Chung Chi College Chung Chi College

The weekly Chung Chi College Assembly is a time-honored tradition since the founding of the College in 1951.  Up till now, we have organized nearly 1,800 College Friday assemblies.  Assembly is an important vehicle of College general education for widening horizon and implanting commitment of core values of personal integrity, social concerns, fraternal love and well-being of humankind of our students.  What’s more, it is an occasion filled with good memories and growth of all CCers. During this very special year of 2020, let us “View” and “Review” some old but ever-lasting assembly talks.


After the Easter holiday, this week, we would like to recommend the speech given by Mr. CHAN Cho Biu Eric at the Friday Assembly on April 10, 2015. In order to allow more people to learn from our guest speakers’ sharing, starting from this week, the “CC Talks” videos will be available online for a week, from Friday 11:30am to the following Friday.


Details of the 2nd “CC Talks: View • Review - Assembly Series”

►Selected Talk: 10/4/2015 Chung Chi College Assembly
►Speaker: Mr. CHAN Cho Biu, Eric (Executive Director, Executive Director and Group Director of Content of Hong Kong Economic Times; Publisher and Chief Editor of Sky Post; and Former Chairman, Alumni Association of Chung Chi College, CUHK)
►Topic: A New Era of New Generation and New Media
►Language: Cantonese (with English subtitle)
►[The talk will be available online from 11:30am, 17/4 (Fri) to 11:30am, 24/4 (Fri)]


We invite you to enjoy Mr. Eric Chan’s talk this Friday, where Friday is always a special day means “To learn”, “To assemble” and “To-gather” for all CCers!




The weekly Chung Chi College Assembly is a time-honored tradition since the founding of the College in 1951.  Up till now, we have organized nearly 1,800 College Friday assemblies.  Assembly is an important vehicle of College general education for widening horizon and implanting commitment of core values of personal integrity, social concerns, fraternal love and well-being of humankind of our students.  What’s more, it is an occasion filled with good memories and growth of all CCers.  During this very special year of 2020, let us “View” and “Review” some old but ever-lasting assembly talks.

Close to end of the semester, this week, we would like to share with you Professor LEUNG Yuen Sang’s speech in 2013 as the last Assembly that we prepared for you for this term. Again, this “CC Talks” video will be available online for a week, from Friday 11:30am to the following Friday. Please enjoy. 



Details of the 3rd “CC Talks: View • Review - Assembly Series”

►Selected Talk: [6/9/2013] Commencement Speech at the Chung Chi College First Assembly, 2013/14

►Speaker: Professor LEUNG Yuen Sang (Former Head and Honorary Fellow, Chung Chi College, CUHK; Former Dean, Faculty of Arts, CUHK; Director, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture, Institute of Chinese studies, CUHK; Emeritus & Research Professor, Department of History, CUHK)
►Language: Cantonese (with English subtitle)
►[The talk will be available online from 11:30am, 24/4 (Fri) to 11:30am, 1/5 (Fri)]

We invite you to enjoy Professor Leung’s talk this Friday, where Friday is always a special day means “To learn”, “To assemble” and “To-gather” for all CCers!