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电邮: scs-ts@cuhk.edu.hk
电话: (852) 2209 0208
传真: (852) 2603 6565


商业及管理: 叶丽瑶女士 (852) 2209 0227
医疗保健: 李华燕女士 (852) 3111 7269
资讯科技: 王宇帆先生 (852) 3943 9045
语文及传播: 苏青伟先生 (852) 3111 7276
社会科学及教育: 胡洁茵女士 (852) 3111 7230











  • 云端运算及大数据分折
  • 商业软件应用工作坊
  • 流动程式及多媒体制作








Leading Change 领导改变

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to identify key milestones in the change management process and sensitize themselves critical emotions during the change management process.

Key Topics
  1. Change Management Process
  2. Preparing for change
    • Define your change management strategy (i.e. to define the approach needed to mange change given the unique situation of the project or initiative)
    • Prepare your change management team
    • Develop your sponsorship model
  3. Managing change
    • Develop change management plans
    • Take action and implement plans
  4. Reinforcing change
    • Collect and analyse feedback
    • Diagnose gaps and manage resistance
    • Celebrate and recognize success
  5. Sharings of Real Life Cases in Hong Kong
  6. Change Management Plan Formulation
Duration 7.5 hours
Enquiry Ms. Cheung Yan-yan (852) 2209 0208



Leading for Team Innovation 领导创新团队

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to identify characteristics of an innovative team, use simple ways to build an innovative team and enhance its effective operation and maintain the innovative sustainability.

Key Topics
  1. Pros and Cons of Team Innovation
  2. Characteristics of an Innovative Team
  3. Building an Innovative Team
    • Start by building a bigger box
    • Select the team for who they know as well as what they know
    • Pick a leader and provide him / her the autonomy he / she needs to be successful
    • Build a team that can both identify gaps in the market and markets in the gap
    • Find team members who tell great stories
  4. An Innovative Team Operates
    • Understand the difference between good and bad conflict
    • Supplement the innovation core team with an external provocateur
    • Remember to set goals and measure progress
    • Think like a startup entrepreneur
    • Ensure team members have "both feet in"
  5. How Successful Companies Sustain Innovation
    • Team-level Sustained Innovation
    • Organization-level Sustained Innovation
Duration 7.5 hours
Enquiry Ms. Cheung Yan-yan (852) 2209 0208



Occupational Safety and Health 职业安全及健康

Occupational safety and health is of paramount importance for any enterprise or organization to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, otherwise, costly risks and liabilities may result. Related workplace laws and regulations were enacted in Hong Kong decades ago. This course is to equip participants with knowledge and skills necessary for identifying general occupational safety and health hazards and potential risks in workplaces.

Key Topics

(1) Introduction of the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance; (2) Accident Prevention and Investigation; (3) Process Control and Safety Precaution Measures; (4) Application the Safety Management System; (5) Pre-Work Risk Assessment (Checklist); (6) Hazard Identification Activity and Job related Exercise

Duration One-day programme
Enquiry Ms. Angela Lee (852) 3111 7269



中文商业文书写作 Chinese Business Writing


  • 辨认及纠正常见错误,写出清楚达意、措词得当的句子;
  • 选择及运用恰当形式及结构,写出格式规范、条理分明的商业文书;
  • 选择及运用恰当语体风格,使行文庄重得体、符合机构形象。

(1) 事务书信; (2) 酬酢书信; (3) 电邮、便笺; (4) 公告、布告、通告、启事、声明; (5) 会议记录; (6) 计划书、建议书; (7) 规章; (8) 覆投诉信; (9) 宣传单张、公司网页、产品介绍; (10) 内地公文与文化

课程时数 24小时 (12节)
查询 苏青伟先生 (852) 3111 7276



职务普通话 Job-related Putonghua


  • 使用汉语拼音作为拼读普通话的工具;
  • 以发音比较标准的普通话表达与工作相关的用语;
  • 以比较规范的词汇及语言形式,在工作场合用普通话与人沟通。

(1) 介绍自己、机构、职位、工作范围; (2) 应酬聊天、与工作相关时事讨论; (3) 会议发言与讨论; (4) 推介产品与服务; (5) 回覆查询及投诉; (6) 接待内地客人; (7) 商务活动及商贸谈判、语言表达禁忌; (8) 宴会、祝酒、演讲

课程时数 24小时 (12节)
查询 苏青伟先生 (852) 3111 7276



粤语正音工作坊 Cantonese Pronounciation Workshop


  • 对粤音知识有一基本的了解,能使用(网上)字典作为自学的工具;
  • 掌握纠正懒音的方法,能以练习逐步改善发音的准确度及清晰度;
  • 辨认及纠正常见错读字,能使用比较标准的粤语与人沟通。

(1) 语音符号; (2) 粤音九声; (3) 调声法; (4) 粤语标音; (5) 日常错读字; (6) 文读与白读


课程时数 4小时 (半天)
查询 苏青伟先生 (852) 3111 7276



广东话入门课程 Introduction to Cantonese


  • 基本掌握香港广州话语音系统基础知识,能使用字典作为自学工具;
  • 使用香港广州话在日常生活中与人交际沟通,对本地生活及文化有较多认识;
  • 使用香港广州话在工作场合与人沟通,提高工作效益。

(1)「汉语拼音方案」及「广州话拼音方案」; (2) 声母、韵母、声调; (3) 香港广州话词汇及俗语; (4) 香港广州话语法及句式; (5) 日常生活交际用语; (6) 商务活动交际用语; (7) 相关机构常用语

课程时数 24小时 (12节)
查询 苏青伟先生 (852) 3111 7276



Investigative Psychology 侦查心理学

Nowadays, people face a number of social problems at the workplace, e.g. sexual harassment, lying, theft, or gambling addiction. They will become pressures to one's family life and therefore ways to prevent and treatment of them are significant.


This training workshop aims to help participants understand the causes and identify ways to prevent the cases of sexual harassment, lying, theft, gambling addiction and suicide from a psychological approach. They will also be assisted to analyze the causes of family crises; and develop the skills for family crisis management.

Key Topics

(1) Definition of and ways to prevent and handle sexual harassment; (2) Lying & theft: Factors and Lie-detecting; (3) Gambling Addiction: Types, causes, prevention and treatment; (4) Conflict & Peacemaking in Family & Understanding Suicide

Duration 12 hours
Enquiry Ms. Wendy Wu (852) 3111 7230






  • 入境事务处
  • 公务员事务局一般职系处
  • 公务员事务局法定语文事务部
  • 公务员培训处
  • 香港司法机构
  • 香港房屋协会
  • 香港个人资料私隐专员公署
  • 香港海关
  • 香港消防处
  • 香港警务处
  • 库务署
  • 教育局
  • 规划处
  • 劳工署
  • 卫生署
  • 环境保护署
  • 惩教署
  • 市区重建局
  • 香港考试及评核局
  • 香港贸易发展局
  • 香港学术及职业资历评审局
  • 职业安全健康局
  • 医院管理局
  • 香港艺术发展局
  • Schaeffler Hong Kong Co. Limited
  • 富士达(香港)有限公司
  • 保良局
  • 广华医院
  • 东区尤德夫人那打素医院
  • 资历架构秘书处
  • 强制性公积金计划管理局
  • 东华三院
  • 港铁公司
  • 大福证券集团有限公司
  • 中信嘉华银行
  • 中国银行(香港)
  • 中银国际控股有限公司
  • 住友信托财务(香港)有限公司
  • 招商证券(香港)有限公司
  • 恒生银行
  • 滙丰私人银行(瑞士)有限公司
  • 三菱电梯香港有限公司
  • 香港流动通讯有限公司
  • 香港科技园有限公司
  • 御药堂
  • 晶门科技有限公司
  • 蒋氏工业慈善基金(香港)有限公司
  • 赛博亚洲有限公司
  • NTT Com Asia Limited
  • VSL-Intrafor Hong Kong
  • 九龙真光中学
  • 中华厨艺学院
  • 保良局颜宝铃书院
  • 香港中文大学人事处
  • 香港中文大学工商管理硕士课程
  • 香港中文大学会计学院
  • 职业训练局
  • 政府物流服务署
  • 香港科技大学
  • 香港培华教育基金有限公司
  • 真光女书院
  • 宝安商会温浩根小学
  • 浸信会爱羣社会服务处



  • 澳门大学
  • 澳门成人教育协会