Donation for Specific College Programme (By Credit Card Online) Chung Chi College

United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (By Credit Card Online)


The United Board is a tax-exempt, charitable organization in the United States, and all contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by U.S. law.


Step 1

Please submit the online donation form from the following link:


General UB 01



Step 2 

Please indicate the amount and frequency of donation by selecting the appropriate box respectively.


General UB 02



Step 3 

In "My gift is for" section, please select the item "A particular institution for an United Board-approved project (choose below)".


General UB 03



Step 4 

In "Institution" section, please choose "Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong".


General UB 04



Step 5

For your donation purpose, please skip "Purpose" section and donation to specific college programme, please type "name of the college programme you would like to make a donation" in "Other" section.


General UB 07 



Step 6

In "Payment Information" section, please choose either "Credit/Debit" or "PayPal".

Please press "Donate Now" to complete.


General UB 06





Enquiries regarding donation through this channel can be made to:


College Secretary
2/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, New Territories,
Hong Kong SAR
Phone: (852) 3943 6441
Fax : (852) 2603 5440
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.