Lee Shiu Summer Programme Chung Chi College

With the generous patronage of Dr. Lee Shiu and Dr. Jennie Mui, the College organizes the Lee Shiu Summer programme with the visions to bridge the Eastern and Western cultures and to cultivate future leaders for the Chinese society since 2001. The large-scale learning abroad summer programmes attracts student delegates from HK, Singapore, US and mainland China, collaborating with institutions in mainland China and Singapore, delegates explore three major Asian cities - Hong Kong, Singapore and Beijing in the four-week programmes, engaging in a wide array of interdisciplinary and intercultural learning activities.


Website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ccc/lssp/




  • Lee Shiu Summer Programme

  • Lee Shiu Summer Programme

  • Lee Shiu Summer Programme

  • Lee Shiu Summer Programme

  • Lee Shiu Summer Programme

  • Lee Shiu Summer Programme