Institute of Chinese Studies Visiting Professor Lecture Series (III) 2013 |
Institute of Chinese Studies Visiting Professor Lecture Series (II) 2009 |
Institute of Chinese Studies Visiting Professor Lecture Series (I) 2005 |
Jin Song Shi Lun Cong By Chan Hok Lam 2003 |
On the Threshold of the Brave New World Selected Papers 1984-2000 By Chen Fong-ching 2002 |
Growing Up with The Chinese University CUHK & ICS: A Photo History 1949-1997 Edited by Chen Fong-ching 2000 |
Documents on Commercial Treaty Negotiation between China and the West in Late Qing By Wang Erh-min 1998 |
Essays on Ming Personages and Legends By Chan Hok Lam 1997 |
Letters from Business Associates and Acquaintances to Sheng Hsuan Huai 1874-1914 (3 vols.) Edited by Alice Lun Ng and Wang Erh-min 1997 |
Documents on Commercial Treaty Negotiation between China and the West in Late Qing Compiled by Wang Erh-min and Chan Sin-wai 1993 |
Sheng Hsuan Huai's Letters and Telegraphs on Modern Industry in the Late Ch'ing Period (2 vols.) Edited by Alice Lun Ng and Wang Erh-min 1993 |
A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Jao Tsung-I on the occasion of His Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Edited by Editorial Board of A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Jao Tsung-I on the occasion of His Seventy-Fifth Anniversary 1993 |
China and Europe: Images and Influences in Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries Thomas H. C. Lee 1991 |
A Chronological Biography of Tang Caichang By Chan Sin-wai 1990 |
Index to Guangdong Biographies in Local Gazetteers Compiled by Poon Ming-sun 1989 |
Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China: Selections from Sheng Hsüan-huai Papers, No.1 Compiled by Wang Erh-min and Chan Sin-wai 1987 |
Buddhism in Late Ch'ing Political Thought By Chan Sin-wai 1985 |
The Serious Drought in North China from 1876-1879 By Ho Hon-wai 1980 |
Journey to T'ientsin - Diary of a 19th Century Vietnamese Official Edited and annotated by Chingho A. Chen 1980 |