Prof. |
Stuart ALLAN |
Professor of Journalism, the Media School, Bournemouth University, UK |
Dr. |
Axel BRUNS |
Associate Professor, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Prof. |
Chien CHOU |
Professor, Institute of Education, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan |
Prof. |
Donna S.C. CHU |
Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK |
Prof. |
Iris CHYI |
Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Prof. |
Josˆm van DIJCK |
Dean of Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Prof. |
William H. DUTTON |
Director, Oxford Internet Institute;
Professor, Internet Studies, University of Oxford, UK |
Prof. |
Cherian GEORGE |
Associate Professor, Division of Journalism and Publishing, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Prof. |
Louisa HA |
Professor and Chair, Department of Telecommunications, School of Media and Communication, Bowling Green State University, USA |
Prof. |
Distinguished Professor, Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Prof. |
Yong HU |
Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University, China |
Prof. |
Sheng-min HUANG |
Director, School of Advertising, Communication University of China, China |
Prof. |
Yeran KIM |
Associate Professor, the School of Communications, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, South Korea |
Dr. |
Alice Y.L. LEE |
Associate Professor, Department of Journalism, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK |
Prof. |
Francis L.F. LEE |
Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK |
Prof. |
Paul S.N. Lee |
Dean, Faculty of Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK |
Prof. |
Louis LEUNG |
Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK |
Prof. |
Ven-hwei LO |
Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK |
Prof. |
David LYON |
Professor, Queen's Research Chair, Queen's University, Canada |
Prof. |
Head and Professor, Department of Communication, University of Illinois-Chicago, USA |
Prof. |
Jack L. QIU |
Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK |
Prof. |
Ronald E. RICE |
Arthur N. Rupe Chair, Social Effects of Mass Communication,
Department of Communication;
Co-Director, Carsey-Wolf Center for Film, Television, and New Media,
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA |
Prof. |
Clement Y.K. SO |
Professor and Director, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK |
Prof. |
Professor and Chair, Department of Telecommmunication, Information Studies, and Media, Michigan State University, USA |
Prof. |
Sharon L. STROVER |
Professor and Department Chair, Department of Radio-Television-Film, College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin, USA |
Prof. |
Head, Department of Sociology, City University London, UK |
Prof. |
Yu-qiong ZHOU |
Associate Professor, College of Mass Communication, Shenzhen University, China |