Special Notice

A confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported earlier to have visited 15/F Oriental Centre. The Management Office of Oriental Centre and CUSCS have completed thorough disinfection and cleaning accordingly. The enrolment counter at Oriental Centre will resume service on 9 March (Tuesday). Users of CUSCS Learning Centre should carry on to observe the COVID-19 monitoring measures. 

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Industrial Mentorship Programme Closing Ceremony

06 MAY 2015

Lam Ka Lei (Higher Diploma in Public Relations and Advertising) shares what she has learned from her mentor

Mentors are delighted to receive thank you cards from the mentees

Participating mentees (Art, Design and Humanities Division) are presented with appreciation letters

Participating mentees (Business and Management Division) are presented with appreciation letters

Participating mentees (Health and Applied Sciences Division) are presented with appreciation letters

Participating mentees (Languages and Communication Division / Social Sciences and Education Division) are presented with appreciation letters

CUSCS Industrial Mentorship Programme receives great support from professionals of different industries

Thank You Mentors!

Thank You Mentors!

Thank You Mentors!

Thank You Mentors!

Thank You Mentors!

Thank You Mentors!