Student Leader Training Scheme (SLTS) Student Ameninities Section - CUHK

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“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” -Albert Einstein



Aims of the Scheme

Student Leader Training Scheme (SLTS) provides a platform to the participants (mainly committee members of student bodies / organizers of student activities) to enhance their self-motivation, set and review their goals, strengthen their new skills of time management, virtual presentation, communication and collaboration. The main theme of SLTS 2020-2021 is to groom our student leaders adapt to the changes.


Video of SLTS



Period: Sept – Dec 2020
Potential Participants: CUHK full-time undergraduates (high priority for existing or potential committee members of student societies)

No. of activity: Two compulsory workshops with at least two optional workshops
Details: SLTS consists of two parts: Part 1 – Compulsory Workshops; Part 2 - Optional Workshops

Part 1 - Compulsory Workshops (must join 2 workshops)

  • Workshop on self-concentration (mindfulness and learning)
  • Workshop on self-motivation and goal setting

Part 2 - Optional Workshops (choose at least two from four workshops below)

  • Workshop on virtual presentation
  • Workshop on team building and leadership – Leaders in rapidly changing environment
  • Workshop on growth mindset and team challenging (BOMB 2.0)
  • Workshop on how to organize an virtual event (event management)


Member's Sharing
Member sharing Eng


Tel:39435909(Mr. Szeto Fung) / 3943 9944 (Ms. Cheung)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 SLTS 20 21 Details

SLTS 2020-2021 Details:



