Events Recap

29 June
Advances in Medicine 2013 - Richard Yu Lecture
The Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of CUHK organized the annual Advances in Medicine conference on June 29 and 30 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre with an overall attendance...
24 June - 14 July
Chung Chi College Service-Learning Programme
16 students of Chung Chi College participated in the Service Learning Programme (Mainland) in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province in China from June 24 to July 14, contributing their knowledge and energy to...

22 June
Faculty of Education Public Lecture
The rapid development of Sports and Exercise Science in Hong Kong began in the 1980s. Nowadays, this relatively young discipline has made remarkable achievements in both research and practical...
18-20 June
International Conference on the Philosophy of Criminal Punishment
“International Conference on the Philosophy of Criminal Punishment” was held from June 18 to 20. The three-day conference was organized by the Department of Philosophy and co-organized by Chung Chi...
18 - 28 June
I‧CARE - Zheng Sheng College Service Project
CUHK I-CARE Programme and Christian Zheng Sheng College jointly launched the “CUHK – Christian Zheng Sheng College Service Programme” which enabled students of both institutions the chance to...
16-21 June
International Conference on Nucleic Acid Enzymes and Enzymes in Human Diseases
Hosted by the Biochemistry Programme of the School of Life Sciences, the “International Conference on Nucleic Acid Enzymes and Enzymes in Human Diseases (NAEEHD)” was held at the Mong Man Wai...

8 June
Dragon Boat Festival Elderly Care Programme
'CU50 • Care' Campaign and Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service has jointly held a 'Dragon Boat Festival Elderly Care Programme'. Forty volunteers of CUHK expressed their love and care to the...
8 June
CUHK 50th Anniversary Fair Public Lecture Series
He started the lecture with the tea drinking culture in Hong Kong, and presented some unexpected but easy-to-understand examples of innovations from daily life incorporating with his own first-hand...
7-8 June
International Conference on New Directions in the Development of Creative and Media Industries
The international conference “New Directions in the Development of Creative and Media Industries” organized by the School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK was held on campus from June 7 to 8....
4-6 June
The Ninth Chinese Universities Shakespeare Festival
Jointly presented by the Department of English and the Office of the Arts Administrator, and sponsored by the Dr. Tien Chang Lin Technology Innovation Foundation, “The Ninth Chinese Universities...