Special Notice

A confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported earlier to have visited 15/F Oriental Centre. The Management Office of Oriental Centre and CUSCS have completed thorough disinfection and cleaning accordingly. The enrolment counter at Oriental Centre will resume service on 9 March (Tuesday). Users of CUSCS Learning Centre should carry on to observe the COVID-19 monitoring measures. 

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Press Release

CUSCS presents a Forum and a Master Workshop Series to offers insights on career development

11 APR 2019

(Published date:  11 April 2019)


CUSCS presents a Forum and a Master Workshop Series
to offers insights on career development


The School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS) will be holding the GCDF 5th Anniversary Forum cum Master Workshop Series by Professor Norman Amundson on 1, 3-5, 10-11 May 2019 to offer insights on career development. Practitioners in career development and Global Career Development Facilitators (GCDFs) will be intellectually enriched and inspired for better helping their service targets.


The Forum on 1 May will feature New Trends in Career Development.  Professor Amundson, a world-renowned expert in career development, will provide an overview of his Hope-Action model and some of the intervention strategies that have been used to generate positive outcomes.  He will be joined by two keynote speakers, Professor Alvin Leung, Dean of Faculty of Education and Professor of Department of Educational Psychology at CUHK and Dr. Ella Chan, Director of CUSCS.  Professor Leung will analyse what good career guidance is and evaluate the progress of Hong Kong schools in reaching international benchmarks, while Dr. Chan will present a regional report on the GCDF Hong Kong Programme and share her observations and implications as on how to move forward to serve the great demand in the community with quality career development facilitation.


The Master Workshop Series on 1, 3-5, 10-11 May will be delivered by Professor Amundson and consists of 6 Workshops. Participants will be able to get an in-depth understanding of the Hope-Action model and earn practical skills in career facilitation.  The topics of the Workshops cover "Hope-Action Theory and Active Engagement in Action", "Hope and Strength Affirmation Approaches", "Metaphor Making in Action - Your Career, Your Life, Your Way", "Career Facilitation Process & Self-Assessments", "Case Supervision: Seek Success in Life - not just in Work - More Strategies", and "Career Facilitation & Exploration through Group Work". 


Grab this opportunity to earn the biggest benefit as a facilitator in career development.   Seats are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.  For information and registration, please visit the website at www.cuscs.hk/gcdf_forum


Tel:  2209 0269 / 2209 0465
Email: GCDF5thAnni@cuhk.edu.hk




About Professor Norman Amundson



Prof. Norman Amundson received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Alberta. His research interests centre on career and cross-cultural counseling with a more dynamic and metaphoric experiential approach (active engagement).


Prof. Amundson has over 40 years of experience working in the career development field. He is the author of many professional articles and has also written a number of books, including Active Engagement (Winner of the Best Book Award by the Canadian Counselling Association); The Essential Elements of Career Counseling; The Physics of Living; and several career workbooks such as Career Pathways, Guiding Circles; and CareerScope. His books have been translated into 15 different languages. He has given numerous workshops and seminars and acted as keynote speakers at many national and international conferences.


About Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) – Hong Kong Programme


Authorised by the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) – Hong Kong Programme is the first programme in Hong Kong that awards a globally certified qualification. More than 1,000 trainees have received GCDF training.  These trainees are professionals in the commercial and public sectors, helping professionals and individuals who wish to help their service targets meet career goals by providing career facilitation and guidance.

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