Venue: Rm 404, William M. W. Mong Engineering Building (ERB 404)
To ensure the smooth running of ENER jobEX, please enroll online before you join the workshops on Nov 2 and Nov 9.

Energy Engineering Scholarship 2016/17
The Energy Engineering (ENER) Programme invites applications from second-year undergraduate students majoring in Energy Engineering in 2016-17 for the Energy Engineering Scholarship 2016/17 - Programme Enrollment Scholarship (PES).
Application deadline: 5:30 p.m., 30 September 2016 (Friday)

Professor Chun Chen joins MAE Department (affiliated with ENER & EEEN Programmes)
Professor Chun Chen has joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering as Assistant Professor in August 2016. He is affiliated with Energy Engineering Programme, and Energy and Environmental Engineering Programme.
1st issue of EEEN Newsletter is now published.
The first issue of EEEN Newsletter is issued.

Professor Yongsheng Chen joins MAE Department (affiliated with ENER Programme)
Professor Yongsheng Chen has joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering as Associate Professor in August 2015. He is affiliated with Energy Engineering Programme.

Professor Yi-Chun Lu selected for the Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2014
Professor Yi-Chun Lu has been selected for the Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2014. This is a prestigious award given annually to outstanding teachers of the University, one each from the eight Faculties and the General Education Programme, whose achievements in teaching are considered by their peers and students to be of the highest order.

Professor Yeung Yam appointed as the Programme Director of ENER Programme
Professor Yeung Yam is appointed as the Programme Director of Energy Engineering Programme.