UGEC1540 Government and Politics of China


Course UGEC1540 Government and Politics of China  




Class Time Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 09:30 – 12:15 (GMT+8)
Teacher Professor Gerald CHAN
Course Description This is an introductory course that surveys key issues in Chinese politics, including the historical background of the system, the roles of the party/state, the style of leadership, the forms of popular participation, and the distinctive features of Chinese politics. The focus of this course is political change.
Classic essays by Sun Yatsen, Lu Xun, Mao Zedong and others provide students with grounding in the key problems modern China has faced, as well as the solutions it has pioneered. From that foundation, we will move on to contemporary institutions and intellectual debates over inequality, human rights, and the future shape of political reform in China.
Course Outline/Syllabus Download
Remark(s) UGEC1540 is double-coded with GPAD1070.
Not for Government and Public Administration Majors and CUHK students who have taken GPAD1070.
Co-requisite: UGFH1000 or UGFN1000 (only applicable to CUHK students admitted to the 4-year curriculum).


Professor Gerald CHAN is a Professor and former Head of the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Auckland. He has published widely on Chinese international relations and foreign policy. His latest sole-authored books include Understanding China’s new diplomacy: Silk Roads and bulletin trains (2018), and China’s maritime Silk Road: advancing global development? (2020), both published by Edward Elgar. For relaxation, he likes to practise Taiji while serenaded by light classical music.