School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - LAM, Sharon W.C.

LAM, Sharon W.C.

sharon lam

LAM, Sharon W.C.

B.B.A. (Marketing)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

University of Manchester

University of Hong Kong


icon tel (852) 3943-7714
icon fax (852) 2603-5007
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icon researchTeaching Interests:

  • Advertising and Media
  • Marketing Communications and Branding
  • Digital and Social Media Marketing
  • Consumer Psychology

icon researchProfessional Experiences:

Chief Strategist and Director of Research, Spoon Digital Limited


icon aboutAdvice to students:

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination. - Albert Einstein

icon researchPublication List:


吳博林 (2019)《Super Marketing》格子盒作室 & Toast Publishing出版

吳博林 (2018)《廣告101 – Digital Marketing之變》天窗出版

吳博林 (2017)《廣告101 – 引爆Digital Marketing》天窗出版

林頴芝、陳潔貞編著 (2013)《新 ‧ 品牌學》New ‧ Brand Management, ETPress

吳博林 (2013)《廣告101+》Advertising 101+, 11th+ Edition, ETPress

吳博林 (2012)《愛上香港 – 海洋公園》I Love HK – Ocean Park, ETPress

吳博林、徐緣、羅莉、胡若藍合著 (2012)《廣告@日本》Advertising@Japan, ETPress

吳博林、胡若藍合著 (2011)《廣告公義》Advertising ‧ Justice, ETPress

吳博林、徐緣、羅莉合著 (2010)《消費者通識》新版 Consumers, ETPress

吳博林 (2010)《南華RELAUNCH – 透析香港marketing運作》Relaunch of South China Football Association, ETPress

吳博林 (2010)《廣告講義》Essentials of Advertising, ETPress

吳博林、徐緣、羅莉合著 (2009)《消費者通識》, ETPress

吳博林 (2009)《廣告x 媒體》Advertising x Media, ETPress

吳博林 (2008)《廣告101》Advertising 101, 1-10th Edition, ETPress