Facilities Student Ameninities Section - CUHK


Centre Facilities

Location of Rooms Name of Rooms



Maximum Number of Seats Use Photo for Reference
Room G01

Multi-purpose Hall

Activities Schedule for Multi-purpose Hall

User Guidelines

417.8 300 For playing basketball, badminton and table tennis
Opens to all eligible users
Room G02

Snooker Room
Hourly Fees:

User Guidelines

42.9 8 For practicing snooker PSCG02 005 
Room G03

Band Room
Hourly Fees:

User Guidelines

40.1 8 For practicing band performance  PSCG03
Room G04

Music Room

User Guidelines

18.7 10 For practicing piano/singing or holding small music gatherings  PSCG04
Room G05

Piano-practice Room

User Guidelines

8 2 For practicing piano  PSCG05 001
Room G06

Piano-practice Room

User Guidelines

7.5 2 For practicing piano  PSCG06 001
Room G07

Piano-practice Room

User Guidelines

7.5 2 For practicing piano  PSCG07 001
Room G08

Discussion Room

User Guidelines

34.8 8 For holding meetings Opens all day Opens to all eligible users  PSCG08
Room G09

Discussion Room

User Guidelines

17.9 8 For holding meetings Opens all day Opens to all eligible users Group booking is available  PSCG09
Room G10

Discussion Room

User Guidelines

17.9 8 For holding meetings Opens all day Opens to all eligible users Group booking is available  PSCG10
Room 204

Meeting Room

User Guidelines

25.5 8 For holding meetings  PSC204
Room 303

Multi-purpose Room

User Guidelines

280.2 200 For holding seminars, rehearsals and various extra-curricular activities  PSC303
Room 309

Fitness Room

User Guidelines

Special Booking: Regulations & Booing From

60.5 8 - 10 For fitness exercising Presentation of University Weight Training Room User Card is required Opens to all eligible users Group booking is available  PSC309
Room 311

Dance Studio

User Guidelines

47.5 10 For small-scale rehearsals PSC 311 Dance Studio DSCN8341
Room 312

Meeting Room

User Guidelines

28.8 10 For seminars and meetings  PSC312
Poster Holders User Guidelines     For posting up posters to promote events  IMG 0043
Leaflet / Publication Racks User Guidelines     For leaflet or publication distribution to promote events  IMG 0042
Promotion Area

User Guidelines

    For promotion of events  PSC Promotion Area DSCN3208


Booking Procedure of Facilities

Interested parties are welcome to make reservation at the Office of Student Affairs’ Online Facilities Booking System for reservation of venues and equipment at Pommerenke Student Centre*. Details of the venues and equipment as well as the booking rules and guidelines are also available at the Online Booking System.


Users must present valid CU Link Card and are required to pay a HK$200 deposit before using certain facilities, please tender exact amount. For details, please refer to the User Guidelines of the facilities.
