Books & Book Chapter

The following books and book chapters have been published.


Book Title: 中國藥用植物葉綠體 基因組圖譜 (第一册)

Authors: LIU Chang, HUANG Linfang

Publisher: 科學出版社

Date: 2020

Prof. SHAW Pang-Chui, Director of the Centre, is one of the editors.




Book Title: The Families and Genera of Chinese Vascular Plants

Chapter Title:
1. Aristolochiaceae, P.215-219 Volume I
2. Lardizabalaceae,  P. 746-750 Volume II
3. Menispermaceae,  P. 751-766 Volume II
4. Vitaceae, P. 858-866 Volume II
5. Aquifoliaceace, P.2099-2100 Volume III

Authors: LI De-Zhu

Publishers: 科學出版社

Date: 2020



Book Title: Evidence-based Research Methods for Chinese Medicine

Chapter Title: Bioinformatics for Molecular Authentication of Chinese Medicinal Materials

Authors: WONG Ka-Lok, LO Yat-Tung, SHAW Pang-Chui

Publisher: Springer Singapore

Date: 2016

Pages: pp113-130

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