School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - FANG, Kecheng

FANG, Kecheng


FANG, Kecheng
Assistant Professor

B.A. and M.A.
Peking University

University of Pennsylvania


icon tel (852) 3943-5353
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 icon research Research Interests:

  • Journalism
  • Political communication
  • Digital media

 icon research Current Research:

  • How media organizations deal with the journalism crisis
  • New actors in online content provision
  • How platforms and algorithms influence the information environment
  • The ideological landscape on Chinese media  

 icon researchTeaching Interests:

  • Journalism in the digital age
  • Media and politics
  • Media literacy

 icon aboutAdvice to students:

"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge." – Bertrand Russell

icon researchPublication List:


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Bandurski, D., & Fang, K. (2020). Introduction - The rise and fall of Southern Weekly and the changing landscape of journalism in China: A pivotal event. In J. Guan (Ed.), The end of Chinese media: The "Southern Weekly" protests and the fate of civil society in Xi Jinping's China (pp. vii - xxiv). Rowman & Littlefield. pdf

Repnikova, M. & Fang, K. (2019). Digital Media Experiments in China: “Revolutionizing” Persuasion under Xi. China Quarterly. 1-23.

Fang, K. (2018). Turning A Communist Party Leader into an Internet Meme: The Political and Apolitical Aspects of China’s Toad Worship Culture. Information, Communication & Society, 1-21.

Repnikova, M. & Fang, K. (2018). Authoritarian Participatory Persuasion 2.0: Netizens as Thought Work Collaborators in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 27(113), 763-779.

Fang, K. & Repnikova, M. (2018). Demystifying “Little Pink”: The Creation and Evolution of a Gendered Label for Nationalistic Activists in China. New Media & Society, 20(6), 2162-2185.

Fang, K. (2016). Investigating Party Media’s Resurgence on Social Media. Journalism Bimonthly (Xinwen Daxue), (3), 45-54.


Selected Non-Peer Reviewed Articles

Fang, K. (2017). "Guard against Fire, Theft, and Journalists": Public against Journalists in China. Media Asia, 44(1), 55-60.

Repnikova, M. & Fang, K. (2016, October). China’s New Media: Pushing Political Boundaries Without Being Political. Foreign Affairs.

Repnikova, M. & Fang, K. (2015, January). Behind the Fall of China's Greatest Newspaper. Foreign Policy.

Fang, K. (2013). The Myth of China’s Liberal Media. Orizzonte Cina, (4), 5.


Book Reviews

The American Journalist in the Digital Age: A Half-Century Perspective by Lars Willnat, David H Weaver and G Cleveland Wilhoit. Journalism, 2018.