Chung Chi College Chung Chi College

In Chung Chi College, deeply rooted in Christian higher education traditions and ideals, the nurturing of a sense of community service has been an important element in the education of the College since its founding. Over the years, opportunities for service-learning were explored and introduced. Chung Chi students were sponsored to attend service-learning projects abroad staring 1995 and since then the College worked devotedly towards the direction of establishing its own programmes. A few years later in 2000, the Chung Chi College Local Service-Learning Programme was launched, followed by the Mainland and the International Service-Learning Programmes in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Some programmes are combined with the College General Education curriculum for final-year students.


Drawing on the more than a decade of rewarding experience and in order to further promote service-learning, Chung Chi College established the Service-Learning Centre in 2013/14. The Centre has the following objectives:

  1. To enhance students’ personal growth and prepare them to be informed, responsible citizens and civic leaders, through instilling the set of core qualities including values, knowledge, skills, critical and reflective thinking, and commitment, etc.
  2. To benefit society by bringing in high-level expertise and resources from the tertiary education sector that address community needs.
  3. To contribute to academic research on service-learning as a subject of study, and its application and impacts.


The Centre is responsible for organizing the Local, Mainland and International Service-Learning Programmes of the College. It offers advice and support to voluntary work projects and short-term service trips initiated by student societies and alumni groups. On the aspect of professional development, there willl be symposiums, seminars and training workshops held for scholars, teachers and administrators from local and mainland universities, secondary schools, as well as social workers from non-government organizations, etc. The Centre will also collaborates with academics and provides support on research projects. A collection of literature materials related to service-learning including journal articles, brochures and bulletins is maintained too.


Enquiries: 3943 0895/ 3943 9643

The General Education (GE) Office is the administrative unit in the College charged with the duties of its General Education programme, which aims at providing a balanced education for students and broadening their intellectual capacity (please refer to the section on “Programme of Integrative Basic Studies” for details). The Office is responsible for:


  1. implementation of the advice of the Integrative Basic Studies Committee in formulating the direction and contents of the College General Education courses;
  2. co-ordination on the operation and teaching and learning activities of the GE courses;
  3. production of reference materials for the GE courses; and
  4. management of the Integrative Basic Studies Resource Centre.


Enquiries: 3943 6445



It is unique among the nine colleges in the University. Not an ordinary office…


Here is the navigation room for your wonderful journey of life.……

We walk with you to explore the spiritual world and open up the universe of faith and life on campus.


Here is the garden where faith and life grow...

We walk with you to start from your heart to understand your inner self, and open up your life potential to think about meaning of life, that to nurture you to become a servant leader.

Let Chaplain’s Office walk with you to explore the life encountering during your stay in Chung Chi!


Chung Chi College Chapel

At the moment the College Chapel is the earliest and largest independent sanctuary for worship on the public university campus in China. The engraved emblems of former thirteen Christian universities in China on the chancel walls bear witness of the rich heritage and mission of Chung Chi College as an institution of Christian higher education. As the first stance of the college anthem states:


Men from four seas founded Chung Chi so that here might youth

Honor Christ, eternal teacher, who Himself is truth.

Through the long night keep the torch bright and the work begun

Till the lights of faith and knowledge show the world made one.



Ministries of Chaplain’s Office

The Chaplain’s Office implants the College’s campus life and culture with Christian spirit rooted as a mission, and promotes a caring campus which is bonded by the love of Christ.


  1. Student Pastoral Ministry — In order to enhance Chung Chi campus to deepen its roots of reflecting the value of Christian spirit and belief, the Chaplain’s Office establishes a core platform for the growth of Christian student leaders and strengthens the cultivation of Christian leadership. In addition, the Chaplain’s Office serves as the Converging Hub of different Christian groups at the University and Chung Chi College, aims to promote more Christian to serve as one and witness their faith. Key student pastoral programmes include Christian Leadership and Advancement Programme (CLAP), Love in Action Programme, Host Family Caring Programme, Non-local Students Caring Programme, Global Gathering-In Jesus We Bond, support Chung Chi Fellowship: leader training / weekly meeting / hostel ministry, Christian outreach services: community outreach services / overseas service trip, chaplain’s bible workshop and life & mediation workshop, and Prayer Altar & Prayer Academy.

  3. Staff Ministry – During term time, the Chaplain’s Office presents monthly luncheon talk planned by the Pastoral and Spiritual Care Committee; besides, the Chaplain’s Office provides support to colleagues who may have the need of pastoral care.

  5. Sunday Service — The Chaplain’s Office conducts Sunday Service on Sunday mornings. The worship service provides spiritual nourishment and fellowship time to the community of both campus and the neighborhood. The service is conducted in Cantonese, with simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua and English. The University Sermon provides a forum for dialogue of faith and culture, and deepens the congregation’s understanding of Christian faith.

  7. College Assembly — It is held during the 4th and 5th teaching sessions on Fridays during school term. When the assembly begins, the Chaplain leads a ten-minute worship with hymns, scripture reading and prayer related to the topics of the assembly, and set the tone for the subsequent talk. The worship time provides pastoral care, moral education and spiritual formation for students and staff.

  9. Annual Celebrations — The Chaplain’s Office is participating in organizing the annual Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service on the Last Friday of October and the Graduation Ceremony in November. The Chaplain’s Office also organizes campus caroling, church festive events and chapel anniversary activities. 

  11. Music Ministry — The Chaplain’s Office maintains an active music program. Every Monday at 1:30 pm during the school term, “Midday Oasis” provides 25-minute breathing space for students, teachers and staff to refresh and refuel themselves with beautiful vocal and instrumental music. Besides, the Chaplain’s Office also organizes the Sunday School Children Choir and Chung Chi Chapel Choir. Home to a two-manual mechanical pipe organ built by Detlef Kleuker from Bielefeld, Germany, the organ at Chung Chi Chapel is essential for training of student organists in performance and liturgical function.

  13. Spiritual Counseling — The Chaplain is available to meet with students and staff who seek spiritual counseling and on matters related to personal faith.

  15. Student Visitor / Exchange Programmes — As a member of the Federation of Chinese University and College Chaplaincies, a biennial summer exchange camp is organized for students of local and Taiwan Christian Universities. Students from thirteen member institutions come together to learn, to share, to serve and to celebrate. The Chaplain’s Office also promotes students to participate in local joint school Christian activities, such as the Hong Kong College and University Joint School Prayer Meeting.

  17. The Meditation Chapel — The Meditation Chapel located on the first floor of the College Chapel, opens to university students and staff, every Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 5 pm (except public holidays) for meditation and prayer in silence.

  19. Wedding Ceremonies — Since 2002, the Chung Chi College Chapel has been authorized to administrate the ceremony of holy matrimony. For further information, CUHK alumni and staff may visit the webpage of the Chaplain’s Office at


The College respects the personal faith of students and staff but expects their reciprocal deference for the College Christian heritage. We consider our Christian tradition an added value to our education.


Enquiries: 3943 6982


The College aims at providing an all-rounded education for our students, and so the Dean of Students’ Office has been set up to supplement the training provided by academic teaching. The main objectives of the office are:


  1. To offer guidance in organizing extra-curricular activities and to provide assistance to students’ organizations.
  2. To provide a vast variety of extra-curricular activities for students to participate in, including the Language Enhancement Programme, cross-cultural exposure activities, such as the Exchange Programme and Summer Study Abroad Programme, as well as personal development activities such as workshop on various themes.
  3. To offer personal guidance in the areas of personal problems, finance, academic studies, interpersonal relationships, emotional disturbances, etc. Through such assistance, it is hoped that students will become more positive, enthusiastic, mature and will play an active role in social life. In cases of special needs, the Dean of Students’ Office may arrange for a suitable referral either on or off the University campus. All students are welcome to contact the office to discuss problems of special concern, which will be kept strictly confidential.
  4. To offer services related to the general welfare of the students such as student hostels, interest-free emergency loans, bursaries, Student Helper Award Scheme, etc. The office also provides information on financial assistance from the Government and the University.
  5. to liaise between the students and the College.


The Dean of Students’ Office is located on the fourth floor of Pommerenke Student Centre where the Dean of Students and his colleagues work. Students are welcome to make appointments with them, or come to the office for various student services like the application of scholarships and financial-aid etc.
