Events Recap
24 August
CUHK 50th Anniversary Fair Public Lecture Series
Prof. Chu Ming-chung from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science at CUHK delivered a lecture entitled ‘Ghost particles and the evolution of the universe’ to introduce ghost particles, which...
15-17 August
Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities 'Asian Urbanism and Beyond'
Organized by the Urban Studies Programme, the Department of Geography and Resource Management and the Faculty of Social Science, an international conference titled “Inter-University Seminar on Asian...
12-16 August
ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication International Conference
ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication International Conference (SIGCOMM 2013) was successfully held on August 12 to 16 on campus. The Conference is the annual flagship conference on data...
2 August
Parent-child story telling activity by the Art Museum
Fourteen adorable children, aged four to seven, took part in the “Story Telling Competition” organized by the Art Museum on August 2. All of them gave their best in their performances by making use...

13 July - 3 August
Chung Chi College Service-Learning Programme Part 2
16 Chung Chi College students from various departments, who had joined the Service-Learning Programme (Mainland), went to Yangshuo and Guilin in Guangxi from July 13 to August 3 to take part in a...