Event Calendar
17/12/2015 - 19/12/2015 09:00AM - 05:30PM Translators in the Making of Chinese Translation History - The First International Conference on Chinese Translation History Research Centre for Translation |
16/12/2015 - 16/12/2015 04:30PM - 06:00PM Public Lecture - Brian Holton" Translator/ Ghoswriter/ Ghost Composer" Research Centre for Translation |
15/12/2015 - 15/12/2015 04:30PM - 06:30PM Public Lecture - Professor Chang So-an「六經皆史」?且聽經學家怎麼說?——龔自珍、章學誠「辨章學術」與知識分化 Institute of Chinese Studies and Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture |
11/12/2015 12:00AM The 20th International Conference on Yue Dialects T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre |
30/11/2015 - 30/11/2015 04:30PM - 06:00PM 《二十一世紀》銀禧系列活動許紀霖教授:「文化自覺還是文明自覺:新文化運動百年反思」 Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture |
30/11/2015 - 30/11/2015 12:30PM - 02:00PM ICS Luncheon - 馮勝利教授: 「 古代詩歌節律與四六文的韻律機制」 Institute of Chinese Studies |
16/11/2015 - 16/11/2015 04:00PM - 05:30PM 學術講座:賀照田教授:「當前中國精神倫理危機」 Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture |
02/11/2015 - 02/11/2015 04:30PM - 06:30PM 《二十一世紀》銀禧紀念活動:錢永祥與梁文道對談 Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture |
26/10/2015 - 26/10/2015 12:30PM - 02:00PM ICS Luncheon - 姚進莊教授:「呂壽琨舆現代中國畫」 Institute of Chinese Studies |
23/10/2015 - 23/10/2015 04:00PM - 05:30PM Academic Lecture - Prof Cheris Shun-ching Chan "A Market of Distrust: Unofficial Payments for Hospital Care in China" Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture |
13/10/2015 - 13/10/2015 04:30PM - 06:00PM Public Lecture by 2015 Visiting Scholar - Professor Shih Chih-yu “Cultural Chineseness, Ethnic Chineseness, and Post-Chineseness: The Chinese Studies in Southeast Asia Compared" CUHK-CCK Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies |
03/10/2015 - 03/10/2015 02:30PM - 04:00PM 中大論道:道教研究系列論壇(三十)陳耀庭教授:關於保持道教信仰本來面目的問題 Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture |
21/09/2015 - 21/09/2015 12:30PM - 02:00PM 中大論道:道教研究系列論壇(二九)陳耀庭教授:關於道教研究的前沿問題 Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture |
11/09/2015 - 11/09/2015 04:00PM - 05:30PM 雷競璇教授:「古巴與華僑史研究」 Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture |
29/04/2015 - 29/04/2015 07:00PM - 08:30PM 中大論道:道教研究系列論壇(二八)葉錦明教授:「論呂祖詮釋之大洞仙經章句(以《醫道還元》爲中心)」 Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture |
28/04/2015 - 28/04/2015 12:30PM - 02:00PM Joint Seminar - Professor Zhiyuan Guo "Exclusion of Illegally Obtained Confession in Mainland China: An Empirical Perspective" Centre for Rights and Justice and Institute of Chinese Studies |
27/04/2015 - 27/04/2015 07:00PM - 08:30PM Lecture Series on Lingnan Cities Culture - 蔡志祥教授:「城市裏的救贖:移民、階級與清末民初汕頭港口城市的善緣活動」 Institute of Chinese Studies |
16/04/2015 - 16/04/2015 07:00PM - 08:30PM Workshop on Daoist Studies- Prof. PAUL Crowe: "Shared Paths to Perfection Dao Learning and the Golden Elixir" Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture |
10/04/2015 - 10/04/2015 12:30PM - 02:00PM ICS Luncheon - 黎志添教授:「明清至現代廣州廟宇──傳統宗教與現代城市社會之激盪」 Institute of Chinese Studies |
09/04/2015 - 09/04/2015 04:00PM - 06:00PM Professor Wang Youru : "Paradoxicality of Institution, De-Institutionalization and the Counter-Institutional —A Case Study in Classical Chinese Chan Buddhist Thought" Institute of Chinese Studies AND Department of Philosophy |
26/03/2015 12:00AM Jao Tsung-I Visiting Professor Public Lecture 2015 - "Characteristics of Chinese Literature and Arts" Institute of Chinese Studies AND Department of Chinese Language and Literature |
19/03/2015 - 19/03/2015 12:00PM - 01:30PM 「午間演講系列」朱乃肖教授:「對人民幣國際化發展趨勢的研究與探索」 Universities Service Centre for China Studies |
18/03/2015 - 18/03/2015 12:00AM - 01:30PM Luncheon Seminar Series- Mr. Shinji YAMAGUCHI:「China's Maritime Strategy under Xi Jinping」 Universities Service Centre for China Studies |
17/03/2015 - 17/03/2015 04:30PM - 06:00PM Jao Tsung-I Visiting Professor Public Lecture 2015 - "Memories of my relations with my Laoshi Jao Institute of Chinese Studies |
12/03/2015 - 12/03/2015 02:00PM - 05:00PM Jao Tsung-I Visiting Professor Public Lecture 2015 Professor Léon Vandermeersch "Characteristics of Chinese Scientific Thoughts" Institute of Chinese Studies AND Department of Chinese Language and Literature |
09/03/2015 - 09/03/2015 12:00PM - 01:30PM 「午間演講系列」董國強教授:「人民解放軍在“文化大革命”中的角色和作用」 Universities Service Centre for China Studies |
05/03/2015 12:00AM 中大論道:道教研究系列論壇(二六) 謝世維教授:「道與法: 宋元之後的道教、密教與地方宗教」 Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture |
05/03/2015 12:00AM Jao Tsung-I Visiting Professor Public Lecture 2015 Professor Léon Vandermeersch "Formation of Chinese Manticology from Scapulomancy to Yijing" Institute of Chinese Studies AND Department of Philosophy |
25/02/2015 - 25/02/2015 12:00PM - 01:30PM 「午間演講系列」杜英教授:「1950年代美國在港之文宣活動初探」 Universities Service Centre for China Studies |
11/02/2015 - 11/02/2015 12:00PM - 01:30PM 「午間演講系列」 潘娜博士:「文化非營利組織的主體身份重構」 Universities Service Centre for China Studies |
02/02/2015 - 02/02/2015 12:00PM - 01:30PM 「午間演講系列」吳木鑾教授:「中國公務員怎樣發工資?」 Universities Service Centre for China Studies |
27/01/2015 - 27/01/2015 04:30PM - 06:00PM Workshop on Daoist Studies 許蔚博士:「舊問題與新材料:元明清凈明道派系的再探討」 Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture |
26/01/2015 - 12:30PM - ICS Luncheon - Professor Tang Chung: " 保持香港考古的純潔性" Institute of Chinese Studies |
06/01/2015 - 07/01/2015 09:00AM - 05:30PM USC 50th Anniversary International Conference: Ideology, power and transition in China Universities Service Centre for China Studies |