External Links

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/english/index.html )

Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University Of Hong Kong (http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/web/ )

Department of History, The Chinese University Of Hong Kong (http://www.history.cuhk.edu.hk/ )

Research Institute for the Humanities, The Chinese University Of Hong Kong

Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (http://chcinetwork.org/ )


Worldwide Ancient History Research Centers and Institutes

Egypt Exploration Society (http://www.ees.ac.uk/index.html )

The Griffith Institute (http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/griffith.html )

Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (http://www.romansociety.org/index.html )

Society for the Promotion of Hellenistic Studies (http://www.hellenicsociety.org.uk/ )

McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge University (http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/ )

Download a detailed list of worldwide ancient history research centers and institutes (pdf file)


Website of Worldwide Museums with Collection of Antiques


The Grand Egyptian Museum (http://www.gem.gov.eg/ )

The Greco-Roman Museum, Alexandria (http://www.sca-egypt.org/eng/MUS_Greco-Roman.htm )

The Nubian Museum, Aswan (http://www.numibia.net/nubia/intro.htm )


National Museum of China, Beijing (http://en.chnmuseum.cn/ )

The Palace Museum, Beijing (http://www.dpm.org.cn/shtml/2/@/8797.html )

Capital Museum, Beijing (http://en.capitalmuseum.org.cn/ )

Liaoning Provincial Museum, Shenyang (http://www.lnmuseum.com.cn/index.do )

Shandong Museum, Ji’nan (http://www.sdmuseum.com/index.html )

Shanxi Museum, Taiyuan (http://old.shanximuseum.com/en/ )

Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum, Xi’an (http://www.bmy.com.cn/ )

Shaanxi History Museum, Xi’an (http://e.sxhm.com/ )

Hebei Museum, Shijiazhuang (http://www.hebeimuseum.org/ )

Henan Museum, Zhengzhou (http://english.chnmus.net/ )

Luoyang Museum, Luoyang (http://www.lymuseum.com/ )

Shanghai Museum, Shanghai (http://www.shanghaimuseum.net/en/index.jsp )

Nanjing Museum, Nanjing (http://www.njmuseum.com/zh/index.html )

Zhejiang Provincial Museum, Hangzhou (http://www.zhejiangmuseum.com/en/index.jsp )

Hubei Provincial Museum, Wuhan (http://www.hbww.org/index.jsp# )

Hunan Provincial Museum, Changsha (http://www.hnmuseum.com/hnmuseum/eng/main_index.jsp )

Sichuan Museum, Chengdu (http://www.scmuseum.cn/ )

Jinsha Site Museum, Chengdu (http://www.jinshasitemuseum.com/en/enindex.html )

Sanxingdui Museum, Guanghan (http://sxd.cn/en/index.html)

Museum of the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Nanyue King, Guangzhou (http://www.gznywmuseum.org/ )


National Museum, New Delhi (http://www.nationalmuseumindia.gov.in/ )

The Indian Museum, Kolkata (http://www.indianmuseumkolkata.org/index.php )


National Palace Museum, Taipei (http://www.npm.gov.tw/en/ )


Musée du Louvre (http://www.louvre.fr/en )


Altes Museum (http://www.smb.museum/smb/standorte/index.php?lang=en&objID=24 )        

Pergamon Museum (www.smb.museum )

Great Brtain

Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeolgoy (http://www.ashmolean.org/ )

British Museum (http://www.britishmuseum.org/)

The Fitzwilliam Museum (http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/ )

The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/museums/petrie )


Dutch National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden (http://www.rmo.nl/english/ )


Museo delle Antichità Egizie (http://www.museoegizio.it/pages/hp_en.jsp )

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (http://cir.campania.beniculturali.it/museoarcheologiconazionale/ )


Acropolis Museum, Athens (http://www.theacropolismuseum.gr/en )

National Archaeological Museum, Athens (http://www.namuseum.gr/wellcome-en.html )

Heraklion Museum, Crete (http://www.ancient-greece.org/museum/muse-iraclion.html )

Sitia Museum, Crete (http://www.ancient-greece.org/museum/muse-sitia.html )

Museum of Prehistoric Thira, Santorini (http://www.santonet.gr/museums/prehistoric_museum.htm )

Archaeological Museum in Marathon, Marathon (http://www.visitmarathon.gr/index.php/en/archaeological-museum-of-marathon )


United States of America

Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco (http://www.ancientartcouncil.org/ancient-art-department.htm)

The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (http://www.getty.edu/index.html )

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (http://www.metmuseum.org/ )