Lakeside Walks Chung Chi College

Lake Ad Excellentiam of Chung Chi College is renowned for its scenic beauty and cultural ambience.  The name of the College Lake and its landscape, in fact, has manyphilosophical implications of life behind.  With winding and elliptical shape, the Lake is not in a “perfect circle”, implying that life may not be perfect but still beautiful.  The Arched Bridge and the Crooked Bridge on the Lake also remind us that life is full of ups and downs with twists and turns.  Despite the non-perfect circle of the Lake or the imperfectness in life, it is still fabulous when seeing beautiful flowers, plants and trees along the Lakeside and fishes swimming in the lake.  Our mind, body and soul would thus be soothed and purified as well.


Chung Chi College introduces “Lakeside Walks” in September 2018, aiming to enhance students' awareness and understanding of physical, mental and spiritual well-being through different kinds of programmes.  Just like the relieving bird songs and the scent of plants at the Lake, activities under “Lakeside Walks” are devoted to help students relax body, mind and soul, to adjust their hectic paces dealing with stress and environmental shocks, so as to resolve and transform the difficulties they face into new vigour of lives. Through cultivating students’ enjoyment and appreciation of life, it is hoped that students can develop their full potential unto excellence while leading an enriched, wonderful and soulful life.


Workshops and activities under the “Lakeside Walk” Series cover a wide range of themes, including Japanese-style pastel nagomi art experiential workshops, taichi workshops, mindfulness classes, and self-understanding workshops, etc. 

For more information or enrolment, please contact Miss Karrie Lam from Dean of Students’ Office (4/F, Pommerenke Student Centre).


Tel: (852)3943-9892

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