Publication List:
Journal Articles
Tsoi, K. K. F., Chan, N. B., Chan, F. C. H., Zhang, L. L., Lee, A. C. H., & Meng, H. M. L. (2018). How can we better use Twitter to find a person who got lost due to dementia? Npj Digital Medicine, 1(1), 1-9.
Lau, J; Lee Lai, Annisa; Tse, W; Mo, P; Fong, F; Wang, Z; Cameron, L; and Sheer, V. (2016). A randomized control trial for evaluating efficacies of two cognitive interventions with and without involving fear appeal approach in reducing unprotected anal sex among Chinese men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior (Online) vol. 20, Issue 9, pp.1851-1862.
Lee, A. L. (2015). Augmenting cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects with fear: An internet-based microfilm to prevent sexually transmitted diseases among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong. Communication & Society, 31, 189–219 (in Chinese). 李賴俊卿(2015)。〈增強香港男同性戀者的意知行:以恐懼訴求推廣安全套以預防性病的網絡微電影〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第31 期,頁189–219。 (Journal listed in TSSCI).
Lee, Annisa Lai. (2010). Did the Olympics help the nation branding of China? Comparing public perception of China with the Olympics before and after the 2008 Beijing Olympics in Hong Kong. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 6: 3, 207-227.
Lee, Annisa Lai. (2010). Who Are the Opinion Leaders? The Physicians, Pharmacists, Patients, and Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising. Journal of Health Communication, 15:6, 629-655.
Paek, H., Lee, Annisa Lai, Jeong, S., Wang, J., Dutta, M. (2010). The Emerging Landscape of Health Communication in Asia: Theoretical Contributions, Methodological Questions, and Applied Collaborations. Health Communication, 25:(6&7), 552-559.
Lee, Annisa Lai. (2010). The Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising Research - A Diffusion of Policy Analysis. Health Communication, 25(6&7), 619–621.
Lee Lai, Annisa. (2009). Changing effects of direct-to- consumer broadcast drug advertising information sources on prescription drug requests. Health Communication, 4(4), 361 – 376.
Lee Lai, Annisa. (October, 2007). The Resilient Advertising Industry in Hong Kong - A Ten-Year Bumpy Ride with the Economy. Modern Advertising Journal. Publisher: China Advertising Association. Beijing, China. Issue 144.
Lee Lai, Annisa. (2005). Effects of Mass, Interpersonal and Hybrid Communication on Patients' Requests for Prescription Drugs. Thesis Journal. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Proquest Information and Learning Company.
Zhao, X; Lee, A. & Huang, H. (2005). Don't Make Law While Interpreting It - A Critical Analysis of Five Theories Supporting The Supreme Court's Decision To Protect The Reputation Of The Dead. Century China. Vol. 1. Fudan University Publishing: Shanghai.
Zhao, X; Lee, A. & Huang, H. (2003). Don't Make Law While Interpreting It - A Critical Analysis Of Eight Theories Supporting The Supreme Court's Decisions To Protect The Reputation Of The Dead. China Communication Review.
Book and Book Chapters
Lee Lai, A., & Stiller, S. H. (2018). Innovations in the area of social media. In Dinesh Bhugra, Kamaldeep Bhui, Samuel Yeung Shan Wong, Stephen E. Gilman (Eds.) Oxford Textbook of Public Mental Health (pp. 521-529). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
LEE, Annisa Lai. (2016). Advertising Regulations in Hong Kong. Social Issues of Advertising. K. Chan 2nd Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.
LEE, Annisa Lai. (2015). The Development and Challenges of the Advertising Industry in Hong Kong. In P. Lee (Ed.). Hong Kong media in the new millennium (the second edition) (pp. 183-203). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. (In Chinese). 李賴俊卿(2015)<香港廣告業發展與挑戰>,載於李少南編,《香港傳媒新世紀(第二版)》,頁183-203。香港:香港中文大學出版社。
LEE, Annisa Lai. (2010). When Distortion is Normal: The Media and Body Image Disturbance among Young People in Hong Kong. In Liew, K. (ed.), Liberalizing, Feminizing and Popularizing Health Communications in Asia (pp. 183-197). Surrey, England: Ashgate. 
Lee Lai, Annisa (2005). John Woo, Early Oral History. In Rob Elder (ed) John Woo: Interviews. Mississippi: The University Press of Mississippi, pp. 3-15. (translations of oral history from Hong Kong Film Archive from Cantonese to English) 
Zhao, X; Wong, J. & Lee, A. (2004). Elections, Media, and Advertising -- Histories, Dilemmas and Solutions. Taipei: Asia-Pacific Publishing House.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Lee Lai, A. (2018, April). Exploring The Social Fractal theory in social networking sites– the case of using twitters to find dementia patients. Presentation conducted at Asian Advertising Scholar Forum, Hong Kong.
LEE LAI Annisa (August, 2016). Advertising alcohol in the evidence-based way: constructing a threatful and harmful drinking advice campaign for the general population in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the Association for Education in Journalism and Communication (AEJMC), Division of Advertising.
LEE LAI Annisa (January, 2016). 創建亞洲創意中心- 新加坡和香港創意產業發展策略比較探索研究. Paper presented in the Culture and Creativity 2016, 成功大學,台灣.
LEE LAI Annisa (October, 2014). Pulling the Plug and Draining the Freedom of the Press: An Investigation of Advertiser Pressures on Newspapers in Hong Kong. Paper presented in The 2014 International Communication Association Regional Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
LEE LAI Annisa (June, 2013). The Fear Factor: Augmenting Perceived Threat through an Internet-Based Intervention for Condom Use to Prevent STDs among Men Who have Sex with Men in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the Health Communication Division, International Communication Association’s 63rd Annual Conference, London, UK.
LEE LAI Annisa (July, 2011). Dual Durability of Attitude – Comparing Functional and Emotional Perceptions towards China before and after the Beijing Olympics 2008 in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the The International Association for Media and Communication Research Annual Convention, Istanbul, Turkey.
Lee Lai, A. (August, 2009). Who are the Opinion Leaders? The Physicians, the Patients, and Direct-to-consumer Prescription Drug Advertising. Advertising Research Division. Association of Education for Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention. Boston, USA.
Lee Lai, A. (May, 2009). When the Medium is the Body: The Media and Body Image Disturbance among Young People in Hong Kong. Media and Healthy Development in Adolescence Conference. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Lee Lai, A. (August, 2008). Changing Impacts of Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising Information Sources and Specific Drug Requests. Advertising Research Division. Association of Education for Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Lee Lai, A. (February, 2008). Problems with Regulations of Food Advertising to Children In Hong Kong - A Content Analysis of Broadcasting Authority Complaint Committee and Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing Cases. Mass Media and Health in Asia Workshop, Asia Research Center, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Lee Lai, Annisa. (August, 2007). In the Shadow of the Olympics: The Olympics Beijing 2008 Promotions and the Image of China in Hong Kong. International Communication Division, Association of Education for Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention. Washington, USA.
Lee Lai, Annisa (January, 2007). 國際報刊廣告市場發展現狀及趨勢。全中國報刊廣告營銷年會。 Institute of Communication & Media Economics, Communication University of China. Shenzhen. China.
Lee Lai, Annisa. (July, 2006). Matching Images: Comparing Olympic Image and the Image of China. Sports and Media Division, International Association for Media and Communication Research. Cairo, Eygpt.
Lee Lai, Annisa. (June, 2006). Local Hosting of a Global Game: Matching Images of the Olympics and China, Direct grant project, presented at Advertising Theory and Practice in the Context of Globalization International Conference( 全球化背景下的廣告理論與實務國際學術研討會 ), Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.
Lee Lai, Annisa. (September, 2005). When Kentucky Fried Chicken Meets Peking Duck: Comparing Cultural Representations of Global and Local Fast Food Ads in Hong Kong. Presented at the Fourth Conference of Media and Communication in Chinese Civilization, Hong Kong.
Lee, A. (July, 2003). When Patients Influence Physicians: Empowerment of Fine Print Readers by Direct-to-consumer Drug Advertising and Implications to the Two-Step Flow Model. Advertising Research Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, Kansas City, Kansas. 
Lee, A. (July, 2002). A Slow Death of the Self: A Trend Reflected by the National Campaign for 'Religion in American Life' During 1949 to 1970. Religion and Media Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, Miami, Florida. 
Lee, A. (July, 2002). A Proper Prescription for Commercial Speech? A Study of the Food and Drug Administration Warning Letter Regulating Direct-to-consumer Prescription Drug Advertising. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, Miami, Florida. 
Lee, A. (May, 2002). From Purchase to Consumer Loyalty: Interacting Effects of Consumer Experiences and Behaviors. International Marketing Conference at Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Lee, A. (February, 2002). Will Fun Lead to Fund - An Examination of Process and Product Oriented Online Experience and Purchase Behaviors. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Mid-Winter Conference at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.