School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - Student Exchange Programmes

Student Exchange Programmes

There are six student exchange programmes jointly organized by the School and University of Southern California (USC), The University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin), USA, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), The Netherlands, Hallym University (HU), South Korea, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan, and Waseda University (WU), Japan. Each year, a total of 20 to 30 students of the School are selected to study at these universities for one academic year or one semester.


Exchange Details: 

University of Southern California Exchange 2021-2022

The University of Texas at Austin Exchange 2021-2022

Erasmus University Rotterdam Exchange 2021-2022

National Chengchi University Exchange 2021-2022

Hallym University Exchange 2021-2022

Waseda University Exchange 2021-2022 



Application Procedures:


  • Before you apply for the exchange programmes, please check the details of host universities and take into consideration your curriculum at CUHK carefully.
  • The online application form is available here between 13 October 2020 and 1 December 2020. Late submissions will not be considered.
  • There is no interview arrangement for 2021-22 Student Exchange Programmes.
  • The placement results will be announced to successful students by email between 25 January and 4 February 2021.
  • Please find frequently asked questions here. For other enquiries, please contact Ms. Yonder Li at 3943 1911 or Ms. Ivy Chow at 3943 3241.




  • Students whose expected graduation date is 31 December 2020 are not eligible for any exchange programmes in 2021-22.
  • Students whose expected graduation date is 31 July 2021 must submit an intention to extend study period form so as to be eligible for exchange programmes in 2021-22. Under normal circumstances, those students are only eligible for exchange in the first term of 2021-22.
  • It is compulsory for Journalism and Communication students to do the internship during Year-3 summer break. Please bear in mind that going on exchange in the second term of Year-3 might make it difficult to get internship interviews or offers.
  • During the entire study period at CUHK, each student can go on exchange for a maximum of one academic year, i.e. two regular terms plus one summer. Students who have been on exchange for one academic year are not allowed to apply.


Special notes on COVID-19:

In view of the pandemic situation, the host universities may announce to cancel their inbound exchange programmes at a later stage. The University also reserves the right to cancel outbound exchange activities should any unforeseen circumstances make it advisable. Students are advised not to make any non-refundable financial obligations in connection with the exchange at this point.