TANG, Wai-lan Gladys

TANG, Wai-lan Gladys


B.A., Cert. Ed. (HKU), Ph.D. (Edinburgh)


Professional Profile:

I obtained my PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh, UK. I then joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong and has been teaching linguistics and applied linguistics until now. In 2003, I established the Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies to consolidate research and training in the Sign Linguistics, Deaf Education and Sign Interpretation for HK, China and the Asia Pacific region. In 2004, I founded the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages and was Chairperson until 2011. To date, the linguistic curriculum at CUHK features training in Sign Linguistics and Hong Kong Sign Language at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Also, my belief in the benefits of interdisciplinary research in supporting deaf developments has led me to co-found The Language and Communication Disorder Laboratory at the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute with Prof. Tan Lee, who specializes in speech and language signal processing, and Prof. Kathy Lee, who specializes in speech and language therapy. In 2016, with funding support from the Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, I founded a non-government organization – SLCO Community Resources – to develop social support services involving sign language in HK. I am actively involved in liaising with the government units of Hong Kong and Asian countries in adopt the SLCO approach for deaf and hearing children in basic education. One of my other projects is to support Asian universities and deaf associations in the establishment of Sign Linguistics as disciplinary study in their countries. 

Research Interests: 

I have three major strands of research: the linguistic structure of Hong Kong Sign Language, acquisition of signed language and spoken language by deaf and hearing children, and effects of sign bilingualism and co-enrollment in educating deaf and hearing students.

Research Centers:

SLCO Community Resources (http://slco.org.hk/tc/)
Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies (http://www.cslds.org/v3/)
The Language and Communication Disorder Laboratory

Representative Research Programs:

The Asia Pacific Sign Linguistics Research and Training Program (2003-present)

The aim of the program is to support Asian universities to establish Sign Linguistics as disciplinary study at the university level through: (a) developing programs to train deaf and hearing adults of Asian countries to become sign language researchers and/or sign language teachers, (b) working with Asian universities in the establishment of the discipline, and (c) developing collaborative research on the linguistics of Asian sign languages

Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrollment in Deaf Education Program (2006-present)

The aim of the program is to establish and evaluate an innovative deaf education model that nurtures deaf and hearing students from mainstream setting to become bimodal bilingual (i.e. be proficient in signed language and spoken language) in order that they can support each other in education. 

Language Acquisition of Deaf Children (2004-present)

The aim of the program is to develop longitudinal research on the signed language and spoken language acquisition of deaf children. The corpus now contains child language data of 4 profoundly deaf children. 

Hong Kong Sign Language Recognition

The aim of this interdisciplinary research program is to design an automatic sign recognition system based on Hong Kong Sign Language using computer programming technology. Our research partner is Prof. Xu Qiang from the Faculty of Engineering, CUHK. 



The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Research Centers

Community Outreach Centre

MAIN Research Interests


Journal Papers

Books Authored

Books Edited

Book Chapters

Non-Refereed Publications

Journal papers

Professional Reports

Textbooks/Creative Works

Research Databases

HKSL SignBank (under construction)

A repository which archives 15 hours of spontaneous dialogues between native/native or native/near-native signers of HKSL. All data have been transcribed using ELAN. This signbank is going to support future research into the grammatical properties of HKSL as well as sign language teaching and sign interpretation training in HK.

Asia SignBank (http://cslds.org/asiansignbank/)

A repository to archive Asian Sign Languages with search functions to view signs as well as their phonological features for linguistic analysis. Recent updates include a publishing function to access the archived materials for the production of dictionaries and teaching materials. Under construction is a set of procedures to transfer sign language discourse materials into the SignBank to support grammatical analysis of sign languages. The sign languages so far include HKSL, Ho Chi Ming Sign Language, Jakarta Sign Language, Yogyakarta Sign Language, Sri Lankan Sign Language. The Asia SignBank was used to support the MPhil research of Mak Ka Leong.

Hong Kong Sign Language Browser (http://www.cslds.org/hkslbrowser/)

A repository to archive the variation of Hong Kong Sign Languageyo to support the practical domains of society such as sign language interpretation now appearing on TV programs and LegCo meetings. Variation data from different deaf groups in HK are included, to facilitate future research on the variation of Hong Kong Sign Language.

Child HKSL Corpus (http://www.cslds.org/acquisition/en-us/Corpora)

This corpus focuses on two deaf children who acquired HKSL at a young age. They are siblings born to deaf parents. With CC, there are 212 clips of HKSL data covering ages from 1;9-6;11; with YY, there are 143 clips of HKSL data covering ages from 1;3 to 5;6. The database has been used to support the MPhil research of Fung Hiu Man and PhD research of Scholastica Lam.

Child HKSL-Cantonese Bilingual Corpus (http://www.cslds.org/acquisition/en-us/Corpora)

This corpus focuses on the bimodal bilingual development of two deaf children: YC was born into a hearing family and observation has resulted in 48 clips on HKSL and 44 clips on Cantonesedevelopment. The second child, WT, whose mother is deaf and father hearing, is a typical case for investigating bimodal bilingual development. Collection of data started in 2012. So far, 150 clips on HKSL and 150 clips on Cantonese have been collected and processed, covering WT’s age of development from 0;10 to 4;09. The database is now being used to support the PhD research of Li Jieqiong.


  1. Establishment of Disciplinary Study of Sign Linguistics in Asian Universities through The Asia Pacific Sign Linguistics Research and Training Program (The APSL Program) conducted by The Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies (CSLDS) at CUHK (http://www.cslds.org/apsl/)
  2. Establishment of Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrollment (SLCO) approach towards educating deaf and hearing children in mainstream settings. Coordinated by The Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies (CSLDS) at CUHK (http://www.cslds.org/slco/en/)
  3. Establishment of a SLCO Community Resources Limited, a non-project organization to promote bimodal bilingualism in society (http://slco.org.hk/tc/)


External Competitive Research Grants

2016-2018  Hong Kong GRF Grant#14611315
Project Title: Profiling Chinese Grammatical Knowledge of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in HK and China - A Comparative Study (Principal Investigator).
2016-2017 Labour and Welfare Bureau grant #6903811
Project title:    HKSL Browser (Phase V) (Co-Principal Investigator)
2015-2016   Innovative Technology Grant #I ETS/117/14
Project Title:   Development of computer-based tools for clinical assessment of speech, hearing and
language disabilities. (Co-investigator with Prof. Lee Tan, Principal Investigator, Department of Electronic Engineering, CUHK )
2015-2016  Labor and Welfare Bureau grant #6903811
Project title:    HKSL Browser (Phase IV) (Co-Principal Investigator)
2014-2017 Hong Kong GRF Grant #450513
Project Title:   A Reference Grammar of Hong Kong Sign Language (Principal Investigator)
2014-2015 Labour and Welfare Bureau grant #6903811
Project title:    HKSL Browser (Phase III) (Co-Principal Investigator)
2013-2014 Labour and Welfare Bureau grant #AL12337
Project title:    HKSL Browser (Phase II) (Co-Principal Investigator)
2013-2014 Innovation and Technology Support Programme, HKSAR, #EE12682
Project Title: Hong Kong Sign Language Recognition with Microsoft Kinect (Co-Investigator with Xu Qiang, Principal Investigator, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK)
2012-2013 Labour and Welfare Bureau grant #AL11974
Project title:    HKSL Browser (Phase I) (Principal Investigator)
2012-2018 Nippon Foundation Grant (Phase III) #:6903319, #6903652, #6903781, #6904111.
Project Title:   Asia Pacific Sign Linguistics Research and Training Program (Phase III) (Principal
2006-2012 Nippon Foundation Grant (Phase II) #AL06899
Project Title:   Asia-Pacific Sign Linguistics Research and Training Program (Principal Investigator)

Internal Competitive Research Grants

2014-2015  Knowledge Transfer Project Fund #KTF14ICF09
Project Title:   Enhancing Hong Kong Sign Language Education with Intelligent Recognition
Systems’ (Co-investigator) (Principal Investigator, Prof. Xu Qiang, Department of Computer Science and Engineering)
2014-2015 Technology and Business Development Fund #TBF14ARTS001
Project Title:   Building an Interactive Online Teaching Platform for the Deaf (Principal Investigator)
2012-2013 Knowledge Transfer Project Fund #KTP-111206F03
Project Title: Nurturing inclusiveness of the Deaf in Hong Kong Society with Empirical Evidence from Sign Linguistics Research (Principal Investigator)


2012-present National Science Foundation Project on ‘A Typological Analysis of Handshape: Gesture, Homesign, and Sign Language’.
(Consultant to Principal Investigator, Prof. Diane Brentari, Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago)
2013-2014 Leverhulme International Network’s project on ‘Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice through Professional Development in Deaf Education’.
(Co-I with 6 other international centres/departments specializing in deaf education.
They are from UK, US, Canada, Greece, Holland, Norway. (Principal Investigator, Ruth Swanwick, University of Leeds))
2011-2015 Taiwan National Science Foundation’s project on ‘A study of the effect of Sign bilingual partial inclusion model on deaf and hearing young students’ language/ communication, academic performance, self-concept, and social interaction performance’.
(Advisor to Principal Investigator: Prof. Hsing Min-hua, National Tainan Normal University)
2011-2012 National Research and Development Institute Project on ‘Thai Sign Language and the Asian SignBank’. Rajnagharintara Institute for Linguistics and Cultural Studies, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
(Consultant to Principal Investigator, Prof. Apiluck Tumtavitikul, Associate Director, Department of Linguistics, Kasetsart University, Thailand)
2005-2008 National Science Foundation Project on ‘SignType: A repository of phonological sign language data’.
(Consultant to Principal Investigator, Prof. Harry van der Hulst, Department of Linguistics, University of Connecticut)
2005-2008 Taiwan National Science Council Project on ‘Comparative Study on HKSL, TSL and JSL’.
(Consultant to Prof. James Tai, H-Y, Principal Investigator, Institute of Linguistics, National Chung Cheng University, Principal Investigator of project)

German Science Foundation Project on ‘Sign Language Typology’.                                                                                   
(Consultant to Dr. Ulrike Zeshan, Principal Investigator, Max Planck Institute of Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Holland)

2001-2004 National Science Foundation Project ‘A Cross-Linguistic Study of the Syntactic, Phonological and Lexical Properties of Classifiers in Sign Languages.’
(Consultant to Prof. D. Brentari, Principal Investigator, ASL Linguistic Laboratory, Department of Audiology and Speech Science, Purdue University, USA)


2017- present Individual member, Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities
2014-present  Convener, Working Committee on Sign Language Teaching and Sign Language
Interpretation Accreditation Subcommittee, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, HKSAR Government
2009-present  Member, Working Committee on the Promotion of Sign Language, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, HKSAR Government
2010, Aug   Member, Steering Committee on the establishment of Institute on Disability and Public Policy & MA in Disability Studies Programme, Asia/Pacific Development Centre on Disability, Bangkok, Thailand
2004, May  Member, Panel for Focus Inspection on Hong Kong Lutheran School for the Deaf, Education Bureau, HKSAR
2002-2005  Member, Task Force on Review of Assessment Process for Hearing-Impaired Children, Education Department, HKSAR
2001 Member, Taskforce on Hong Kong Sign Language Development, Hong Kong Association of the Deaf

Awards and Honors



©2018 Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, The Chinese University of Hong Kong