Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Intervertebral disc degeneration; Osteoporotic fracture
Research Interest:
– Epidemiology & Imaging of spine degeneration
– Magnetic Resonance Research: liver imaging
Education Profile
04.1995-05.1996; Post-doctoral Fellow, The University of Sheffield, England.
01.1995; PhD in Medical Science, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, China
10.1994; Doctoral Diploma in Radiology, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, China
07.1991; Master degree of Medicine, Zhejiang Medical University, Zhejiang, China
Service Profile
Internal Service:
Head, Graduate Students Division. 2015
Supervisor, research unit
SSM student examiner
PhD thesis examiner
External Service:
Editor in Chief. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery
Review Panel Member: Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company (ASTRI)
Technical Review on Biomedical Electronics, Hong Kong (2010)
Research grant reviewer: AO foundation (Davos, Switzerland) (2012)
Research grant reviewer: The Research Foundation-Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlaanderen, FWO), Belgium. (2012)
Research grant reviewer: “Alessandro Liberati Programme” for Young Investigators, Programma di ricerca Regione-Università 2010-2012 – Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy. (2012)
Research grant reviewer & panelist: The Romanian National Research Council, ROMANIA (2012, 2015)
Research grant reviewer: The Romanian National Research Council, ROMANIA (2015)
Research grant reviewer: The Romanian National Research Council, ROMANIA (2015)
Research grant reviewer: Kentucky Science & Engineering Foundation, USA (2016)
Research grant reviewer: Austrian Science Fund – Biological and Medical Sciences, Austria (2015)
Research grant reviewer: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, CIHR, Canada (2016)
Graduate thesis external examiner:
The University of Hong Kong, 2013
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2014
Macquarie University, Australia 2015
Selected Publications
1. Wang YX*, Wáng JQ, Káplár Z. Increased low back pain prevalence in females than in males after menopause age: evidences based on synthetic literature review. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2016;6(2):199-206.
2. Wang YX*, Deng M, Griffith JF, Kwok AW, Leung JC, Ahuja AT, Kwok T, Leung PC. Lumbar Spondylolisthesis Progression and De Novo Spondylolisthesis in Elderly Chinese Men and Women: a Year-4 Follow-up Study. Spine 2016; 41(13): 1096–1103
3. Wang YX*, Zhu XM, Liang Q, Cheng CHK, Wang W,* Leung KCF*. In Vivo Chemoembolization and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Liver Tumors by Using Iron Oxide Nanoshell/Doxorubicin/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hybrid Composites. Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed 2014;53:4812-5.
4. Wang YX*, Griffith JF, Zeng XJ, Deng M, Kwok AW, Leung JC, Ahuja AT, Kwok T, Leung PC. Prevalence and sex difference of lumbar disc space narrowing in elderly chinese men and women: osteoporotic fractures in men (Hong Kong) and osteoporotic fractures in women (Hong Kong) studies. Arthritis Rheum (Arthritis and Rheumatism) 2013 Apr;65(4):1004-10. [impact factor: 7.8]
5. Wang YX*, Zhao F, Griffith JF, Mok GS, Leung JC, Ahuja AT, Yuan J. T1rho and T2 relaxation times for lumber disc degeneration: an in vivo comparative study at 3.0-Tesla MRI. European Radiology. 2013;23(1):228-34
6. Kwok AWL, Gong JS, Wang YX*, Leung JCS, Kwok T, Griffith JF, Leung PC. Prevalence and risk factors of radiographic vertebral fractures in elderly Chinese men and women: results of Mr. OS (Hong Kong) and Ms. OS (Hong Kong) studies. Osteoporos Int 2013;24(3):877-85
7. Wang YX*, Yuan J, Chu E, Huang H, Go MY, Ahuja AT, Sung JJ, Yu J*. Magnetic resonance T1rho imaging is sensitive to evaluate liver fibrosis: an experimental study in rat biliary duct ligation model. Radiology. 2011;259(3):712-9.
8. Wang YX*, Griffith JF. Effect of menopause on lumbar disc degeneration: potential etiology. Radiology. 2010;257:318-20.
9. Wang YX*, Griffith JF, Ma HT, Kwok AWL, Leung JCS, Yeung DW, AT Ahuja, Leung PC. Relationship between lumbar bone mineral density and disc degeneration: cross-sectional study in elderly subjects suing an 8-level disc degeneration grading system. Osteoporosis International 2011 Jan;22(1):91-6
10. Wang YX, King AD, Zhou H, Leung SF, Abrigo J, Chan YL, Hu CW, Yeung DK, Ahuja AT. Evolution of Radiation-induced Brain Injury: MR Imaging–based Study. Radiology 2009; 254:210-218