B.Sc. (CUHK); MSW (HKU); Res.Dip.SW (University of Toronto); RSW - Inactif (OCSWSSW; Ontario College Social Workers and Social Services Workers); RSW (HKSWRB); Assessor – RACAS (Hong Kong Association of Gerontology) 3943 8533Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
- 精神健康
- 老年精神健康
- 認知障礙專業支援及評估
- 心理治療與小組治療
- 身心靈健康
- 具文化能力的實務
- Dong W, Fung K, Chan, KC. Public Health Crisis and the Strength of Community Organizations. Public Health Sciences. China Renmin University Press, Beijing. 2009. p. 288-302 (Book Chapter – in Chinese)
- Lai DW, Chan KC, Xie XJ, Daoust GD. The experience of growing old in chronic mental health patients. Aging & mental health. 2019 May 2:1-9.
- Wong MMC, Leung TYK, and Chan KC. The application of a small group learning approach to social group work teaching-an exploratory study. Social Work with Groups 2018: 1-16.
- Lai DW, Chan KC, Yau S. Meanings of Aging of People Living with Mental Illness: Implications to Promoting Healthy Aging Practices. Innovation in Aging 2017. Vol 1: S1. p.864.
- Chan KC, Lai DWL, Yau S. Management of residual symptoms and psychotropic medication side-effects among older or soon-to-be-old adults with chronic mental illness. European Geriatric Medicine. Vol 8: Suppl 1. S237-8.
- 陳加才.香港應全力應對老齡化危機. <紫荊論壇> 2017 Nov-Dec., v.36, p.30-35.
(Chan KC. Aging tsunami – Challenges to Hong Kong. Bauhinia Tribune, 2017 Nov.-Dec., v.36, p. 30-35 - in Chinese) - Chan K, Sadavoy J. Concerns of using the Mini-Cog to screen Chinese Elders of possible dementia. Geriatric Mental Health Care 2016. Vol. 3: 3-4. P.36-40
- Chan K, Sadavoy J. Wellness Centre – An Evidence-guided Approach To Delivering Culturally Relevant Community Psychogeriatric Services For Chinese Elders, ISRN Psychiatry. Vol. 2012. Art. ID 815707.
- Chan K, Leszcz, M, Choi P, Li S, Siu Y, Chiu A. A Pilot Study to explore the value and applicability of Integrated Group Psychotherapy to depressive Chinese elders. Journal of International Psychogeriatrics. Sept 2011. Vol. 23 (S1) Supp. p.375-376 (Abstract).
- Dong W, Fung K, Chan, KC. Community mobilization and empowerment for combating a pandemic. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, Feb 2010 Vol. 64 p.182-83.
- International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) 會員 (2008-2013; 2015)
- Chinese Mental Health Network 主席(CMHN, 多倫多) (2001-2013)