CHAN Chris King-chi
Associate Professor
Chris Chan joined the department in December 2018. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Hong Kong. He worked as a labour organizer before completing his MA in Comparative Labour Studies and PhD in Sociology at the University of Warwick. Prior to joining CUHK, he had taught at City University of Hong Kong for 9 years. His research interests include labour, civil society, social movement and social development with a focus on Hong Kong and Mainland China. He also engages in research projects that compare China with Vietnam, India and Brazil. He works closely with trade unions, NGOs and activist groups to promote labour rights and social equality in Hong Kong, China and beyond.
Current Research & Teaching Interests
- China
- Labour
- Civil Society
- Social Development
2012 | 潘文翰, 陳署峰, 黃靜文, 陳敬慈, 蒙兆達. 《團結不折彎—-香港獨立工運尋索50年》. 香港: 進一步出版社. |
2010 | Chan, C.K.C. The Challenge of Labour in China: strikes and the changing labour regime in global factories. New York: Routledge. |
Journal Articles
Forthcoming | Chan, C.K.C. & Hui, E. S. I. “Pension Systems and Labour Resistance in Post-Socialist China and Vietnam: A Welfare Regime Analysis.” Journal of Contemporary Asia. | 2021 | Chan, C.K.C., Florence, E. and Qiu, J. L. “Precarity, Platforms, and Agency: The Multiplication of Chinese Labour.” China Perspectives. | 2021 | Wang, Xu, Chan, C.K.C. and Yang, L. “Economic Restructuring and Migrant Workers’ Coping Strategies in China’s Pearl River Delta”, Third World Quarterly. | 2020 | Cheung, C.K., Ma, S. K. M, and Chan, C.K.C. “Linking participation in occupying protest, civic engagement, and approval of government among college students in Hong Kong.” Social Science Journal. | 2020 | Chan, C.K.C. “The World’s Factory in Transition: Diversifying Industrial Relations and Intensifying Workers’ Struggles in China.” The China Review. 20(10): 1-17. | 2020 | Wang, X., Chan, C.K.C. and Yang, L. C. “Economic Upgrading, Social Upgrading, and Rural Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta.” The China Review. 20(1): 51-81. | 2020 | Luo, S.Q. and Chan, C.K.C. “Reclaiming” Territories: Two Case Studies of Trade Union Innovation Projects in South China.” The China Review. 20(1): 135-163. | 2019 | Wang, X., Ye, Y. & Chan, C.K.C. “Space in a Social Movement: A Case Study of Occupy Central in Hong Kong in 2014.” Space and Culture. 22 (4), 434-448. | 2019 | Chan, C.K.C., Chan, S.S.Y. & Tang, L. “Reflecting on Social Movement Unionism in Hong Kong: a case study of the 2013 dockworkers’ strike”. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 49 (1), 54-77. | 2018 | 陳敬慈 (2018) 經濟危機與階級政治:馬克思主義的啟示. ” 《二十一世紀》 第167期49-66 | 2018 | Xu, Y. & Chan, C.K.C. (2018). Conductive activism: Anti-sweatshop campaigns across Hong Kong and mainland China. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 48(1): 88-112. | 2017 | Chan, C.K.C. & Hui, E. S. I. Bringing class struggles back: A Marxian analysis of the state and class relations in China. Globalizations. 14/2. 232 – 244. [reprinted in Bieler, A. and Lee, C.Y. (ed.) (2018) Chinese Labour in the Global Economy. New York: Routledge.] | 2016 | Hui, E. S. I. & Chan, C.K.C. The Influence of Overseas Business Associations on Law-making in China —A Case Study. The China Quarterly 225 (Mar 2016). 145 – 168. | 2016 | Lu, J. and Chan, C.K.C. ‘Collective Identity, Framing, and Mobilization of Environmental Protest in Urban China: A Case Study of Qidong’s Protest’. China: an international journal. 14(2). 102 – 122. | 2015 | Hui, E. S.I. and Chan, C.K.C. ‘Beyond the Union-Centred Approach: A Critical Evaluation of Recent Trade Union Elections in China’. British Journal of Industrial Relations 53(3): 601-627. | 2014 | Chan, C.K.C. & Nadvi, K. ‘Changing labour regulations and labour standards in China: Retrospect and challenges’. International Labour Review. 153(4). :513-534. | 2014 | Hui, E.S.I. & Chan, C.K.C. ‘The politics of labour legislation in southern China: How foreign chambers of commerce and government agencies influence collective bargaining laws’. International Labour Review. 153(4):587-607. | 2014 | Chan, C.K.C. ‘Constrained Labour Agency and the Changing Regulatory Regime in China,’ Development and Change. 45(4); 685 – 709. | 2014 | Chan, C. K. C. and Hui, E.S.I. (2014) The Development of Collective Bargaining in China: From “Collective Bargaining by Riot” to “Party State-led Wage Bargaining”. The China Quarterly, 217:221 – 242. | 2013 | Chan, C.K.C. ‘Contesting Class Organization: Migrant Workers’ Strikes in China’s Pearl River Delta, 1978–2010.’ International Labor and Working-Class History, 83. (Spring): 112-136 | 2013 | Chan, C. K. C. ‘Community-based organizations for migrant workers’ rights: the emergence of labour NGOs in China.’ Community Development Journal, 48(1):6-22. | 2013 | Chan, C. K. C. and Y. J. Zhai ‘Active labour market policies in China –towards improved labour protection?’ Journal of Asian Public Policy, 6(1): 10-25 | 2013 | Chan, R. K.H. and Chan, C.K.C. ‘The shifting boundary between work and welfare – a review of active labour market policies in Hong Kong.’ Journal of Asian Public Policy, 6(1): 26-41. | 2013 | Chan, C.K.C. and Ho, W.C. “Introduction to Special Series: The Challenges of Social Development in China.” Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 12(1): 1–5. | 2013 | Chan, C. K. C. “Promoting freedom of association in China? Putting CSR into a national context.” Journal of Comparative Asian Development. 12(1): 6-34. | 2012 | Chan, C. K. C. ‘Class or citizenship? Debating workplace conflict in China’. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 42 (2): 308-327. | 2012 | Chan, C. K. C. and Hui, E.S.I. ‘The Dynamics and Dilemma of Workplace Trade Union Reform in China: the case of Honda workers’ strike.’ Journal of Industrial relations, 54(4): 653-668. [reprinted in Richet, X. et al. (ed.) (2014) Strategies of Multinational Corporations and Social Regulations: European and Asian Perspectives. Berlin. Springer.] | 2012 | Hui, E.S.I. and Chan, C. K. C. ‘The “Harmonious Society” as a Hegemonic Project: Labour Conflicts and Changing Labour Policies in China.’ Labour, Capital and Society, 44(2):154-183. | 2012 | Chan, C.K.C. and Lam, M. C. ‘The Reality and Challenges of Green Jobs in China: An exploring research.’ International Journal of Labour Research, 4(2): 189-208. | 2012 | 陳敬慈 ‘勞工、資本與國家:馬克思主義視角下的中國勞資衝突,’ 載《臺灣社會學刊》第50 期,頁165-204。 | 2010 | Chan, C. K.C. ‘Class struggle in China: case Studies of migrant worker strikes in the Pearl River Delta.’ South African Review of Sociology. 41(3):61-80. | 2010 | Chan, C. K.C., Ngai, P. and Chan, J. ‘The Role of the State, Labour Policy and Workers’ Struggles in Globalized China’, Global Labour Journal 1(1): 132-151. [reprinted in Bowles, P. and Harriss, J. (ed.) Globalization and Labour in China and India: Impacts and Responses. London. Palgrave Macmillan.] | 2009 | Chan, C. K. C. and Pun, N. ‘The making of a new working class? a study of collective actions of migrant workers in South China.’ The China Quarterly, 197:287-303. [Reprinted in Liu, J.Y. (ed.) (2014). Social Transformation in China: Critical Concepts in Asian Studies. New York. Routledge.] | 2009 | Chan, C. K. C. ‘Strike and workplace relations in a Chinese global factory.’ Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (1): 60-77. | 2008 | Pun, N. and Chan, C. K. C. ‘The Subsumption of Class Discourse in China.’ Boundary 2. 35 (2): 75-91. | 2008 | 潘毅、陈敬慈 (2008) ‘阶级话语的消逝’ 载【开放时代】5期,页53-60。 | 2008 | Chan, C.K.C. “Neue Muster von ArbeiterInnenprotest in Sudchina?” Peripherie. 111: 301 – 327 [in German]. |
Special Issues
2021 | Chan, C.K.C., Florence, E. and Qiu, J. L. “Special Issue: Agency Beyond Precarity: Platforms and the multiplication of labor regimes in China.” China Perspectives. March, 2021 |
2020 | Chan, C.K.C. (ed.) “Special Issue: The World’s Factory in Transition: Diversifying Industrial Relations and Intensifying Workers’ Struggles in China.” The China Review. 20(1) |
2014 | Chan, C.K.C. and Nadvi, K. (ed.) ‘Special Issue: Labour Regulations Labour Standards in China’. International Labour Review. 153(5) |
2013 | Chan, C.K.C. and Ho, W.C. (ed.) ‘Special Series: The Challenge of Social Development in China.’ Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 12(1). |
2011 | 蕭裕鈞、陳敬慈(合編) “重建階級分析專題” 載《香港社會科學學報》第41期秋/冬季 。 |
Book Chapters
2019 | Chan, C. K. C. “Where Have All the Workers Gone? Reflections on the Role of Trade Unions during the Umbrella Movement.” In C.K. Lee and M. Sing (ed) Take Back Our Future: An Eventful Sociology of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press: 123-143. |
2019 | Chan, C.K.C. and Hui, E.S.I. “Trade Union Elections in China: Past, Present and Prospects”. In R. Traub-Merz and T. Pringle (ed.) Trade Unions in Transition from Common to Market Economy. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung: 65-88. |
2018 | Chan, C. K. C and He, Y. B. “The Transformation of Employment Relations in Contemporary China.” In A. Wilkinson et al. (ed) The Routledge Companion to Employment Relations. New York: Routledge: 402-417. |
2018 | Chan, C.K.C. “Changes and Continuity: Four Decades of Industrial Relations in China”. In I. Franceschini and N. Loubere (ed.) Made in China Yearbook 2018. Canberra: Australian National University Press: 28-31. |
2017 | 陳敬慈 “「雙層危機」之下的香港工運,” 載鄭煒、袁瑋熙(編)《抗爭年代:從遊行到佔領》香港:香港中文大學出版社 :75-98 |
2016 | 陳敬慈、楊穎仁 “雨傘運動之後:尋找新抗爭模式?” 載成名編《民主與香港管治》。 香港: 進一步出版社, 第119至 133頁 |
2016 | Chan, C. K. C. and Hui, E.S.I. ‘Direct Elections of Workplace Trade Unions in China: Implications for the changing labour regime,’ in C. Smith and M.W. Liu (ed.) China at Work. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 255-280. |
2015 | Wang, T. and Chan, C.K.C. ‘Changing Labor Relations in China: case studies in Beijing and Shenzhen,’ in P.N. Wong and J. Cheng (ed.) Global China: internal and external reaches. Singapore: World Scientific: 75-100. |
2015 | Chan, C.K.C. and Chiu, Y.B. ‘Labour NGOs under State Corporatism: A Comparative Study on Taiwan in the 1980s and Contemporary China’. In Anita Chan (ed.) Chinese Labor in Comparative Perspective. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press: 239-278. |
2012 | Chan, C. K. C. ‘Labour Policies under Hu-Wen’s Regime: Transformation and Challenges.’ China – a new stage of development for an emerging superpower, Joseph Y S Cheng (ed.), Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press: 357-382. |
2012 | Hui, E.S.I. and Chan, C. K. C. ‘The Prospect of Trade Union Reform in China: The Cases of Wal-Mart and Honda.’ Industrial Democracy in China – With additional studies on Germany, South-Korea and Vietnam, Rudolf Traub-Merz; Kinglun Ngok (ed.), Beijing: China Social Sciences Press:103-120. |
2012 | 许少英、陈敬慈 ‘中国工会改革的前景:以沃尔玛和本田为例’ 载鲁道夫特勞普-梅茨; 岳经纶编《中国产业民主兼论德国,韩国与越南》北京:中国社会科学出版社。88-102页。 |
2011 | 许少英、陈敬慈 “工会改革的动力与矛盾: 以本田罢工为例” 载赵明华等编《中国劳动者维权问题研究》北京:社会科学文献出版社。208-233页。 |
- SOCI 2106/UGEC 2338
Economic Reform & Social Impacts in China - SOCI 3231
Qualitative Research - SOCI 5631
Contemporary Chinese Society
Administrative Duties
- Taught Postgraduate Programme
Department of Sociology
- Executive Committee
Department of Sociology
- Graduate Studies Committee
Department of Sociology
- Admissions Committee
Department of Sociology
- Center of Social Innovation Studies
Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
Community and Professional Service
- Editorial Board Member, Labor History
- Book Series Editor, Series in Asian Labor and Welfare Policies, Palgrave macmillan.
- Exco Member, RC47 Social Classes and Social Movements, International Sociological Association
- Board Member, Asia Monitor Resource Center
- Interview Panel Member, Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellent Scheme.
- External Academic Adviser, General Education, UOW College Hong Kong