News Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

The Department of Government and Public Administration will organize online live sessions during the CUHK Programme Taster Fair 2021 to help JUPAS applicants and F.4 & F.5 students have a better understanding of our undergraduate programme. Details are as follows:


CUHK Programme Taster Fair:


GPA Online Live Sessions (10 April 2021)

Session 1:
Topic: Introduction of GPA Programme
Time: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Speaker: Dr. James Downes


Session 2:
Topic: 中文大學的教育理念 (Educational Philosophy of CUHK)
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Speaker: 周保松教授 (Prof. Chow Po Chung)


Registration by 7 April 2021:


GPA Taster Fair 2021 

Please click here to have more details and download the applicaiton form.


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GPA Research Seminar 10 March 2021

GPA Biannual Newsletter 20201229 Page 01