Professor Wong Chun Man Patrick

Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Director, Laboratory for Language, Learning and the Brain
Research Interests:
- Language learning
- Neurolinguistics
- Speech processing
- Communication disorders
- Language and genetics
- Auditory neuroscience
- Music cognition
Academic Publications:
- Wong, K. H., Yeung, Y. T., Chan, E. H. Y., Wong, P. C. M., Levow, G.-A., & Meng, H. (2015). Development of a Cantonese Dysarthric Speech Corpus. Proceedings of the Interspeech, September, 2015, Dresden, Germany.
- Wong, K. H., Yeung, Y. T., Wong, P. C. M., Levow, G.-A., & Meng, H. (2015). Analysis of Dysarthric Speech Using Distinctive Feature Recognition. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT), September, 2015, Dresden, Germany.
- Ingvalson, E. M. & Wong P.C.M. (to appear). Auditory Training: Predictors of Success and Optimal Training Paradigms. In N. M. Young & K. I. Kirk (Eds.), Cochlear implants inchildren: Learning and the brain. Philadelphia, PA: Springer.
- Chen A., Chen A., Kager, R., & Wong, P.C.M. (2014). Rises and Falls in Dutch and Mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL 2014), May 2014, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
- Wong, P.C.M., & Antoniou, M. (2014). The Neurophysiology of Tone: Four Decades of Research. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL 2014), May 2014, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
- Liu, F., Livengood, S. L., Jiang, C., Chan, A. H. D., & Wong, P. C. M. (2013). How Does Fractal Music (“Self-similarity” or Predictability) Sound to You If You Are Amusic?. 166th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Lay Language Papers, December 2013, San Francisco, CA.
- Wong, F.C.K., Chandrasekaran, B., Garibaldi, K., & Wong, P.C.M. (2011). Acquisition of foreign phonetic contrasts mediated by white matter connectivity. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 2011, Hong Kong.
- Wong, P.C.M. (2010). Neuroimaging and the listening brain. ASHA Leader. July 2010.