SCDS – Time Management for E-learning

SCDS – Time Management for E-learning

E-learning might sound easy but it is double the effort to make learning effective! How to maximize our time while we continue to expand our knowledge at home? SCDS has gathered 5 elements for you to enhance your time management skills.


  • Spare enough time in advance to login, connect and solve potential technical problems, small steps benefit your mental readiness for E-learning
  • Print out or prepare necessary notes for E-learning
  • Prepare another tools for notes taking during lessons
  • Ensure the devices have enough battery power to complete the lessons and avoid disconnection


  • Maintain a normal living routine as if it is school semester
  • Ensure you have enough sleep the night before, ideally at least 7 hours each night
  • Prioritize what needs to be done first, rate each item according to their urgency and importance, fit category 1 & 2 into the weekly timetable, see below:


  • Create a TO DO LIST, place it somewhere you can see and cross out the item once it is completed, it is very satisfying
  • Mark down E-learning schedules and assessment deadlines on calendar to remind yourself

Goal Setting

  • It is important to set clear and realistic goals for yourself during the learning process, SMART is an useful framework on how to set goals, see below:


  • Keep contacts with your classmates and lecturers during online learning period
  • Mark down any questions you have during E-learning, have a discussion with your classmates or seek help from your lecturers
  • Inform your family about the E-learning schedules to avoid interruption or disturbance

Holly & Vincent

SCDS – Stay Connected

SCDS – Stay Connected

One of the biggest concerns of the novel coronavirus is its highly contagious characteristic, the most effective prevention of society outbreak is to stay indoors and avoid social contacts. How can we enhance social support while we are staying at home? SCDS is sharing 5 tips with you today!

Stay connected
There’re always alternatives when we can’t meet with friends face to face. We can check in with others via phone call, Facetime, Whatsapp and all kinds of social media, playing online game together is not such a bad idea!

Care for the neighborhood
We might not pay too much attention to the neighbors who live next to us, but it’s never too late to show some love and care to one another, especially during this critical periods. Why not have a small chat and greet them next time when you see them around? Small gesture leads to a powerful community!

Disconnect in order to connect
With the advanced technology, we are surrounded by all kinds of information via news and social media, it could be emotionally and mentally draining! Let’s turn off all devices and give ourselves a break, spend quality time with family and be observant and sensitive to their needs.

More patience, acceptance and support

This is a difficult time for everyone in Hong Kong, it is important that we encourage and support one another, we will be able to get past it!


Take good care of yourself
We can’t care for others unless we care for ourselves first! Make sure you have decent amount of rest, maintain a balance diet, stay positive and keep well. We will be exploring time management tips for E-learning and coping strategies for stress soon, stay tuned on our updates!

Holly & Vincent