Special Notice

A confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported earlier to have visited 15/F Oriental Centre. The Management Office of Oriental Centre and CUSCS have completed thorough disinfection and cleaning accordingly. The enrolment counter at Oriental Centre will resume service on 9 March (Tuesday). Users of CUSCS Learning Centre should carry on to observe the COVID-19 monitoring measures. 

Main content start

Law, Regulations & Mediation

Introduction to the Hong Kong Criminal Justice System (Internet Mode)
香港刑事司法體系概論 (網上模式)

Course No. : 211-890401-14|Start Date : 19/04/2021


MS. SIN Suk Yi, Cindy

Language Used


Total Hours

13.00 week(s)





Start Date


Tuition Fee

HK$ 980.00


General Short Courses

Course Enquiries

2209 02262603 6565[JavaScript encoded]

Enrolment Enquiries

2209 0290

Closing Date for Application

April 12, 2021

Mode of delivery:Distance Learning

This course will NOT provide live sessions. Students will learn in distance learning mode through written course materials in conjunction with the Required Textbook*.

Course materials include: 'Course Guide', 'Course Notes', 'Course Assignments' and 'Study Schedule'.

Students are expected to learn through reading the textbook and completing the assignments. Course notes are mainly used to supply background information and guidelines that would help students to read the textbook so as to improve their knowledge and understanding of the Hong Kong's criminal justice system. Feedback from the instructor is an integral part of this course. Students will receive constructive feedback from the instructor after they complete the assignments.

* Students are required to purchase the textbook on their own. For details, please refer to the column 'Required Textbook' below.

Course Developer

Cindy S Y SIN, Barrister-at-law


Hong Kong’s criminal justice system is not a single unit system. Rather, it is a system supported by a number of institutions which, when taken together, comprise Hong Kong’s criminal justice system. Many people in Hong Kong are not aware that some government departments indeed form part of the criminal justice system.

Course Outline

Chapter 1 Introduction to Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong
Chapter 2 Criminal Law
Chapter 3 Counting Crime in Hong Kong
Chapter 4 Hong Kong Police Force
Chapter 5 Customs and Excise Department
Chapter 6 Independent Commission Against Corruption
Chapter 7 Prosecutions Division of the Department of Justice
Chapter 8 Legal assistance
Chapter 9 Hong Kong Judiciary
Chapter 10 Court Interpreters’ Office
Chapter 11 Correctional Services Department
Chapter 12 Social Welfare Department
Chapter 13 Cross-Border Relations in Criminal Matters

Course Duration

Around 13 Weeks

Required Textbook

Mark S. Gaylord, Danny Gittings and Harold Traver, Introduction to Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong, HKUPress 2009

* Students are required to purchase the textbook on their own.