
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) in 2009, aims at attracting the best and brightest students from all over the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong. PhD applicants with outstanding qualities of academic performance, research ability / potential, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership abilities are welcome to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme.

The Fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$26,600 (approx. US$3,410) and a conference travel allowance of HK$13,300 (approx. US$1,700) per year during their normative study period.

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme awardees will also receive "The CUHK Vice-Chancellor HKPFS Scholarship", which includes:

  • Tuition fee waiver for their whole normative study period
  • An award of HK$40,000 (approx. US$5,130) for lodging in the first year of study and HK$20,000 in the subsequent years within the normative study period*.
  • Guaranteed on-campus accommodation during the normative study period to HKPFS awardees who submit timely applications. The on-campus hostel fee will be waived in the first year of study.
  • For HKPFS awardees with a normative study period of four years, CUHK provides stipend and conference travel allowance at HKPFS level for the fourth year.

*applicable from the 2021-22 intake

New CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship Scheme

Starting from the 2020-21 intake, all PhD candidates who are nominated to the HKPFS by CUHK but not being selected for HKPFS will be offered the Scholarship under the New CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship Scheme with an award of HK$80,000 (approx. US$10,260) in three instalments (i.e. HK$40,000 in the first year and HK$20,000 in each of the second and third years of study, subject to satisfactory study progress).

For details of the Scheme, please visit the Graduate School's website and the Government's website.


Leaflet of Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

Leaflet2021 22HKPFS