Donation (Mobile) Chung Chi College

CUHK has been recognized as a prescribed foreign university in Canada under Section 3503 of the Canadian Income Tax Regulations and was added according to Schedule VIII of the Regulations by Order-in-Council P.C. 2010-551. With an official receipt issued by CUHK, Canadian donations can be claimed against the taxable income according to subparagraph 110.1(1)(a)(vi) and paragraph 118.1(1)(f) of the Canadian Income Tax Act.


Step 1
Please download the donation form from the following link:


Step 2
In "Donor Particulars" section, please indicate your Canadian mailing address for tax-deductible receipt applicable in Canada.


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Step 3
In "Donation Amount" section, please check the box "Other Programmes" and then enter "Chung Chi College" and specify one of the following projects in the space provided:
a) Chung Chi Student Development Complex
b) Campus Development
c) Student Development OR
d) Other Projects (Please specify)


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Step 4
In "Donation Method" section, please choose either credit card or cheque. Please then sign the form and write the date.


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Step 5a

Please send the cheque with the donation form to the following address:

Chung Chi College Development Office

1/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Shatin, New Territories

Hong Kong SAR  


Step 5b

For credit card donation, please fax the donation form to (852) 2603 6210 or mail it to the above address.



Enquiries regarding donation through this channel can be made to:


Chung Chi College Development Office:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: (852) 3943 6498        

Fax: (852) 2603 6210 1/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories

CUHK has been recognized as a prescribed foreign university in Canada under Section 3503 of the Canadian Income Tax Regulations and was added according to Schedule VIII of the Regulations by Order-in-Council P.C. 2010-551. With an official receipt issued by CUHK, Canadian donations can be claimed against the taxable income according to subparagraph 110.1(1)(a)(vi) and paragraph 118.1(1)(f) of the Canadian Income Tax Act.


Step 1

Please visit CUHK Online Donation system.


Step 2

In "Donor Particulars" section, please indicate your Canadian mailing address for tax-deductible receipt applicable in Canada.


Step 3

In “Donation Purpose” section, please choose “Others” under “Donation Purpose” and specify “Chung Chi College” in the “Remarks”.  


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For specific programmes, please choose “Others” under “Donation Purpose” and specify “Chung Chi College” and one of the following programmes in the “Remarks”:

a) Chung Chi Student Development Complex

b) Campus Development

c) Student Development OR

d) Other Projects (Please specify)  


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Enquiries regarding donation through this channel can be made to:


Chung Chi College Development Office:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: (852) 3943 6498        

Fax: (852) 2603 6210

1/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories

CUHK has been recognized as a prescribed foreign university in Canada under Section 3503 of the Canadian Income Tax Regulations and was added according to Schedule VIII of the Regulations by Order-in-Council P.C. 2010-551. With an official receipt issued by CUHK, Canadian donations can be claimed against the taxable income according to subparagraph 110.1(1)(a)(vi) and paragraph 118.1(1)(f) of the Canadian Income Tax Act.


Step 1

Please download the donation form from the following link:


Step 2 

In "Donor Particulars" section, please indicate your Canadian mailing address for tax refund. If you are a CUHK alumnus, please also fill in "For CUHK Alumni Only" section. 

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Step 3

In "Donation Amount" section, please check the box "Other Programmes" and then enter "Chung Chi College" and specify the programme in the space provided.

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Step 4

In "Donation Method" section, please choose either credit card or cheque. Please then sign the form and write the date.


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Step 5a

Please send the cheque with the donation form to the following address:

Office of Institutional Advancement
Room LG2, LG/F,
University Administration Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, New Territories,
Hong Kong SAR


Step 5b

For credit card donation, please fax the donation form to (852) 3942-0976 or mail it to the above address.




Enquiries regarding donation through this channel can be made to:


Office of Institutional Advancement
Room LG2, LG/F,
University Administration Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong SAR

Phone: (852) 3943-8648
Fax: (852) 3942-0976
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


CUHK has been recognized as a prescribed foreign university in Canada under Section 3503 of the Canadian Income Tax Regulations and was added according to Schedule VIII of the Regulations by Order-in-Council P.C. 2010-551. With an official receipt issued by CUHK, Canadian donations can be claimed against the taxable income according to subparagraph 110.1(1)(a)(vi) and paragraph 118.1(1)(f) of the Canadian Income Tax Act.


Step 1

Please download the donation form from the following link:


Step 2 

In "Donor Particulars" section, please indicate your Canadian mailing address for tax refund. If you are a CUHK alumnus, please also fill in "For CUHK Alumni Only" section. 

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Step 3

In "Donation Amount" section, please check the box "Other Programmes" and then write "College Development-Chung Chi College" in the space provided.

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Step 4

In "Donation Method" section, please choose either credit card or cheque for the payment. Please then sign the form and write the date.


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Step 5a

For cheque donation, please send the cheque with the donation form to the following address:

Office of Institutional Advancement
Room LG2, LG/F,
University Administration Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, New Territories,
Hong Kong SAR


Step 5b

For credit card donation, please fax the donation form to (852) 3942-0976 or mail it to the above address.



Enquiries regarding donation through this channel can be made to:


Office of Institutional Advancement
Room LG2, LG/F,
University Administration Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong SAR

Phone: (852) 3943-8648
Fax: (852) 3942-0976
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.